Chapter Thirty-Six

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3rd Person

Yoongi reached over for his bedside table as Jungkook stayed still in between his legs, shocked at the fact that Yoongi gave him consent. He was scared as to what Yoongi may think of him, considering that he's never had sex before. He's especially never had sex with a guy. He was still happy that Yoongi agreed, whether he knew what he was doing or not.

The sound of a drawer closing make Jungkook's overthinking stop, and he looked at Yoongi as he brought his hand back, handing Jungkook the little tube he was holding.

"Lubricant." Yoongi whispered. "Make sure to use a lot of it, and.. Jeon?" He looked up into Jungkook's eyes with a slightly scared look.

"Yes, Yoongi?" Jungkook said quietly.

Yoongi smiled up at the younger boy on top of him, trying to calm the small tension. He knew that Jungkook had never done anything sexual. Hell, Jungkook barely got his first kiss this year. "Be gentle." Yoongi told him softly.

Jungkook smiled at that. He was excited that Yoongi was going to let him be the top.

(A/N: I'm sorry for the people who wanted Yoongi top 🥺 FORGIVE ME..)

Probably because I've never experienced it. Jungkook thought. I bet he's going to kick my ass if I try to be the dom again.

He pushed his thoughts away and finally held onto the lube as if it were a diamond. "I'll be gentle with you." Jungkook's mouth curved up as he leaned down and placed a peck on Yoongi's lips with his soft ones. He tried to pull away, but Yoongi tangled his fingers with Jungkook's hair to pull him back in for more.

Soft pecks turned into longer kisses, and eventually led to Jungkook licking Yoongi's bottom lip, asking for entrance. A soft moan came from Yoongi as Jungkook pushed their hips together, and Jungkook was already having the time of his life by just that.

He felt like he needed nothing more than just a kiss from Yoongi and he'd be on cloud nine.

When their tongues finally met, they could both tell that it was much different from before, when they kissed in Yoongi's office. This time, it was much more soft. Butterflies filled their stomachs and even Yoongi couldn't help but smile into the kiss as Jungkook caressed Yoongi's arms and thighs.

Jungkook pulled away from the kiss, making Yoongi pout, but he was taken by surprise once Jungkook planted his lips on his neck instead.

Yoongi never let anyone know where his sensitive spot was, and if they did find out, he'd hold in any sinful noises until they'd move away. But when Jungkook placed his lips straight on his sensitive spot, he didn't care.

He let out soft moans and an occasional "fuck" as Jungkook licked and sucked on his skin. Jungkook knew that something had to be up with this certain spot on Yoongi's neck. Earlier, when he poked Yoongi, he reacted weirdly when Jungkook touched that spot.

So, Jungkook just went in for it.

The sounds of Jungkook's kisses and Yoongi's little moans and hard breathing were the only sounds that filled the room. Jungkook's hand traveled down to the hem of Yoongi's shirt, and he put his cold fingers on Yoongi's stomach.

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