Chapter Nine

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Something about the way Jungkook sat across the dinner table was making me angry. Just the thought of him being near me pisses me off.

"Are you going to eat your damn food or do I have to stuff it down your big mouth?" I sipped my water and glared at him.

He picked up a piece of bread and angrily bit into it, making crumbs go everywhere.

"You're a fucking mess," I scolded him.

"And you're not?" He mumbled, the toasted bread crumbs falling onto the table as he spoke. I rolled my eyes and bit my lip.

I decided to just ignore him for the rest of dinner even though he kept deliberately dropping crumbs and making loud noises.

When I was finally done with my plate, I stood up from the dining room table and sighed.

  "Whenever you're done, someone will clean your plate." I said as I walked out of there.

  I sighed to myself once I reached my bedroom and I laid myself onto the bed comfortably. When I went to reach for my phone, I realized that I had left it in the dining room.

  I groaned and stood up from my bed.

  Once I reached the dining table, Jungkook was gone. I grabbed my phone and furrowed my eyebrows once I heard laughter coming from the kitchen. I walked in there and tilted my head at the sight.

  Jungkook was washing his own dish as Seokjin stood beside him, making him laugh.

  Once everyone in the room realized that I was standing there, they all went back to cleaning and washing things. Jin moved Jungkook out of the way, trying to take his plate, but Jungkook snatched it back from him.

  "No, I'm washing my plate." He stated.

  His face was showing signs of anger, which was completely different from his smile that showed off his bunny teeth a moment ago.

  All because I'm in the room.

  "Jeon," I walked up to him and Jin. "Why are you washing your dish? I have workers that'll do it for you." I told him. He dried off his dish and gave it to Seokjin with a smile.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that Jin ate from my plate." He looked up and scoffed. "I'm washing my dish because I ate from it."

  I bit the inside of my cheek and stood still.

  A small "Okay" left my mouth before I headed back up to my room. I wanted to text a friend and tell them about everything that was happening with Jeon, but I have no friends.

  The closest person to a friend that I have is Jimin, and I'm constantly telling him how much of a shitty worker he is.

  I frowned and played with my blanket.

  At least Park Jimin isn't a shitty person,

  But I am.


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