Chapter Thirty-Eight

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(Flashback to that morning)
AKA the morning after JK and Y..

You know.

I turned around and looked up at Jay as he called for me. "I'm late for a meeting." I stated as I turned back to keep on walking.

"I know about your little secret." Jay said loud enough to where I could hear him. I froze in my step. What? I slowly turned to look at him.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

He smirked as I stepped closer to him. "I happened to see something in a certain somewhere in your house. To be specific, I was looking for Jungkook's medicine and I saw a little white piece of paper that caught my eye."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Jay—"

"Uh-uh." He placed his finger on my lips. I smacked his hand away. "What do you want from me, Jay?" I scoffed at him. "Money? Is that want you want? You're not getting—"

"Min Yoongi," Jay smiled as he cut me off again. "All I want is for you to stay away from Jeon." He leaned against a wall of a building.

I clenched my fists as he called him Jeon.

"Sorry, no can do." I shrugged. "Jeon is my husband and I love him too much, so no."

Jay laughed at my face, making me angrier than I already was. "You fucking forced Jungkook to marry you. He doesn't love you, Yoongi. You just have him confused. As soon as this little plan of yours is over, he's going to leave you just like your father did."

I clenched my fists as he mentioned my dad. "Shut the fuck up, he didn't leave me, asshole." I looked at the ground and closed my eyes.

He didn't leave me.

"A little someone told me otherwise." Jay said a little too sweetly for my liking. I looked up at him and realized that he was holding up a picture of him and someone else. "My girlfriend happens to know you." He smiled.

I bit my lip as I looked at Cheye and Jay.

Are you kidding me..

"Weren't you flirting with Jeon?" I said through gritted teeth. "At the party?"

Jay laughed at me again. "Yeah, to get a reaction out of you. I'm straight, Yoongi. And so is Jungkook. I just have to lead him away from you and he'll realize how stupid he is."

I grabbed Jay's collar and pulled him forward. "Jungkook isn't fucking stupid and you don't know what he prefers, you asshole." I said.

Jay looked a bit shocked, but I realized that he was faking it. "Is this the way to treat someone who has your contact in his hands?" He held up a rolled up wad of paper. My eyes widened.

I let go of him and looked down in defeat.

"Whatever, Jay." I rubbed my hand against my face, ready to face whatever it was that he wanted. "I'll stay away from him.. Give me—"

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