First Toy

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Jungkook pressed a button and I felt balls start to vibrate. I knew what that was.

I gasped and quickly shut my mouth, bolding my fists. I looked over at Jungkook who was just smirking.

"J-Jungkook-" my voice was a little high pitched, making one of the men give me his attention.

"Miss Manoban? Is everything okay?"

"Hm?" I looked over at him and nodded, blushing deeply.

"Y-yeah, of course" I forced a smile.

The worst thing was that I couldnt cum because it would get onto the chair due to me not wearing panties.

My core was already sore and I really didn't need that now. He was going to embarrass me infront of everyone and actually hurt. Jennie had really did her best and my clit and everything needed a break from being touched..

Jungkook on the other hand seemed to enjoy the sight of me becoming nervous and sweaty, the light sounds escaping my mouth which I tried to cover with coughs or stuff like that.

My thighs started shaking. Ah fuck, it really hurt. I felt tears forming in my eyes so I sneakily moved my hand to my heat to remove the sex toy.

But as soon as I got close enough, a tight grip was on my wrist.
I looked at Jungkook who glared at me, his eyes dark of lust.


"But it hurts" I whimpered.

His grip only got tighter "I said don't. Or do you want to be punished later, princess? Don't be a bad girl to daddy, hm?"

I really wanted to remove them but when I removed them now, I would get punished later and I really really didn't want that in that moment.
So i sighed and nodded, lowering my head as I whispered "Yes daddy"

I didn't notice what I had called him but Jungkook patted ny thigh "Good girl"
At least one of us was satisfied.

The dinner went by, slower than...i couldn't think. Jungkook had set the setting of the balls up and they were vibrating harder by now. I still hadn't cummed yet and the pain only got worse. Also the knot in my stomach was killing me.

I couldnt talk by now. My face was red, warm and my whole body was trembling. I knew if I opened my mouth now, I would moan out loudly.

And Jungkook was mean. He had made everything take longer, he made everyone stay longer just to make me suffer longer.

I hated him for that.

But finally, he stood up and looked at me.

"Lalisa, we would go now" he said and I nodded, trying to stand up.

I somehow managed to do so but I had to hold tightly onto Jungkooks well built arm.
Everyone else also stood up and smiled at me, even though the smile was fake.

"It was nice meeting you, Lalisa" a older man held his hand to me but I didn't take it. I also didn't say anything.

Jungkook groaned and soflty pushing his elbow against my side.
I shakily removed one hand from his arm to shake the man's hand and opened my mouth

"Tha- AH~-!!"

I broke down, bending down as I held my stomach, a loud moan escaping my mouth.
My eyes were shut tight as my breath was fast and loud, I was panting, here and there moaning.

I came. I cummed hard. I kept it in for too long.

The white liquid running once more down my thighs and dropping onto the expensive red carpet.

I wished I would stop but since the balls were still inside of me and still set very high, I kept moaning.

And went for a round two.

I came again with another loud moan, the second portion of cum leaving my pussy.

I just wanted to disappear.

I heard Jungkook sigh and shake the other men's hands "It was nice to have dinner with you. Gentlemen, excuse us for this. She was a little desperated" he smirked and surprisingly the men chuckled and smirked back.

"Let's go, sweetheart" said Jungkook to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

He tried to lead me out of the restaurant and I tried to follow as good as I could.
My legs were like gum.

Round three. A loud moan, much cum.

I couldnt take it anymore. It hurt so fucking much.

"Take them out" I said breathlessly, almost inaudible.

"Did you say anything? I couldnt hear you" Jungkook did hear me. He just teased.

"Take them out" I repeated, trying to sound louder but I really didn't have the energy for raising my voice.

"We can talk when we are home, babygirl"

Jungkook made me sit down on the passenger seat and fixed my seat belt.
I wad about to finally remove the sex toy when Jungkook once more grabbed my wrist. This time holding handcuffs.

"What are you doing-?" I asked suprised as he cuffed my hands.

"So you don't do something forbidden" he said while he moved his hand under my dress, rubbing mt clit slowly "the toy will be removed when daddy wants it to be removed"

He kissed my cheek before he closed my door to take a seat on the driver seat.


I couldnt get rid of them and I was at the end of my energy.
I wouldn't stand cumming a fourth time.
And the pain, the fucking pain.

I squirmed around weakly, I tried to reach my core to pull the toy out but the cuffs didn't let me.

"P-please... I c-cant" I begged underneath my breath while Jungkook was driving.

I could barely move, my hands were half closed, my lips parted as my breath was way too fast.

I couldnt moan but I came another time.
A pool of cum forming on the seat.
I tried to move to make the balls move out but they only slipped deeper inside, now hitting my g-spot.
This only made me moan out for once more, a last portion of cum leaving my body before I


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