Chapter Five

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I walked past desks and people, looking forward and not paying them any attention.

None of my workers even greeted me or said anything as I walked past them. Jeon greeted them while walking behind me with an obvious nervous look on his face.

People were staring at him as he followed me, wondering if they had ever seen him before or not. I took this as an opportunity and suddenly twisted on my heel, my expensive shoe squeaking as I turned. Jeon ran into me and then furrowed his eyebrows.

"What the-"

I stepped towards him and grabbed his head, pulling him in to place a small kiss on his lips, but he turned away, making me kiss his cheek instead. He bit his lip as he turned back to me.

I just shrugged and let him go.

I merely wanted everyone to see. Not a big deal anyways. I started heading towards my office again, and so Jeon followed me again.

  People were looking with confusion as he quietly said "hi" or "hello" every few seconds.

When I closed the door to my office, Jeon looked at me angrily. "What was that?"

My eyes squinted as I sat at my desk. "I don't know, Jeon." I shrugged. "You tell me."

I was kind of mad that he was such a bad actor, but he was suddenly mad at me.

What did I even do wrong?

"You tried to kiss me." He crossed his arms and stood next to my desk. Park came walking over to me, ready to tell me my schedule for the day, but he stumbled as usual.

"No shit," I scoffed. "A deal is a deal."

Jeon shook his head. "I never agreed to kiss you. I want my first kiss to be special." He said. I couldn't help but laugh at him as he pouted.

"First kiss?" I repeated.

Park bit his lip and looked up at Jeon. "You think I could be special enough?' He asked.

I threw my pen at Jimin, causing him to almost drop his papers as he reached for it.

"Boss, I know this sounds a bit weird for you, but shouldn't you be nice to your boyfriend?" Park smiled up at the mentioned boy.

Jeon smiled back at him.

"Yeah, boss." Jungkook smiled too sweetly.

I rolled my eyes and huffed. "He won't even let me kiss him, how are we supposed to do this?" I asked Jimin as if he knew.

He shrugged as Jeon stepped forward.

"Kiss my cheek, kiss my forehead, hold my hand, smack my ass, hug me- anything but a kiss on the lips." Jungkook said sternly.

I looked at him like he was dumb, but noticed the people staring from my glass walls. "Come here," I grabbed Jeon and pulled him into me.

I twisted him around and pulled him into my lap with a smirk as I rubbed my hand against his waist. He twitched as I barely lifted his shirt and placed my cold fingers on his smooth skin. "What are you doing?" He turned to me.

"People can see us arguing." I stated.

Jungkook and Jimin both suspiciously turned to look outside of my office. I hit my head against Jungkook's back and sighed.

"Great way to make it noticeable, idiots."

They both frowned and looked at me

"Love you too, Babe." Jeon sarcastically said as he smiled the fakest smile possible at me.

I lightly pushed him away and rolled my eyes.

"Park," I snapped at Jimin. "Take him to a fucking waiting room or something. I have work to do." I said as I logged into my email.

Jimin opened the door to my office, revealing the conversations my workers were having.

"I didn't know he was gay."

"I heard they're actually trying to get same sex marriage legal. isn't that cute?"

  "Wow, really? That's cool."

  I smirked and leaned back in my seat.

  That's exactly what I want. Spread it. Spread it for the whole world to hear.

  I stood up from my seat and grabbed Jungkook's arm before he left my office.

  He turned to me and looked confused.

  "Have a great day, my love." I caressed his cheek and then ran my hand through his hair.

  Jeon and Park both stared at me until Jungkook finally moved forward. "See you at home." He said loud enough for all the ears around us to hear, then kissed my cheek. His soft lips lingered as he pulled away.

  He gently squished my cheek like I was a five year old before he headed out with Jimin.

  I rolled my eyes once I got back in my office.

  He's making me look soft in front of people.

  Well.. I guess he is just doing his part. I guess that ... we do need to set some rules, don't we?


The way I change from:

Jungkook - Jeon

Jimin - Park

  Oof whOOPs

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