Second Chance?

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I was at my apartment. Hoseok came over.
I apologized for letting him beaten up and alone the day Taehyung kidnapped me. But he said it would be fine since...i got kidnapped.

I told him about Jungkook's words. But I still could not believe that it actually happened.
I mean, before I got kidnapped, all the things he said to me, he did to me except raping me.
He slapped me, he called me names, he abused me, he used me.
But if he loved me, I could forgive him, maybe.

"You are not really thinking about going back to him, are you?"

"Hobie" I sighed. "I know, he did some bad, very bad things to me. But he doesn't know how to love. I should...teach him or something"

Hobie stood up. He had something in his eyes I couldn't really identify. He kind of looked mad. I haven't seen something like that before.

"Lalisa, can't you see it? He broke you completely. I'm sorry to say that but he made you be a... slut for him. You, you changed completely. Where is my confident baby? The confident woman who does not care about a man's opinion?"

I looked down. Was he right? Have I changed?

I felt his hands on my shoulders "Baby, you need help"

My eyes got teary and I kept looking down.
No, I didn't need help. I needed him!
I shook my head and looked up at Hobie
"No! I love Jungkook! And I-"

"I never said you are not allowed to love him! But you both need help!"

"Leave! Please" I removed his hands and turned around. I didn't want to hear his words. I didnt need his advice.
"Lalisa, listen-"
"Leave!" I screamed.
And the next thing I heard was my door closing.

I started crying, fell to my knees. Did I really just lose my best friend?

I really didnt know what to do. I trully have lost everyone that was important to me.
I was so... confused. I loved Jungkook. And he knew it. He just should have stopped before it was too late.
I should have make him stop.

My head was arching, my sight got blurry. Something in my chest hurt so much.
I couldn't concentrate. Everything that happened shot through my head.
I thought it would help to make a decision, to forgive him.
But it didn't make it easier.

I sat down, on my couch. I pulled out my laptop and turned it on.
Before I decided anything, I needed to calm down.

"Okay Lisa, you got that. You will just watch a movie and do something good for yourself" I said to myself.

After I chose a film, my eyes locked to the screen, it did not take long for me to feel the wetness between my legs.
That's exactly what I wanted.
My hand travelled under my dress.
I still wasn't wearing panties. I really forgot them at Taehyungs so I moaned as my fingers touched my clit.

"Fuck" I groaned with a smirk as I bit my lip. I placed my laptop on my couch table to move more freely.
At this point, I had pulled up my dress and grabbed a pillow, rubbing it against my most private parts.
"Oh boy, Lis-" I talked to myself.
I moaned and groaned here and there. I could be pleasured and go on my tempo, I could be touch where I loved and wanted it the most, i could try positions I wanted to be in and I could talk as dirty as I wanted to.
And no one would judge.

I loved it.
And the orgasm was great because I did it how I wanted it to be.

I sat up, panting, my chest rasing up and down fast.
My gaze fell on my laptop,  the porn still on. Then I glanced on my pillow which probably smelled like my liquid now.

And then, it hit me.

I didn't need anyone!

I would do everything on my own!

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