Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I walked hand in hand with Yoongi towards his office. Everyone was staring, mainly at me, and it was making me uncomfortable.

Yoongi stopped in front of his office door. "Everyone, this is my Jungkookie. No, he didn't cheat on me, and yes, we are still a happy couple. So fuck off and get to work or I'll send you and your things back home." He said as he opened his office door and led us in.

I ran over to his desk chair before he could make his way to it, sitting in it with an evil grin. Yoongi stood in front of me and rolled his eyes. "Give me my chair." He grabbed my arm.

When I pulled my arm away from him, he stumbled and dropped his phone in the process. He glared at me before leaning down to pick it up off of the floor. I had a nice view of his body from this angle, and he usually wears big sweaters or jackets that cover his body, but he was leaning over so perfectly now.

I smirked as I looked at his perfectly round bottom. Being the brat I am, I lifted my foot up and kicked his butt, making him fall over.

Yoongi fell almost under his desk, making me laugh. He furrowed his eyebrows and hit me with his fist, but it didn't hurt much. I stared down at him and smiled as he started getting back up. The door to his office opened, revealing Jimin. Yoongi grabbed both mine and Jimin's attention once he hit his head on his desk, trying to stand up.

"Ow!" Yoongi frowned and rubbed his head.

He finally stood up from the floor and looked over his desk to see Jimin standing there with wide eyes. "Is this a bad time?" Jimin asked.

It was only then that Yoongi realized what position he was in, and I laughed loudly as he stuttered to explain what he was really doing.

"Sure, boss." Jimin smirked. "I always knew you two had a thing for each other. Don't worry, I've already talked to Kookie about it."

I stopped laughing and glared up at him.

Did he really just say that?

"Oh," Yoongi smirked as he looked back at me. "You talk about me when you're with Jimin? That's nice to hear, baby. Give me a kiss, let's show Park how much you love me." He puckered his lips and closed his eyes.

  I smooshed my hand into Yoongi's face.

  "No thanks." I smiled. Yoongi struggled to move my hand from his face, so he ended up backing up instead. He backed up into his desk and made papers fall onto the floor.

  "Aw, fuck." He frowned at the floor. "Park—"

  "I got it, boss." Jimin rolled his eyes as he got on his hands and knees, picking up the mess.

  Yoongi stepped over Jimin and shook his head. "Jeon, you should help him. It's your fault." He said. I shook my head at him.

  "This was not my fault." I stated. "You did it. Maybe your lazy ass shouldn't treat Jimin like a servant. Help him for once." I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow at him.

  Yoongi and Jimin glanced at me. Jimin shook his head and chuckled as he went back to picking up the papers. To our surprise, Yoongi actually listened and got on the floor with him.

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