First Touch

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I made my way to the women's restroom and locked myself in a cabin. I felt a little uncomfortable with what I was going to do but I was aroused as well and besides, one of the rules says that I have to obey, no matter what Mister Jeon wants.

I reached into my bra and took out the piece of paper. It was Mister Jeon's phone number. I felt my hands becoming sweaty as I took out my phone to safe his number.
"Boss" I shook my head "Old-school" I chuckled and tried some other names but ended up saving him as 

"Mister Jeon"

I tabbed on his contact and opened the messenger app, right after that the camera before I sat down on the toilet.
Different poses shot through my mind. But would it be too much? He said he wanted to get hard. So I should try, right?

I spread my legs and looked down at my core, my wetness clearly being visible.
I sighed before I held my phone in different angles.

I walked through the building to find the place Mister Jeon wanted to meet me after his meeting. I felt embarrassed and uncomfortable. I just had sent my boss sexy pictures, almost nudes and he didn't answer. Nothing. He left me on seen.
Sure, he had his meeting but he could have said at least anything.

"Hello?" I asked as I got to an area Sarah didn't show me. I looked around but in the next second, I felt a tight grip on my wrist which pulled me aside.

I gasped and closed my eyes.

A dark room got exposed as I opened them again. Only one weak light shining at the things inside there.
My eyes were only half open as they adjusted to the kind of exhausting light.

"Mister Jeon?" my voice sounded a little insecure as I spotted a figure standing across from me. It was a man, that's for sure. But his back was facing me.

"You liked the task I gave you?" his voice was raspy and deep and he was smirking, I could tell.

I gulped a little and looked down, my gaze quickly falling on my core.
Hell, yes, yes I loved the task and my panties were soaking.

"I-i don't know, sir" is all I said, earning me a quick chuckle from my boss.

He slowly turned around and walked closer to me. The light making his skin glow, his eyes shine even though they were dark from lust.

"Don't lie, babygirl"

Babygirl. He just called me babygirl. Fuck.

Mister Jeon placed his hand on my chin and roughly made me look at him before he stroked it with his thumb.
His face came close to mine until he leaned to my ear and whispered

"I know how wet you are"

His words made a shiver run down my spine as I closed my eyes, my lips parted.

I wanted to be touched. So bad.
Fuck, I wanted him to touch me so bad.

"P-please" I stuttered breathy as my breath got audible.

"Please what?" he teased, still whispering in my ear.

"Please t-touch me"

He smirked more and didn't waste his time to move his second hand under my skirt. Along my thigh, he made his way closer and closer to my core.
I felt my body heat up, my breath hitching.

My head fell back as mister Jeon finally touched my clit. But he just rested to fingers on it, he didn't move them.

"So wet. Only for me" said mister Jeon, still whispering in my ear as I felt his fingers slowly start rubbing against my clit. The wet material between him and me making his movements more intense.

"Y-yes, sir. O-only for...y-you" I moaned but he chuckled once more.

"Whenever we are this close, you will call me daddy."

I didn't think about it and nodded, focusing on his fingers which started to rub faster against the material which was supposed to cover my private parts.
He sped up more and more, rubbing so fast,  I moaned louder and more often.

Shit, I got so sensitive, my body started twisting as I felt close "S-sir, I'm-"

"Don't cum" he whispered in my ear and stopped moving his fingers, leaving me panting.

Mister Jeon moved the material aside and used his index and middle finger to part my folds, earning a breathy moan "Fuck-"
He just smirked as he placed his finger right inbetween them "You like that?" he asked, making me nod quickly.
I loved that.

"Good girl" he answered before he started to move his finger between my folds, rubbing against my bare clit.

The feeling was amazing. Sure, it wasn't the first time my clit being touched but he did it differently.

I very soon felt the warm knot in my stomach again while I continued to drip wet.

"S-sir, I r-really need to-"

"Don't cum" he repeated, once more with a whisper near my ear.
He moved the still very wet material more aside until he got access to my entrace. He didn't hesitate to push two fingers in, deeply. He had long fingers.

I threw my head back and shut my eyes close, moans escaping my lips as he moved his fingers.

Very soon, a third finger found its way inside of me and he pounded them in me without mercy.

I kept moaning and held onto his shoulders, leaning my forehead on his shoulder as I tried to hold my climax back. Still, I was leaking.

"Cum" is all he needed to say to make me release my juice immediately with a loud moan. The liquid ran down his fingers. He really waited for me to finish until he pulled them out.

I frowned a little at the emptiness but panted until he held his fingers in front of my face

"Look what a mees you've done. You should clean it, don't you think? How am I supposed to work with such fingers?" he smirked and I nodded, about to grab a towel.

But mister Jeon grabbed my wrist "Nah nah. That would be too easy hm?" whispered my boss before I pointed to his lips.

I understand and gulped before I leaned closer to his fingers. I slowly wrapped my lips around his fingers,  tasting myself.
I took his entire fingers in, swirling my tongue around it before I bopped my head like I would have done it with his dick.

Mister Jeon watched me closely, I also didn't break the eye contact so I saw how he bit his lip until he slowly removed his fingers. Sadly.

"Good kitten. Now fix yourself. I want to see you working hard"

And that's how he left the room.
Leaving me exhausted and my juice running down my legs, my panties wet.

And this how I should work?

How comfortable.

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