Chapter Thirty-Nine

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My body felt heavy as I walked out of the elevator, walking towards my office. I thanked Jimin once I realized that he had been keeping everything in order since I was gone.

I wish I could've stayed home longer, but I decided that work was important and I didn't need to let my own actions affect that part of me that needed to work to stay alive.

Jimin didn't talk to me much, and I don't blame him. He's Jungkook's friend and I'm pretty sure that he knows about what happened in Jeon's eyes. Even if he didn't really know my side of the story, he still witnessed me being a dick to Jeon.

I frowned as I looked at the floor, remembering the sandwich falling apart and the drink spilling all over the place. That was the first time I saw Jeon after the night we had sex, and all I did was cause a disaster.

A tear rolled down my cheek, then another, then I just kept on crying and crying. Jimin immediately closed the blinds to my office, not wanting people to see what was happening.

When he finally cover all the windows, he ran up in front of me and placed his hands on my shoulders. "Don't cry, Boss." He sounded worried. "Why are you crying?" He asked me.

I looked up into his curious eyes as he sat on top of my desk, looking down at me. The more I held it in, the worse it got, so I just ended up spilling to Jimin. I told him everything.

He scoffed as I told him about my encounter with Jay, then he frowned when I told him what had happened with me and Jungkook.

"But why are you being so mean to Jungkookie?" Jimin asked. I wiped my tears away as more stung my eyes. "Because I couldn't just leave him, Park. I had to make him leave me so that I wasn't the one to say goodbye. It hurts, Park.." I cried more.

  I'm such a coward. He deserves better.

Jimin wrapped his arms around my shoulder and head, petting my head to calm me down.

"It's okay.." Jimin told me. "I know how Jungkook is. He loves you, Yoongi. Maybe he'll understand if you just tell him.." He said.

I shook my head.

He told me he hated me.

The sound of a camera clicked through my ears, causing me and Jimin to look in the direction of the door. Jay stood there with his phone held up to our faces. "I came here to ask if you were doing what I asked." He chuckled. "Turns out you're doing better than I thought. I can't wait to show this to Kook." He smiled.

I furrowed my eyebrows.


  You asshole, I swear to God..

Jimin looked down at me with fear in his eyes. It was only then that I realized that he was hugging me and I was just letting him.

"Jay," I said sternly. "Jimin and Jungkook are friends, don't you dare do that. We weren't even doing anything." I said, wiping my tears.

Jay smiled at his phone. "What're you gonna do? Cry about it? Besides, I thought I told you not to tell anybody. Now I have to worry about shorty telling Jungkook." He rolled his eyes.

Jimin glared at Jay. "You—"

"If you tell anybody, you and your boss will most likely be jobless." Jay cut Jimin off as he was about to speak. "Go on. Try me." He smiled at Jimin, who stayed silent in return. "Very well. I have what I wanted and more."

Jay walked out of my office happily.

  Who the fuck let him in? Taehyung?

I clenched my fists and hit the desk, almost hitting Jimin. Jimin flinched as he looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, Boss." He said quietly. I buried my face into my hands and sighed.

"Park, if I'm being honest here, I'm thinking about killing that guy." I laughed to myself. Nothing is funny about the situation, but I might as well try to laugh everything off.

Jimin smiled weakly as he patted my shoulder. "I felt you on that one." He said. "He'll pay for this someday. Don't worry.."


Didn't have a lot of time to write sooo

I'm sorry

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