Chapter Forty

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I gripped onto my drink tightly as Yoongi entered the dining room. The picture of Jimin holding onto him came to my mind, and the sound of Jimin making excuses kept replaying in my head. He kept telling me: "It's not like that, Jungkookie. I would never hurt you." Or something like "I can't explain.. I'm sorry."


  Both Park Jimin and Min Yoongi are both just absolutely pathetic. Yoongi is the absolute worst. First, he makes me deliberately and stupidly fall for him, then he acts as if I'm just a one night stand, then he's all over my friend- One of my only friends. Park Jimin.


  Not only are they pathetic, but so am I. I'm sitting here thinking about how wrong they've done me, but yet- for some reason- I still absolutely love both of them. All problems aside, Jimin is one of my bestest friends. I've seen the genuine smile on Min Yoongi, I know how he is. Or maybe it was all fake..


  I know the real Park Jimin and Min Yoongi, And this isn't them. No matter how much I want to strangle both of them, I still feel like something is off. My gut feeling.. is it right?

  The sound of glass shattering broke me from my thoughts. I looked at the ground, noticing the glass all over the floor. Yoongi frowned as he looked at it, then his eyes followed Seokjin as he ran from the kitchen to pick up the pieces. "Mr. Min? Jungkook? At the same table? What's going on?" He bent over to start cleaning the glass off of the floor.

What is going on? Why is he in here?

  "Sorry for knocking over the glass.." Yoongi said quietly, then he glanced at me before he quickly looked at the table instead.

  Does he feel guilty? Is he scared?

  Jin waved his hand at Yoongi. "It's fine. We break glasses all the time." He told him. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows as he looked back at Jin. "Wait wh-"  "Anyways," Jin cut him off, making a slight smile come onto my face. "I'll bring your breakfasts out." He smiled.

  He walked back into the kitchen, leaving both me and Yoongi alone at the dining table.

  The tension was thick, and I didn't know whether a conversation with him would be good or if it would be bad. That thought was pushed to the back of my mind as Yoongi coughed awkwardly. "So," He started off.

  My eyes stared deeply into his, making him shift uncomfortably in his own seat.

  "Uh-" He gulped as he looked down at the plate Seokjin sat in front of him. I smiled at Jin as he gave me my plate too, and then he left the room, leaving me and Yoongi alone again. "Have you.. seen anything on—"

  "Yes, I have." I smiled weakly as I cut Yoongi off. "I've seen many things here lately, actually." I said sarcastically. "First, I see a stupid contract in my face. Then I see a marriage turn into a friendship, which could've turned into a relationship. But guess what?" I laughed. "That relationship didn't happen because someone decided that I was a hit and run, and then- come to find out, I wasn't the only person on the 'hit and run' list."

  I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes, not even wanting to look at Yoongi. "I've seen a lot of things, Yoongi." I forced a smile. I really wanted to keep my emotions bottled, but I had been doing it for almost two weeks and it was getting really tiring not saying anything to him.

  "Jeon, I—"

  "Don't call me that." I opened my eyes and looked into his wide ones. I realized that I was gripping onto my fork, so I slammed it on the table and stood up. "I'm done eating." I said, leaving Yoongi and the uneaten food at the table. He looked like he wanted to fight back, but I could tell that he wasn't going to.

  He hadn't fought back before, so why would he decide that now was a good time to?


The end is near, my children.


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