The day after

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"Hey, are you okay?"

I looked up from my computer, seeing Jennie snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Hm? What?...Oh, yeah sure. I'm great" I quickly answered but she frowned.
"Are you sure? You seem to be a little off the whole day. You know you can talk to me whenever you want to, right?"

I just nodded. Jennie was a real sweetheart. After what had happened between us, I see her with very different eyes. I don't know why. I just do. And I trusted her enough to tell her about everything but I didn't want to talk about it. I needed to handle it myself first before telling anyone.

I wasn't wearing a skirt today. Instead of, a tight black jeans and my usual white blouse, because I had to. My hair, not really styled. My make up, natural.
I didnt want attention, I didn't want to be seen, I didn't want my bruises to be seen...


His grip was still tight, very tight. Tight enough to tell that I would get bruises from it. I looked at him, fear in my eyes "Jungkook, please, I'm s-sorry. I forgo-"
He slapped me.
"You are not allowed to forget something as important as this!"
Jungkook started shaking my body, the back of my head repeatedly banging against the wall. I shut my eyes tight while tears ran down my cheeks.
"Stop, crying, slut!" he shouted. His words made me whine. Did he know how painful it was?
Yet, I tried to stop crying. Or at least hold it back.

"No! No dont! Please!" I screamed as I tried to get away from him but his hold was too tight, still. Jungkook roughly brought me to his bedroom. 'Dear lord, make him stop, I don't want to get raped!' is all I thought.
My kicks and such didn't help until he threw me onto his bed, me laying on my stomach. Jungkook's hands grabbed my hips and pulled my ass up. I wanted to put it down again but I couldnt. I just whimpered and held onto the bedsheets.
"P-please" I whimpered one more time before I heard his belt getting undone.
After he had taken off his belt, he slowly pulled my pants down, then my panties.
I felt disgusting, revealed and naked even though he had seen me fully naked before.
His strong rough hands ran slowly over my soft skin on my ass. I bit my lip. Not in arousment but because I was scared.
"So beautiful" he mumbled with his raspy voice before he gave me a hard slap with his hand, making me whimper.
I then felt his belt slapping my soft ass a few times.
I had stopped crying. I had stopped complaining. I was just laying there, waiting for him to stop.
But he didnt, he continued the torture with kneading my ass cheeks. I didn't do anything, I couldn't do anything.
"Thats how my babygirl likes it, isn't it?" he growled and started to undo his pants.
Oh shit shit, he cant fuck me now!
"I-im not w-wet" I managed to bring out but he only slapped me again "I know, baby"
I then felt his tip on my entrance, but which one...
It didn't take long till he pushed his really hard dick in my asshole.
"Ah!" I screamed, my head shot up i grabbed the bedsheets.
Jungkook immedialty went on a fast pace, his erection not being small so it hurt like crazy. I can't describe this pain, something ive never felt before. I tried to squirm around to get free but i couldnt.
Jungkook kept fucking my ass until he came and I felt his sperm drip out of my asshole...

A cold shiver ran down my spine and i had teared up while I told Jennie everything. She had invited me to her place and i gratefully took the opportunity to take a break from Jungkook. I shivered.

I know I said I wouldn't want to talk about it but it got too much and I needed to do it. Also, Jennie saw that something was wrong so now she was hugging me and trying to comfort me.

"It's okay, but he is your boyfriend now and remember the rule? He gets everything he wants. So you don't need to be sad or scared"

I sobbed.

"I know it hurt, sweetheart, but if you behave, he won't punish you again. He really needs you."

I nodded.

Jennie was right. It was my own fault. I forgot the rule that says that no one is allowed to touch his chest.
How could I be so stupid? It was my own fault and now I was blaming him and crying over something that was my own fault?

I nodded again. "You're right. He did nothing wrong. I made the mistake" I mumbled and saw Jennie nod and smirk as I glanced at her.

"Why are you smirking, Jen?" I asked quietly and her smirk turned into a soft smile "Oh, nothing. Do you want to stay over today? You can sleep in my room. So you don't have to be confronted with Jungkook for now"

I smiled a little. She was so nice. "I don't want to bother you-"
"You wouldn't bother me. C'mon, stay over"

I thought for a bit. On the one hand side I wanted to stay because I didn't want to go to Jungkook. On the other hand side I could just go to my apartment...

"Listen, I will just go home, to my home"

"But Jungkook knows where this is. What if he will look for you there?"

"Hm" I bit my lip. She was right. Jungkook wouldn't think I would be here, right?

"Okay... I'll stay. But only; if I don't bother you or cause any extra work!"

Jennie chuckled and hugged me closer "You aren't. Now, what you wanna do? Watch a movie?"

I smiled and nodded once more.

We spent a nice time, just doing friends and girls things. We didnt even notice how the time ran so we went to bed late.

But if I knew what kind of consequences this had

I would never have done this.

Fifty Shades of Jeon|| Lizkook ff|| Where stories live. Discover now