Chapter Thirteen

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  "Min Yoongi, you have opened our eyes." The tall man in front of me said to me. "Congrats. You have been given the chance to speak yourself." He smiled at me and shook my hand.

  I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

  "Speak myself?" I questioned.

  He nodded his head. "You haven't seen the articles? The media has gone wild with you and your boyfriend. Seems like the LGBT community is stepping up as well." He said.

  My mouth hung open.

  I never have time to look at media. Is that really happening? What's going on?

  "That's great." I bit my lip to hide my smile a little. "But.. Who will I speak to about this?"


  "Is that the fucking president?" Jeon's eyes widened. "Yoongi, this is crazy—"

  "Shut up," I nudged him and grabbed his hand, walking towards the building. The man was standing straight ahead of us fixing his glasses on his face. Jungkook sighed at me.

  Once we got closer to the president, Jeon smiled weakly and gripped onto my hand tighter, making me clench my fist.

  "Good afternoon, Mr. President."

  (A/N: I'm not using nAmEs)

  "Same to you, Mr. Min." He said with a smile on his face. I reached out my free hand and shook his. There was a tight grip before I let go.

  Jungkook unraveled his fingers from my hand and shook the presidents hand as well.

  "Please follow me." He nodded his head in the direction of the building behind him. I couldn't help but be nervous as I grabbed Jeon's hand again. He squeezed it tightly once again.

  Is he scared too?

  The president showed us to a huge room. It had a bunch of seats placed at a long table, and there was a big chandelier above the table.

  And I thought that I was rich.

  "Have a seat." The president said as he sat at the head chair. Me and Jungkook sat side by side, and we still held hands even though the president couldn't see it. "So, do you care to explain what the media hype is about?"

  "No, Mr. President. Not at all." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "Uhm- you see.." I bit my lip as I looked at him. Fuck. "Uh-"

  "Mr. President," Jungkook spoke up with a smile on his face. "My little Yoongi is very nervous. Allow me to explain." He sat up straight. "Yoongi and I have been in a relationship for a while now. We would love to take things to another level. Many others would agree that we should have the rights to get married just as much as anyone else does."

  "I agree," the president said. I gripped onto Jungkook's hand harder than ever, turning it white. "Numerous people have explained to me this very thing. I have actually considered making it legal, but it just never got to that point. I've always been too busy." He smiled.

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