What have I done?

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Jungkooks P.O.V

I finally decided to tell Lisa about my past. Actually, I wanted to do that later but after today, I guess I needed to. The way she looked at the other women...she would have asked sooner or later.

So I brought her to my favorite place so i could tell her peacefully.
I told her everything, maybe too much.
But the way she reacted was not the way I hoped her to.
She started screaming at me that I was a sex-addict, a psycho, a rapist.
I couldnt take this. Her words did something to me and I felt my anger built up.
The tingles in my body got more and my dick started twitching.

I have when this happens. At first, everytime I was mad, I made myself horny. Now it happens without me wanting to.

But seeing her like this, screaming at me, being so sexy...

I couldn't handle myself and in the next second, I pressed her fabulous body against my car hood before I pushed myself in her dry hole. It might have hurt her but it felt so good.
I thrusted hard, the more anger built up the harder I moved.

Lalisa stopped complaining and I didn't think about hurting her since she was quiet from now on. And from this moment on, she didn't say anything else. After releasing inside her, I pulled out and fixed her clothes. My baby didn't really move so I made her sit down in the car and buckled her up.

I looked at her, she stared ahead.
While driving, she didn't even look at me and once we arrived at her apartment, Lisa immediatly left.
I can understand that she was mad and didn't want to talk to me.
But that's normal. Im her daddy and I will hurt her. And I know she loves it.

I gave her a few days to calm down but she did not even come to work, she did not text or call. I didn't even see her.

So I decided to text her.


Hey babygirl
Are you still mad?
C'mon, don't ignore daddy
Daddy misses you and your body
Text me
Call me
Princess, if you don't come to work tomorrow, I need to punish you.
Lalisa, it was just a quicky
Stop overreacting
Don't be so grumpy
It was just sex!
Okay, fine.
I'll stop texting

I gave up. She is such a bitch. Ignoring me like this.
Lalisa made me so mad, you can't imagine.
If I could, if I just could, I would...i would.... I... I would fuck her till she don't remember her name!

While time passed by, I fucked with Jennie. She knows me and she is okay with what I'm doing and she wants me to treat her like that.
One day, I was sitting at my couch in my appartment, Jennie between my legs. We were watching TV- well, at least we tried to.
I was so distracted by her until I heard the guy in the TV say some words that terrified me

"Woman missing. Lalisa Manoban, around 20 years old is missing. She was with a friend walking in the park before she disappeared. No one saw her from then till today. She has been missing for two weeks now. The police is searching and needs your help. So please, if you have any hints, call the police or this number. Thank you-"

Jennie turned off the TV. But I remained to look at it.
"C'mon, don't think about it" she whispered in my ear "she left you. You gotta accept that"

I bit my lip. Jennie was right. But it's not that she just left me, she is missing.

Jennie sighed "at least don't think about her now" she said and started to undo my belt.

She was right again. Of course its terrible that Lisa is missing. But she should not dominant my thoughts. Especially not during sex.


But I couldn't help it. I saw her. Everything I closed my eyes and felt Jennie all over me, around me, I wished it was Lisa.
I didn't know why. I did not have any feeling a for her. I just wished I could sleep with her, not any other girl-

By now, I was softly moaning as Jennie rid me. But I couldn't stop thinking until it hit me-

"Taehyung" I said a little breathy causing Jennie to stop and frown.

"Wait, youre thinking about other men when I please you?"

My eyes met Jennie's "What? N-no! I just think I know where Lisa is!"
I said and made her move off me. She crossed her arms.
"Seriously? Let's finish at least!" she whined.

"I'm sorry, but I need to go now. We can finish later"

Well, my body wanted to finish now, of course, my boner didn't just disappear. But my mind couldn't. So I left my appartment, ran to my car and headed over to Taehyungs huge maison.

Lalisas P.O.V.

He gave a small party in his basement. A few men in suits, drinking, and women, barely wearing anything, there to please the men. And I was one of them. But I was only allowed to please Taehyung.
He was sitting on a table with a few more men, playing cards and I was supposed to bring them a drink. And that's what I did.

I walked over with a tablet, full of drinks.
Next to Taehyung, I bent over to hand every man theur drink.
It wasn't my first time doing that and I learned how to seduce men.
I got used to this during my weeks with Taehyung. He was a very strict but caring daddy. I had my own room but he locked me everytime he wasnt with me so i couldn't escape.

During my time here, I was more often horny. I think I became a tiny sex-addict. But don't judge, the way he lets me feel is great. My mind still can't accept all this. But my body needs it.

I made sure Taehyung would take a look at my ass. He leaned to my ear.
"Young lady" he whispered, "where are your panties?"
I bit my lip and giggled "I think I lost them, sir."

His brow rose, but he bit his lip.
"Then find them" he ordered.
"But, sir, that's way more comfortable" I said innocently.
Of course I had noticed the other men's looks. But I didn't care. At least I knew that they found me...sexy.
I loved that affection.

I gave him a bratty look, I loved to tease him. But at the same time, I felt his hand run up my thighs until... he pushed two fingers in my pussy.
I gasped. Luckily, I was already wet so it didn't hurt.

"You want other men to do this to you?" he asked raspily, moving his hand and pleasuring me in front of his friend.
I blushed deep red and bit my lip.
I didnt want him to stop so I did not answer.
"Kitten, I asked you something" he repeated and added a third finger.
I moaned out.
"I need you!"

He smirked "Oh really?" by removing his fingers, he made me whine. "P-please" I begged.
He chuckled "You know what's to do when you want daddy's milk, kitten.
Taehyung stood up and I nodded.
I was desperated. If I was allowed to masturbate, i would have. But he forbid it...

I fell on my knees "Please daddy" I grabbed his pants, pulled onto them "I need milkies" I whined.
I did not care about everyone else seeing me like this. As said, this wasn't my first party. My mind didnt even think about my surroundings. Just about him.

I undid his belt and took out his already hard cock, I wasn't surprised though. I put it in my mouth and started sucking immediatly. Why i did so, I got more and more wet. I didn't think about anything or anyone until...

"Lalisa Manoban?!"

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