Real Love?

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Last night was amazing. Now I understood what Jungkook had meant. But there was still this question running through my mind...

Are we a couple...or not?

I couldn't remember what had happened the night before but he said I had confessed my i guess so?

Anyways, at the moment, I was laying in his bed, awake as his arm were wrapped around my waist. His face was buried in my neck while his soft breathing hit my skin. Goosepbumbs.

A soft smile rested on my face and I carefully tried to turn around to look at his beautiful face.
Okay, I didn't look. I stared, I admired him.
Suddenly, he smiled and whispered a soft

"Like what you're seeing?"

I blushed and looked away, earning a sleepy chuckle.
By the way, Jungkook's sleepy voice was really sexy, i have to say.

He opened his eyes and looked at me blushing which only made me blush more. "Stop making me blush" i slightly whined.

"But you're so cute while-"

I cut him off with a groan while I hid my face in the pillow


He chuckled.

I felt his hand run through my hair which made me smile into the pillow.
"You're so cute, and beautiful...and sexy"

He whispered the last part while he leaned closer to my ear, running his fingertips over my bare back.

I hummed softly and turned my head to look at him, his face already being so close "Does daddy like what he's seeing?" I asked teasingly and earned a nod.

"Oh fucking yes, he loves what he is seeing"

His voice was soft, breathy yet raspy. His hand had already wandered to my waist, running over my hip to my clit, rubbing it softly. I softly moaned but turned around so I would remove his hand. But still, I leaned over him, placing a soft yet deep kiss on his lips

"What does daddy want to eat?" I whispered and he smirked "his girlfriend" he groaned while I noticed his bulge growing.

"As a dessert" I smirked and sat up "maybe" got added before I stood up, putting on his white shirt before quickly leaving the room, leaving my boss



I don't know why but I've started to spend much more time with my boss. After work, he took me home with him, or drove me home to my apartment or we went out. Sometimes I stayed over the night and we drove together to work. That caused a few of my clothes to already stay at his place. We kept it secret even though it was really obvious that there was some chemic between him and me. Even a blind person could see it. At least my feelings grew. The nights were still amazing, nothing has changed, the passion, the love, still there. And he every time managed to make me come. I just love this man.

It was early in the morning and I woke up, in his bed, again. I smiled because I could smell his scence and feel the warmth of the sunshine on my face.
"Good mor-" I reached out for him.

But unfortunately, he wasn't there. I slowly stood up, just wearing one of his white t-shirts, my hair messy.
Slowly, I made my way out of the bedroom and looked for him until I heard some sounds so I decided to follow them.

After some steps, I found myself standing in a doorframe, leaning against it while my boss was working out.


He didn't notice me so I just stood there and watched him, smirking as I bit my nails.

His muscles, him concentrating, his sweat, oh gosh. He is so sexy.
I could feel my body tingle from the sight and I wanted to touch him.
All the past times he had dominated me, this time, I promise, I would be the dominant one.

So I took one step in front of the other and made my way over to him. While he was making climb ups, I let my hands roam over his back "Good morning"
My voice was breathy and my lips were right next to his ear.

"Good morning, princess" was his reply as his feet found their way back to the ground. I let my hands continue to roam over his back, shoulders and slowly made my way to his chest from behind.

"How did you-"

A sudden, very tight grip on my wrist stopped me from moving my hands further. I jolted "Ah- Jung-"

My boss roughtly turned me around and threw me onto the table standing near us. My head banged against the wood, causing me to groan.
"Ah fuck- please"

Jungkook groaned angrily "Do not touch my chest EVER again!"

I looked in his eyes, him hovering over me. His eyes were dark from anger, his jaw was clenching. I wanted to nod but I soon felt his hand slap against my cheek. My eyes shoot closed as I bit my lip in pain while I felt my cheek stinging.

"J-Jungkook, please... I-im-"

And another time he slapped me, I whined. I wanted to hold my cheek but he held my wrists above my head with one hand.

"I don't want to hear anything" he growled, his eyes still dark but this time from him being turned on.

But...what would turn him on in this kind of situation?

I was scared.

Fifty Shades of Jeon|| Lizkook ff|| Where stories live. Discover now