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Jungkook's P.O.V.

Fuck. I lost her. I now lost her for sure.
After I found her at Taehyungs, I ran after her.
I told her about my feelings. Well at least i think it's called that. I don't know if this is real love. But how can I make sure when Lisa won't get me close to her?

I kissed her. This kiss was so magical. I think I haven't felt something like this before during a kiss. Usually it meant just pressing my mouth onto someone else's lips but this kiss... I don't know, was different.

But her answer was no. She said she wouldn't be ready yet. How dare she to reject me!?

Okay well, she has all right to do so. I'm the jerk here. It's just, it's my first rejection ever and I don't know how to feel now.

On my way home that evening, I felt empty. I dragged my body to my huge apartment and let it fall onto the couch.
"Fuck", I groaned, running my hand through my hair.
My gaze then fell on Jennie standing in the door way in a bathrobe.

"Oh Jennie, you're still there..."
I sighed and stood up. She walked over.
"I'm sorry, it's late and I had a tough day. Maybe you should-"

She placed her hands on my chest.
"Let me help you relax" she whispered seductively.
But I grabbed her wrists "Jennie, please. I don't want to do anything today." and removed them from my body.
It's not that she doesn't look good, she's an attractive woman, that's for sure, but my mind was focused on Lisa.
All I could think of was Lisa.

Didn't she love me? She said she does so... I just hope I can change her mind again. I won't give her up this easily! I promise!


The next days, weeks, my life went on. I went to work and everything. But I didn't spend any movement on Jennie. Of course, she was a great worker and friend but I couldn't touch her anymore. I just couldn't. My...heart didn't allow me to.
Wow fuck, I haven't said something as cheesy before. What is this fucking feeling?

Because I stopped fucking around, I had more time to spend on work and so I did. But during my breaks, I thought about ways of getting Lisa back.
She is the first woman I truly love and I wont let her slip through my hands like this.

Lalisa's P.O.V.

My new life felt great. I started working at a coffee shop, hung out with my friends more often and started to pleasure myself.
I felt like having the time of my life, for the first weeks.

One time, in the evening while I was in bed and doing it myself, I felt like something was missing. I felt happy, that's for sure, but I needed something. I just didn't know what it was.
But I didn't want to think about it because deep inside I knew what it was. Still, I pushed the thought away and came.
Then, I could peacefully fall asleep.

I'm having a walk through the park, alone. I have a good feeling inside.
The sun is shining, it is warm, birds are singing and children laughing. Beautiful flowers are bloming and a harmonic melody is playing in the background.
I wish I could stay here forever.
But suddenly, the sky is turning dark. The children start to cry, the birds and the melody mute and the flowers die.
The world gets dark, it seems to disappear. But stop! I'm still here! I don't want to disappear here!
My legs start to run, the darkness start to haunt me. More and more things disappear. "Help! Leave me alone! Leave me alone!" I scream as everything around me is becoming dark.
Until I see something bright. I stop running to take a look at it.
This light seems to come from a man, I can see his figure.
My feet start running again. This time to this man. The closer I get, the more I can see him.
The man opens his arms and I run into them, hugging him tightly. I start to cry.
"Everything is okay. You're safe now. You're safe now. Everything will be okay. I love you. You're safe now" the voice says but I feel his body starting to disappear. I can feel it less and less. My eyes widen as I try to grab his hand.
"Jungkook! No! Don't leave me! Jungkook! Don't leave me alone! Please!" I yell.
"You're safe now" he says before disappearing completely.
I fall to my knees, crying "Jungkooook!" before the last bit of world is gone-

My eyes shot open. My breath was fast and uneven and I felt myself holding onto my pillow tightly while pearls of sweat run down my face. Or were they tears? Maybe a mix of them.

I sat up and pushed my hair back before I looked around.
Okay, everything was still there. Nothing started to turn into pure darkness.
It was just a dream.
I shook it off and left my bed, sadly. But work was calling.
Days and nights went on normally. I also started to like my body more and more and experienced it as good as I could.
Everything was normal except for...

this dream coming over and over again.
And everytime I dreamt how everything disappeared and Jungkook was everything I could hold onto until he also disappeared, the feelings I had got more and more intense and real, to the point I thought it would be reality and woke up screaming his name, sweating.

I leaned against my pillow and sighed, massaging my forehead. "Shit" I groaned and started to sob. I didn't want this.
This was so scaring and painful.
I grabbed my phone and looked at Jungkooks contact, blocked.

Jungkook 🚫
Do you want to unblock this contact?

✅                ❌

I sighed and unblocked his contact.
J-just in case something happens. It's not that I love or need him but I at least want to know if he needs help or something....

I decided to text Hobie.
3:47 am and he still replies, I love him.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

Another day of casual work, without fucking and without Lisa. It felt like an eternity.
I lied in my bed with opened eyes and stared at my ceiling. But I couldn't fall asleep.
I tried everything, even hot milk with honey. But nothing made me sleepy enough to bring me to sleep.
My phone buzzing didn't make it better.
Wait, who would text me at this time?

I grabbed my phone and saw a notification.

Your contact Babygirl❤💦 unblocked you. Do you want to send a message?

I frowned. Lisa unblocked me at almost 4 am? So she was awake as well? Thinking about me?
Maybe she did still love me.
Should I text her now?
But that would be weird, wouldn't it? Because then she would know that I'm also awake, thinking about her at almost 4 am.
This is sick.
I turned on my side and grabbed a pillow, hugging it and mumbling a soft "Good night"

Fuck, I need her...

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