Chapter Thirty-One

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Two men stood before me, wide and worried eyes as I suddenly fell back. Everything became slow motion as I fell, and I saw what it was that I had fell over. Someone's foot.

The man on the right. His foot.

I looked over to the shorter man as he gasped and held his hand out for me to grab. When I realized I couldn't reach it, I just let the fall take over me. I looked to the right and saw headlights coming straight at me.

Slow motion.

The car slowly came towards me, and all I did was close my eyes. The sound of wheels screeching scared me to death, causing me to scream louder than the other man had.

"J-Jungkook.." I heard.

I kept screaming, scared to move as I felt the car run into me, barely enough to knock me out and barely enough to clear my head.

"Jungkook!" I felt something grab onto me, holding on for dear life. The warmness felt nice, and the sound of the faint voice was so soft that it nearly put me to sleep.

I opened my eyes, realizing that I actually was asleep. And I was screaming and sweating. Visions of people and sites came to my mind.

I saw the Yoongi guy with blond hair instead of his black hair that he currently had. He was laughing at a movie, and then he was suddenly at a water fountain, putting his feet in the water. Then he was suddenly waddling down what seemed like a boat- maybe a cruise.

Confusion took over me as I had many visions of Yoongi and only Yoongi. I furrowed my eyebrows as I focused in on the real world, the visions finally going away. "Jungkook?.." Yoongi questioned. He was on top of me with a worried look as he hugged me tightly.

I realized that my screaming stopped, which is probably what he realized as well. "I'm sorry.." I bit my lip as he looked into my eyes. "I- I had a bad dream. Or.. a memory? I don't know.."

Yoongi smiled and nuzzled into my neck.

"You're just getting your memory back." He sounded muffled into my skin. "Don't worry. Everything's alright." Yoongi squeezed me.

I laughed and held onto him. "You're gonna be the death of me if you don't let go." I said.

Yoongi shook his head, causing his hair to tickle my cheek. "You were the death of me months ago, Jeon." He laughed as well.

A smile crept upon my face.

Why are you so cute, Min Yoongi?

Yoongi lifted off of me, placing his hands next to my arms to support himself up. "What?" He tilted his head, his cheeks tinted red.

I pursed my lips into a thin line.

Did I say that out loud..?

"I said what I said." I laughed. Yoongi rolled his eyes. I stared at him. "Wasn't your hair blond at some point?" I asked him. A smile came onto his face and he looked relieved.

"Yes." He said. "I dyed it because I like it better dark." He ruffled his own hair.

Another vision came to my mind, this time with Yoongi's black hair. We were in his house and he came up to me. My vision didn't finish before another one came, showing me a blond Yoongi creeping his way up onto me as I lied in the bed like a complete idiot, not moving.

I felt the embarrassment come back at me like it had just happened. It didn't. It was a while back. I remember the two beds and the cruise. I also remember Yoongi taking a sip of wine as he stood at the railing of the ship.

"Jungkook?" Yoongi snapped me out of it.

I looked at him and bit my lip. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked him.

He looked at me like I was odd and tilted his head. "I swear you're acting like you're high.. Go ahead. Ask all the questions you'd like."

I looked down and forced him to nuzzle my neck again so that I wouldn't be looking at him. He let me despite the grumble he gave me.

  Here goes nothing.

"A-Am I still a virgin?" I stuttered a bit.

I felt Yoongi stiffen under my arms. "Uh- Yes, Jeon. You're.. You're still a virgin." He said uncomfortably. I mentally hit myself.

"I- I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I- I was just curious because I had a flashback, a-and you were—"

"Oh, God. That's how you remember me? After all of the cute things, that's what you remember? Jesus, I'm a terrible person." He clenched onto my shirt and hid into my neck.

I smiled slightly. "I remember the cute things, Yoongi." I laughed. "I remember going to the movies. Going to the park fountain, going on our cruise and you attempting to run towards the bar before they closed it down.." I said.

Yoongi laughed, making me laugh as well. We both shook the bed with laughter.

"That's all you remember?" He asked me.

I nodded.

"You don't remember coming to BigHit? Meeting Jimin? Meeting Taehyung or Jin or even Hoseok? You don't remember me taking you to the restaurant on our first date? Or maybe singing in my studio?" He trailed off. "You don't remember signing the contract?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at the last part.


Sounds familiar.


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