Chapter Forty-One

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  Today is the day.

  I drove to the bank and took out every penny that I could, and then I drove to my moms house. "How much is your treatment, mom?" I asked, ready to give her everything possible.

  "Son," She smiled at me. "I already told you that I don't need treatment. It's not even that bad." She told me. I pressed my lips into a thin line. "Mom, the doctor said it could get worse and it could cause a possible death."

  She stared at me in silence.

  She's never told me what illness or disease or whatever she has, and she's never told me the price to fix it, but I was one thousand percent ready to pay anything it took to keep her safe.

  "Yoongi, honey.." She sat next to me on her couch. "I take my prescription. I'm okay. The doctor said I'm fine. Don't you ever listen to me?" She chuckled. The day she told me that she was sent to the hospital, I panicked and never let her speak. I guess now is her time to speak to me about it. "I've gotten better after the past two years. I even go to the gym to exercise and do cardio for my heart—"

  "Your heart?" I questioned.

  She rolled her eyes at me. "Duh. I had a heart attack. It's not like I'm slowly dying or something. I just got a reality check from God, I guess. It's like he told me to quit smoking."

  I puckered my lips and stared at the wall.

  My mom used to smoke, but she quit right before my dad died. Well.. my dad. Now I guess I understand why she quit smoking.

  "You're telling me that I saved millions of dollars over the past year just so you could tell me that you don't even need it?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her. She laughed at me.

  "Hell, I'd like to have some of that money, don't get me wrong." She stuck out her tongue. I chuckled and looked at my envelope. "But I tried to tell you that I didn't need a cure or treatment or anything. Maybe a pass to work on my cardio, but that's all. Other than that, I'm healthy, Yoongi." She smiled at me.

  I took out some of my money and handed it to her. "Here. I could've been making songs and living happily. You made me think you were dying." I hugged her tightly with a smile.

  She took the money and placed it on the table to hug me back. "Honey, I told you that Mr. Jeon would've been capable of doing your father's work. They were friends since middle school; go produce a million songs if you want." She laughed. I frowned a little at the name that came out of her mouth.


  Wait.. Jeon.

  "Mom!" I almost screeched. She looked surprised as I repeatedly smacked the couch. "Mr. Jeon! Oh my God! I could get him to run BigHit— and it would be great since Jungkook loves BigHit and that's his father. And- And then I wouldn't have to worry about saving money for you and I could- Oh my God, I can quit my job and then Jay won't be able to hold it over my head! You're a genius!"

  I smiled happily as I jumped up and down. My mom furrowed her eyebrows at me.

  "Son, I'm confused." She tilted her head.

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