He is crazy!

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I couldn't believe it. Hobie had opened the folder and took out some pictures. Some pictures of me, some pictures of Jungkook and some pictures of us!
There was me on my first day at the Jeons company, Jungkook in his office, me in my living room, Jungkook in his. There was a picture of us on a date, us at the lake where he raped me, us sleeping together, a picture of me changing and much more.
For how long has he been stalking us!?

"We have to tell Jungkook." Hoseok suggested. "No. No I won't talk to this human again." I said and stood up.

Why is this all happening? What did I do to get here?

"Okay stop, this...is too much" I ran my hand through my hair. "I'm sure this was Taehyung. He...he is obsessed! He is crazy!"


I sat on a bench and fiddled with my fingers. My eyes wandered around the whole time because now I did not know if I was alone. I was clearly nervous.
"Hey." His voice made me jump as it scared me. "Oh my gosh, you scared me." I said as I stood up to look at Jungkook.
"We need to talk. But not here." I sounded more serious than I wanted to.
"Lets go to my apartment?" he asked.
I was afraid but I think his apartment would be safer than here. Especially since I knew that Taehyung had guns.
So I went home with my rapist, without getting a panic attack.
I told myself that this was more important in this moment.

While we walked, no one said anything. We were quiet and walking fast.
As soon as we got to his apartment, I walked over to the couch and sat down. Jungkook did the same but I made sure he left enough space between us.

"What do you know about this Taehyung guy?" I asked and threw the folder at the coffee table.
Jungkook raised a brow and took the folder. While he looked at the pictures, visibly shocked, I explained: "I was at the spa and had noticed a man following me. He took pictures of me...in different situations-"

"I see" he interrupted me and stared at a picture of me showering.
"Excuse me, mister! This is serious. He also is stalking you! Here." I showed him the pictures of him and of us.
"Well, we were a pretty couple" he kind of... smiled!?
I could not take it anymore. Anger built up inside of me and seeing him staring at me naked made me furious. This was not why I was showing him these pictures.

"Jungkook! What is wrong with you?! Doesn't it bother you that someone has been following us the whole time?! I mean, what if he uploads these pictures somewhere? What if the whole world would be able to see us-!"
He stayed calm.
"Oh c'mon. I will go to the police and make sure they will keep them away from you, okay? Don't act like the world haven't seen porn before."

I stood up and screamed at him. "Excuse me!? How can you be so cold?! How can you not care!?"
He stood up as well and now he was the one looking down at me.
"Because I don't care what happens to your pussy anymore."
Even though his choice of words disgusted me, it made something inside me shatter.
"You can't be serious" I said quietly.

No! No, Lalisa, he is tricking you. Don't let him fool you again, I told myself.

I stood more straight, put my shoulders back and my chin up.
"Fine. Then I don't care what happens to your dick as well. Bye, Jeon Jungkook."
I grabbes my handback and left the apartment with a loud doorslam.

I ran home as fast as I could.
I don't know, I've been telling myself I didn't need any men in my life. I just didn't. I could perfectly live on my own. Hobie doesn't count.
But when I saw him, I just wanted to be held and to be kissed gently. I missed this so much. No one had held and kissed me for a long time now and I desperatedly needed it.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

To see Lisa again was magical. She had some vibes she hadn't had before. I didn't even feel the need to slam her against a wall and fuck her until she couldn't remember her name, not even as she screamed at me.
I just wanted to talk and to spend time with her.
But as she showed me the pictures, I knew we wouldn't be talking and cuddling.
I was furious, I could kill this son of a bitch Taehyung! How dare he to take pictures of my naked girl!? I am the only one allowed to see her in this state-

Woah, she looks hot.
Lisa had already left because I didn't allow myself to show my real feelings in front of her. She doesn't have to know that i miss and... l-love her.
But after she left, I stayed at my couch and went through the pictures.
I'm sorry everyone but I couldn't help it but get hard. I hadn't had sex for a while now and seeing someone so sexy pleasuring herself is just...wow.

And then it made click, again. I am an idiot. Fuck, I needed to go after her.
I put the pictures back into the folder and hid it before I put my shoes and jacket on, running after her.
She was way further than me but hey, I know where she lives.

My feet carried me as fast as they could to Lalisas small apartment so I could bang against the door.
"Lisa! Lisa, open the door! It's me, I'm sorry! Open the door!"
In the next second, the door opened herself and no Lalisa behind it.
"Lisa?" I stepped in slowly but I saw no one and heard nothing.
"Lisa, are you here?" I looked in the kitchen, living room and bathroom before I heard it, a whimper coming from her bedroom.
She wouldn't be mastur-.... No, right? Not now.

I frowned and got closer, putting my ear close to the door.
Muffled whines and cries were audible.
"Lisa, I don't want to disturb you but we need to talk-" the door wasn't locked so I opened it slowly and pecked inside.

My eyes widen, Lisa wasn't pleasuring herself,

someone made her make these sounds.

Hey everyone! I have a question.
If I had an Instagram account, would you like to follow me? We also could become friends ^·^
Thank you for still enjoying the book.
Much love ❤

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