Chapter Twenty-One

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  I stepped into the passenger seat as Yoongi closed his door. It was a little odd being in this seat considering Yoongi never drives us and I'm too scared to wreck his expensive cars. He usually has someone driving for him.

  My hand slowly slid up to the seatbelt to pull it across my body. I had never let Yoongi drive me anywhere, and if I was going on such a long drive with him, I was sure to be safe first.

  "I'm not going to kill us, Jeon." Yoongi twisted the key to turn on the car. "I've been driving for years now. Lighten up." He said as he looked behind him to back the vehicle up safely.

  I rolled my eyes as I sunk in my seat. "I know, grandpa. It's just weird having you drive us somewhere." I truthfully said. He shook his head as he turned the car into drive mode.

  "Guess there's a first for everything."


  I felt my shoulder shake as my eyes opened, my lids heavily lifting up to show water droplets falling onto the window in front of me. "Jeon, come on. I'm already late." I heard Yoongi say. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked to the side, seeing Yoongi there.

  "It's your meeting." I whined. "Why do I have to go in?" I frowned up at him. He shook his head and tried to hide a smile.

  "Whatever, you can stay here." He shrugged. "But I'm not promising that you'll be safe in this part of town." He locked his door and closed it. My eyes widened as he walked away.

  "Wait!" I swung my door open.

  Yoongi looked back at me and smiled before turning and walking into the tall building.

  When the meeting was over, an hour later, we finally got back into the car. It was pretty dark outside and it was raining way more than it was before when we had just got here.

  "Where is the hotel at?" I frowned as I got in the car and shivered from the cold rain.

  "Right down the road." Yoongi shut his door and sighed at his now wet hair. He picked up a strand of it and rolled his eyes. "Great." He said before he pushed back all of his hair.

  I stared in awe as his wet blonde hair slowly fell to the side, now showing off his forehead.

  "Uhm-" I leaned back into the passenger seat and looked out of the window. "Your hair is fine. It's not like we're going anywhere else."

  Yoongi turned on the car and flipped on the windshield wipers. "Just because we're not going anywhere doesn't mean I want to look like a complete mess." He chuckled.

  He reached forward and turned on the car radio and the sound of soft rock filled the car. Yoongi barely turned the radio on, but it was still loud enough to fill the silence.

"You don't look like a mess." I mumbled.

Yoongi turned to me and tilted his head. "What did you say?" He leaned forward.

I turned my head so I was no longer facing the window. "Nothing." I smiled at Yoongi. He shrugged and finally started driving to the hotel that he had told me was "right down the road," but it took him ten minutes to find it.

By the time we got inside of our hotel room, the rain was pouring harder and I could barely even make it inside without soaking.

The room was small, but it wasn't ugly or anything. It only had one bed which had a pastel blue blanket on it, and there was a mini fridge and tv on the other side of the room.

I threw my suitcase next to the bed and sighed. "Why is it raining so much?" I looked at Yoongi who was now looking through his clothes that he had brought. He threw his phone charger on the bed and shrugged.

"Probably because of the storm."

My eyes widened, but Yoongi didn't realize because he had closed the bathroom door to change his clothes. I had always sort of been scared of storms, but I never let anyone know. I usually just hide under my blanket and try my hardest to fall asleep to television noises.

"You can go change now." Yoongi said, breaking me from staring at the wall.

I frowned and looked at him. He now had on a black T-shirt and black shorts. His pale skin looked even paler in the moment, but it also looked damn good with his messy hair.

"Um- okay." I clenched onto my clothes and practically ran into the bathroom. The sound of thunder rolled as soon as I shut the door, making me flinch at the loud noise.

I changed into a white T-shirt and black puma sweats. Please go away, storms..

When I walked back into the room, Yoongi was already at the bed, lying on it with his hands crossed over his stomach. "Coming to bed, Pumpkin?" He smiled happily and pat the pillow next to him. I chuckled at him.

"If you ever call me that in front of anyone, I swear.." I rolled my eyes, but still felt a little relieved that he had lightened my mood.

I climbed onto the bed next to Yoongi and he pulled the blanket over both of us. "Wait, you didn't even turn out the light.." He frowned. I groaned and looked at the light switch.

"You do it." I whined.

"Okay," Yoongi sat up and picked his shoe up off of the ground, throwing it at the wall. The room suddenly went black. Of course.

"You practice that too much." I laughed at nothing in particular. I couldn't really see Yoongi until lightning came through the window, making me flinch once again.

Shit. I forgot.

It was silent for a moment before I felt Yoongi's hand slide up to my waist. My mouth opened slightly as his cold hand ran against my skin. "Are you scared?" He asked gently.

I nodded even thought he couldn't see me. "Well.. Yes. I don't like storms.." I muttered.

I felt his hand pull me closer to his body and I almost screamed as he wrapped his arms fully around me. "Here." He said, shoving something small into my hand. What the..

"What is this?" I asked him.

"My earphones. Put them in." He said as he gently rubbed his thumb across my back. Thunder came rolling again, louder this time, and even made the room shake a little.

When I jumped at the sound, Yoongi held onto me tighter. I quickly put in the earphones and buried my head into the blanket and curled up into Yoongi's body. I'm a wimp..

Yoongi mumbled something that I couldn't hear, but I was kind of glad that the sound of music was canceling out all of the noises. That just means that I can sleep better.

I curled up into the blanket and finally fell asleep through the whole storm, glad that Yoongi was comforting me the whole time.

This feels so nice. Too nice.


Fun Fact: Spring Day is still Queen

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