Wet Dreams

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I finally made my way home and could drop myself onto my couch.

Woah, what a day.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I blankly stared at the turned off tv, my thoughts being about Mister Jeon.

I rememberd his eyes on me, my body, his hands roaming over it until they got to my core. His long fingers rubbing against my clit and, and...


I moaned out at the memory. A deep red blush appeared on my cheeks as I noticed my core becoming wet.

"That's not good. That's so bad. He's your boss. He shouldn't affect you like that" I said to myself as my thighs rubbed together, my hands resting on them.
I felt needy, aroused but I knew it was wrong.
So I decided to stand up, leaving to my bathroom.

I turned on the shower and after I got rid of my clothes, I stepped under the water.
The kinda cold water hit my skin and I parted my lips to breathe calmly, my eyes closed.

His face, so close to mine. His lips, his breath hitting mine. Oh fuck. His grip on my wrist. The wall against my back. I-

I opened my eyes. What did he do to me that I can't think about something else but him?
That's crazy.
And so wrong.
And so bad.

Does he feel the same?
Maybe he also is thinking about me.
Or is this just a game?
Even if, I can play this game too!

I had stepped out of the shower and changed into my sleeping shorts and my crop top, my laptop in front of me as I ate a few snacks and watched a movie on Netklix.

"Tomorrow, mister Jeon, you will have to deal with a lot of sexiness" I said to myself as I chewed the chip.
Around 2 am, I finally fell asleep.

"Fuck- harder daddy!" I moan out loudly while he is thrusting into me deep and hard. He hit every right spot he could have hit.
It feels amazing, I feel amazing, I feel close!
My orgasm, closer and closer. Fuck, I can't hold it back. I can't-

My eyes shot open, I was panting. I frowned a little as I removed my hand from my panties, my fingers covered in cum.
Did I really....just masturbate while having a wet dream?

I looked over at the clock.
I overslept.
I jumped out of the bed and quickly grabbed a black lazy bra, fitting panties and my usual uniform and disappeared into the bathroom.
After taking a shower and everything,I got dressed.
My black bra being visible since I was wearing a white blouse. I left the last buttons oben to show a bit of my breasts.

If I was a man, I would have fucked me.

Quickly getting my high heels on before leaving my apartment to get to the work place in time.

I entered it and yes, I noticed many eyes on me. I know it maybe was a little inappropriate to be dressed like I was at such a company but it was for Mister Jeon. And what would he do?
Kick me out?

I waited for a "come in" before i pushed the huge door open and entered Mister Jeon's office. He didn't look at me at first.
Maybe he regretted what he had done yesterday.

"Good morning sir. I'm sorry that I'm late. I...oversle-"

He raised his hand.

"Shh. Don't talk. It's okay" is all he said before his hand found its way back to his keyboard.
He still hasn't looked at me.

I stood there without any task.

"Um..should I bring you anything? A coffee? Or-"

I earned a groan. "Go to your room and start your computer. There are enough tasks for you to do" he said raspy and coldly.

I was surprised by this sudden change of attitude and that he still haven't looked at me.

I closer the buttons that were still open and nodded "Yes sir. Excuse me" I bowed and quielty left the room to start with my work.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I was a little rude to Lisa today. Even though I wanted to jump up and rip off her clothes. Fuck, she is so sexy. I can't wait to finally fuck her, to make her mine.

But before this happens, I need to check if she actually would obey, if she actually would be the

perfect slave.

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