She's mine

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I heard someone call my name. I immediately recognised this voice.
I looked up from Taehyungs cock, only to meet eyes with him, with Jungkook.

Taehyung was mad, I could tell.
"What the fucking hell are you doing here? I didn't invite you and how did you get in!"

I stood up. Jungkook looked shocked by what he just had seen.

"You bastard! You kidnapped her!?" he had rushed over to Taehyung. The men stood only inches away from each other. They stared into each other's eyes, Jungkook was furious while Taehyung became calm again.
He chuckled "I just took what's mine"

Jungkook bold his fists "She does not belong to you. You kidnapped her"
"And you raped her"

Jungkook's gaze froze. Both of them were right. Both of them hurt me, both of them did something bad to me, both of them could get arrested for what they had done. But... Both of them made me feel incredibly good.

Suddenly, I heard Taehyung laugh.
"Oh my gosh, man, don't tell me you love her!"
I looked over at Jungkook.
"W-what? No!" Autsch, that hurt. I looked away.
"C'mon, I can see the guilt in your eyes when I say you raped her." he kept laughing.
Jungkook's look changed. He looked even more mad "I don't love! I don't love anyone! I have never loved and I won't ever do that!"

Taehyung didn't even back up, he stayed calm. "Would you react like this if you didn't love her?" crossing his arms, he kept smirking.

I looked over at Jungkook again. His eyes met mine for a second and a different kind of feeling shot through my body. This kind of feeling I had when I still worked for him, this kind of feeling before we brought our relationship to his level.
And this feeling has some needs.

"You- you guys are terrible!" I cried out.
I don't know where this emotions came from. I don't know where this tears came from.
But I think it's just the pressure that falls from my shoulders, finally.
"You- you both are making me sick! You're crazy! No one of you owned me! I williged in your games but you don't own me!!"

I turned around and left them, quickly. Somehow, I was sobbing.
My feet carried me upstairs. Alone. For the first time I was alone and not locked.
I quietly walked over to the front door and tried to open the- oh my god, the door is open!
I opened the door and ran out.
The high heels hurt like hell and I looked like a slut- probably because I was one...
What have i become? A dirty slut even though I just wanted a ordinary boyfriend.
I was a mess.

I just ran. I didn't know for how long I ran but my feet didn't want to carry me anymore. So I sat down on the nearest bank and tried to catch my breath.
I started to cry again. I ran my fingers through my hair and held onto them before I screamed "Fuck!" looking up at the sky.
I noticed the stars. The pretty starry night sky.
My tears kept running, even as a person sat down next to me.

"Lisa?" I heard his voice ask. My eyes closed.
I knew I wasn't the one who had done something wrong. I knew he was on fault. I knew I didn't have to apologize but...

"I'm sorry" I mumbled.

I turned my head to look at him. The moonlight made his teary eyes sparkle again.
Oh gosh, he was so beautiful.
"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything" he said.

Without thinking, I talked
"I'm sorry for not being the way you want me to be. I'm sorry for being such a pussy. Im sorry that I can't stand the pain. I'm sorry that I want to be with you. I'm sorry that-"

I couldn't control the words that left my mouth. I just talked as if my life depended on it. Until

he kissed me.

I felt his lips on mine. Moving softly. As if he was scared to break me if he would move more rough. Our lips found a perfect rhythm. A slow one, but a soft one. Just like... as if it was filled with love.

"Jungkook, I'm-"

The man put his finger on my lips.
"Shh. I'm sorry for being such a jerk. I knew that you was skeptical. And I should have appreciate you for at least trying my level"

"I mean i like it but-"

"Let me finish. You are absolutely right. I knew I need help for so long but I didn't want to accept it. I didn't want to be the weird guy with a sex-addiction. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I broke you. I'm sorry I... r-raped you"
I also could see the guilt in his eyes. He almost looked like... a helpless little boy. It melted my heart.

"Lisa, I.. I think I.. love you"

My heart exploded. Time had stopped. Everything just stopped.
I could not believe my ears. I must have misunderstood him.

"I have never said this before and I never experienced real love between a man and a woman. But everytime I see you, I feel or kiss you, I have a different feeling than when I do the same things with other women. You're special. You're special to me. You do something with me I can't explain. You're making my mind drive crazy and I don't know how to deal with it"

I looked at him. I was like paralyzed. I don't know why it shocked me so much. Maybe because he had raped me.

I wanted to forgive him. I wanted to believe his words. I wanted to be in his arms again. I wanted to be his girl forever.

But was I ready?

Im sorry this was a shorr chapter. And once again thank you for waiting and staying. Im sorry for letting you wait once again.
I'll try to post more often since its holidays and I don't feel the will to leave my room xD.
Happy holidays and merry early Christmas. Have blessed days with your family and friends. I love y'all ❤

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