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Lisa's P.O.V

I have been working the whole day till now but never saw Mister Jeon again since he threw me out of his office.

Maybe I overdid with my outfit. But actually, it's just the black, visible bra that is different from usual.

I was still sitting in front of my computer and doing the tasks that were saved on it as Jennie walked over to me.
I looked up at her and gave her a friendly smile.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked and earned a smile back as she rested her thigh on my desk, sitting down on it.
"I'm good. You look good today" said Jennie as I noticed her eyes checking me out. I didn't mind it.
Jennie was a very attractive woman and I've checked her out before, honestly.
I would bet she had also fucked with Mister Jeon.

"Mister Jeon must have loved it, right?" I saw her smirk. But I just sighed and shook my head.

"He didn't even mind to look at me"

Jennie leaned down to me and grabbed my chin, making me look up at her.

"Don't worry, sweetheart" she said with a breathy voice while she moved a strand of my hair behind my ear "maybe he is just having a hard day. He is the CEO after all, hm?"

I nodded while I looked up at her with big eyes. She was really pretty. I never was this close to a woman and I never found a woman this pretty like Jennie.

I didn't have any feelings for Mister Jeon so it wouldn't be wrong, would it?

Her hand moved from my ear to my cheek until she rested it there.
"You look so cute when you become submissive"
Jennie pulled a little away and sat straight, only to open her blouse a little.

I didn't want to but I looked down at her chest, at her well built breasts.
While I wasn't paying attention, she placed her feet besides my thighs, spreading her legs and trapping my inbetween them.

Gulping, I looked back up at her face which came back closer to me.

I wasn't submissive. I actually could be really dominant. And I also was straight.
But since yesterday, the think with Mister Jeon.. I can't think about anything else but

I had to gulp once more as she took my hand and placed it on her breast, her nipple were already hard.

"A-are you, are you...w-wet?" I asked embarrassed as I blushed. Without noticing I started to knead Jennie's best friend as she nodded.

"Yes babygirl, I'm wet, only for you. You can take a look if you don't believe me"
She smirked and only made me gulp again.

But I nodded and slowly lowered my gaze down at her core, her skirt was already pulled up.

The tiny material that should cover her core was literally soaking.

Her wetness...

I bit my lip.

"You can touch it"

I quickly looked back up at her in disbelief.
"W-what? I'm s-straight. I'm s-sorry"

She then gave me a soft chuckle "Oh babe, this isn't about sexuality. This is just about you obeying" she ran ger fingers through my hair until she grabbed it and pulled onto it "and now obey and touch me"

Her voice was harsh, just like her tone.

But I obeyed after I had whimpered at the pull.

My one hand was still resting on her breast, so I placed my thumb on her nipple and and moved it in circular motion.
My second hand slid up her thighs, underneath her skirt until my finger touched her wet panties.

She moaned.

I bit my lip.

I began to rub two fingers against her material, directly with speed and pressure to bring her to her climax quickly.

Jennie threw her head back and her moans got louder until I felt her body twitching.

"I'm gonna cum!" she moaned out before the liquid flowed out of her pussy, making her panties soak more.

I removed mt hands and looked down.
She would leave now, wouldn't she? And honestly, I was wet as hell.

"Hey babygirl, now it's your turn"
Her words made me look up, my eyes sparkling. Even though I didn't want that.
I was desperated.

"Stand up" she commanded and I did so without any hesitation.
She jumped off my desk and went behind me.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and whispered in my ear "Take off your panties"

I whimpered a little but nodded, bending down to take them off.
I let them drop next to us but soon Jennie grabbed my leg and placed my foot on my desk.

"Relax" she whispered and I leaned my head against her shoulder.

Jennie's hand moved down to my core and she also began rubbing in circles hardly, just like me. But it was on my bare clit and I wasn't prepared.

It hurt a little but I loved it.

"Ah- fuck!" I moaned out and closed my eyes.

This feeling, I can't describe it. My whole pussy was tingling and this feeling moved through my whole body.

She rubbed so fast so I became sensitive really soon.
My moans got mixed with whines while I squirmed around

"Mommy- hurt!" I whined with a higher pitched voice but a moan followed real quick.
I felt Jennie bite my ear before she whispered "Babygirl, that's the point. Or do you not like it?"

I quickly shook my head "Love it, mommy! Love pain!" I cried out as it started to become too much.

My body felt amazing, I couldn't think clearly. I was trying to get free, to remove her grip but it was too tight.

I wanted to cum but I couldn't because it was too much.
Tears were running down my cheeks as my breath got uneven.
She overestimated me and I loved it.

"Mommy! Wan cum! Wan cum!" I begged and grabbed her shirt, holding onto it tightly as I pulled it.

Now I started to feel sore and it really hurt.

"Not yet, princess. Mommy wants to hear you cry and scream more" she whispered and added even more pressure which made me whine loudly.

I cried, begged, whined and whimpered, my breath fast and short until she finally slowed down a little, allowing me to cum.

And so I did. I cummed hard. The juice ran down my thighs and simply dropped out of me.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I knew I shouldn't have done all this to Lisa but I needed a prove.
I was sitting on my computer, doing my work but also always glancing at my second monitor where I could see Lisa's office.

I installed a camera, so I would always have an eye on her. No matter what she would be doing.

As Jennie walked over to her, I started to get nervous because I knew what was going to happen. Just the thought made my friend wake up.

I really hoped Lalisa would obey and I couldnt take it anymore as she actually did.
I opened my pants after I undid my belt.

She is so sexy.

I wrapped my fingers around my dick and jerked off to Jennie pleasing Lisa.

Everything went how I planned it.

Lisa obeyed, even Jennie. Even though she is straight. Means, she would obey me no matter what I asked her.

She is the perfect slave.
She is

my perfect slave.

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