Old wounds

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Jungkook's P.O.V. (TW)

The therapy went amazing.
My dick trusted more into her that my mouth said words.
But from time to time, she actually did her job and asked questions. But after I've been the dominant Mr Jeon again, I could not open up that easily again.

"Okay, Mr Jeon" she said after fixing her blouse. "You once said that your teacher used you for her games. Could you go more into detail?"
I sat straight. "Well um. Can I start from the very beginning?"
Rosé nodded.

Today is the day. I finally get to know our new teacher.
"Lets hope, that it's a hot woman!" Taehyung chuckles and I just roll my eyes. "You dirty ass." We both laugh and enter the class.
A beautiful, tall woman is standing in front of the white board, writing something down.
"Hello, you must be Jungkook and Taehyung, right? Please sit down" she smiles.
I cannot take my eyes off her. She is so beautiful and...and sexy.
I blush for the thought of calling my teacher sexy.
I notice that she looks at me from time to time. "My name is Miss Kim. Now please open your books."
The whole lesson, I am just focusing on her....and her body- my cheeks become red.
The bell rings and every one is leaving. So am I but Miss Kim stops me.
I stand in front of her desk when she locks the door. I frown but don't mind it.
"You did very well today. I want to give you a reward." she walks around me and whispers in my ear. Her tongue touches my earlobe and a shiver runs down my spine. "Miss-" "Shh" she interrupts me. Her hand, her hand moves down my chest until it's near my pants. Miss Kim wouldn't open my belt, would she? She would, and she does!
"M-Miss Kim!"
"What is it?"
I look down. "I...i-i haven't h-had a b-boner ever b-before. I-it won't work b-because my p-penis won't g-get hard." I am so embarrassed. I have never touched myself and I haven't felt pleasure yet. My cheeks are burning.
"That's okay." she smirks and lets go of me. "Then tell me when you're ready."

Rosé nodded. "Okay, so your teacher was the first person you had any sexual interactions with, is that correct?"
I wish i could answer this question with yes but I had to shake my head.

"It was my mother's sixth death day and besides... my eighth birthday..."

I am sleeping peacefully. I dream about my mother giving me a present, a beautiful song she sings for me. Suddenly, I hear some noises that wake me up.
"Hm?" I ask and look up, rubbing one eye. My other eye meets my father's eyes.
"Shh, baby, shh. Everything is okay." He places his finger on my lips and strokes my upper body with his second hand.
"Daddy wants to give you his birthday present now."
I nod and am excited. What could it be? A car? A ball? Or an action figure?
"Where is it?"
"It is in daddy's pants." he whispers and I nod.
I quickly sit up and start to undo my father's belt, then is pants. I wonder why he would hide my present in his pants but I really want it so it don't bother me anymore.
I pull his pants down, nothing. So it must be in his undies. I also pull them down.
But everything I get is is pp jumping into my face.
I quickly look away.
"Do you like it?" he asks with a deep voice.
"Father...i can see your pp." I mumble while still looking away.
His hand then wrap around his hard penis and he starts to stroke it. He starts jerking off in front of me.
I dont know what to say. When I tell him that I don't want to see that,  he probably would beat me again.
"Baby, take off your pyjama." He demands.
"B-but i don't want to." I mumble.
"Take it off!" His breath is already fast.
I don't want to get hurt so I take it off, sitting nacked in front of my father.
"Now touch your dick, baby, touch it like daddy."
I watch my father for a few seconds to understand how I should do it.
And then i wrap my small fingers around my small pp and try to stroke it. But nothing happens. My breath stays the same and it does not get hard.
"Daddy" he corrects me.
"D-daddy, it doesn't work." I pout and think I've done something wrong.
Then...he screams. "You bastard, can't you do anything correct!?"
He stops touching himself and pushes me down on my mattress. I can see is his dark eyes and shiver. What is going to happen now. I'm scared!
"I-im sorry, daddy! I-i don't k-know how to d-do it!"
He then-

"Its okay, Mr Jeon. Do you need a break?"
I whipped my tears and shook my head. "No, it's...okay."

He then pushed his way too big penis in my way to small butthole. I scream, I cry, I try to push him off of me but he's too strong. He beats me everytime I try to get him off. He starts to move. I feel his penis rubbing inside of me. I want him to stop!
At some point.... I pass out.

"That was the first time my father had raped me." I said quietly.
"He had done this more often?"
I nodded. "He used to come to me at night and touch or fuck me. I mostly pretended to be asleep. Sometimes, he couldnt wait foe night to come. When I didn't obey, he locked me in a room and made me wait for my punishment, it was h-him-"

"I understand" Rosé said.
"So, Mr Jeon. Your father used you to cope with his problems?"
I nodded.
"And, you said that you told your teacher you haven't touched yourself before. But your father made you do it,  right? Why did you say that you haven't done it before?"

"I... I didn't want to remember it. I didn't want to think about it. I don't count this as masturbating. I got forced and it didn't feel good anyways." I shrugged.
"And when your father did these...things to you, you never felt pleasure?"
"Never." I repeated.

Rosé nodded and wrote it down again.
"You said, your father also hurt you physically? Did you get any bruises from it?"
I nodded. "Oh yes."
"What did the school do when you went to school bruises all over you?"

"They did nothing."

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