Hurry up

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I quickly left to my office to sit down in front of my computer, opening the pictures of the camera in Lisa's room.
I knew if I wouldnt make her cum, she would do it herself. But since I had forbidden it, she would edge herself so often till I come back. And that would make her orgasm even more great.

Oh fuck.

She sat there, her legs spread while her feet rested on her desk. Her finger was rubbing between her folds and her head was thrown back, lips parted, breathy moaning.

I already was as hard as a rock and I felt like going crazy. I never wanted someone so bad. My tip was twitching for attention and I was leaking, oh boy.

Due to me not wearing boxers, a light stain appeared on my black pants on my crotch.
Why I don't wear boxers?

Simple, my pants are already tight and due to not wearing underwear, I can show what i got down there better.

But well, then kitten would have to clean it.

Shit, her moans got louder. Now, the horny girl was fingering herself, two fingers pounding into her while her second hand kneaded her breasts.
How bad I wanted it to be my hand...

Suddenly, she stopped moving, resting her fingers inside of her. A light whimper was audible as she bit her lip. Oh lord, I hate it when she bites them- well, i love it... Thats why i hate it.

Round 1, check.

Lisa's P.O.V


I nearly came. I was so into the feeling that I forget I'm not allowed to cum. Thanks god, Jungkook didn't see it.

So there I was, warming my fingers inside of me while I bit my lip hard. I didn't want to move as I realised what ive been doing.
This is my work, my work place, and he is my boss.
He had trapped me in this beautiful feeling that I completely forgot what I was supposed to do; work.
Playing with me like that isn't okay.
I should end this.

But before I could finish my thoughts, someone pushed my door open and I was so happy that it was Jungkook and not someone else.
I didn't want them to but my eyes lit up.

"Stay like this" is all he said while he walked over to me, undoing his belt.
He pulled down his pants, his length sprung free and I felt myself leaking at the sight.

"S-sir" I whispered as daddy-  I mean Jungkook, removed my fingers from my pussy, quickly replacing it with his dick. Oh fuck fuck fuck, he slowly but aggressively and hardly pounded into me and he everytime hit my g-spot, every.fucking.time.

I was a mess, a moaning mess, a begging mess, a leaking mess. I couldn't talk, I couldn't think. My mind went blank and all I knew was that his dick was my best friend.

"Do you like that?" asked Jungkook through his teeth, groaning a little bit.
But I couldnt answer, my head just fell back.

"Does my kitten like that!?" he repeated, louder, while he grabbed my hair and made me look at him.
My weak, yet lustful eyes locked with his and I tried to talk "Y-yes....sir"

He smirked "Good, that's how daddy likes to see his kitten" he roughly let go of my hair and my eyes rolled back as we finally released.
I never felt so weak after sex before, and I loved it.

I sunk into my chair and let my head fall down, my sweaty hair covering my eyes.

I heard Jungkook fix his belt before he picked me up "You should take a nap, babygirl"

I just nodded, my arms weakly wrapped around his neck while he carried me to his office, me ending up sleeping on his leather couch.


We were out shopping together. I needed some new clothes and we also should get some food. We already had brought the food and now I was standing in a changing room, trying some clothes while Jungkook sat in front of it to judge. But he wasn't a good one because I said I look good in everything, anything and nothing. This actually made me blush and giggle but still.
I needed a real opinion.

The last thing was a tighter dress and as I stept out, I smiled at Jungkook "How is it?"

Jungkooks head shoot up and he eyed me before he nodded "I like that. You look sexy" he said before he stood up, approaching me. His hands landed on my shoulders before he pushed me inside of the cabin.
"But I also would want to see you without clothes" he whispered in my ear and I blushed.

"J-jungkook... You can't just-...what if someone notices?"

"So what? Then they'll know you're mine"

I smiled a little since this was sweet. And I couldnt really fight him.
So again, he fucked me there as well.

Later on, we were on our way back home, well to his apartment.
But I felt observed, as if someone else was watching us.

"Jungkook?" I said while looking around "Do you think someone is following us?" my eyes met his, and he moved a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Well, this is a city. Here might be a few people that go the same way as you do, dont worry about it" he gave me a bunny smile and I smiled back, nodded softly.

So we entered the apartment. But we got welcomed by a cold wind, the atmosphere was cold as well, yet the air thick.

"Hello?" I asked insecure but Jungkook simply brushed it off. He began to put the food where it belonged.
"Don't worry, baby. Here is no one"

I wanted to believe him, and I nodded, but I couldn't really. "Okay.." I mumbled and sat down on a stool in front of a kitchen counter.

Peacefully, I watched Jungkook order the food and smiled.
This moment felt like a bit of an usual life

until I heard a click

and felt a gun being held to my head.

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