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Lalisa's P.O.V.

I decided to do something good for myself today. So I packed a few things and left the apartment with my handbag.
My way led me to my favorite coffee shop. I sat down next to the window and enjoyed my cocoa after I had payed for it.
The weather was wonderful.
The sun was shining, the sky was blue with only a few white clouds, the birds were singing.
I watched the people pass by the window while I was sipping my drink slowly.

It was peaceful until I saw a fingur on the other side of the street. It was a man, broad shoulders but not too broad. He was tall and- oh gosh, Taehyung?

My eyes widen, was he looking at me?
I quickly stood up, grabbed my drink and quickly left the shop.
Maybe it wasn't Taehyung, maybe he wasnt there because of me.
I decided to shake it off. My eyes just tricked me.

I shook my hair and walked to a spa.
Luckily, I didn't have to work today.
The receptionist smiled at me "Hello,  beautiful. Want to relax a little?"
I giggled "Mm, yes. I would like a get a-"
"Massage and sauna?"
"Um, yes, how did you-?"
"You seem a little stiff and your body tells me that you are stressed, tensed. You're playing with your fingers so you are nervous. Something happened that scared you."
The stranger smirked a little as he analysed me and started tipping something in his computer.

I was impressed and bit my lip.
"You're good"
I kept smiling at him as I handed him the money, our eyes were locked.
He smiled and pointed to a door.
"You can wait in there. Your service will start soon."
I nodded, lightly bit my lip and left to the room.

It was a changing room. On a tiny table, there was a note saying "dear guest, please take off your clothes and put on the bathrobe. Someone will be there for you soon."
I smirked a little and started to pull down my skirt. My shirt followed real quick, then my bra. I looked at myself in the mirror.
Did my breasts get bigger?
I liked what I saw. I finally saw the person I really was, a sexy, confident, horny woman who does not care about someone's- wait. Did I just say 'horny'?

I sat down on a chair that stood next to the table and kept looking at my reflection. Fuck yes I was horny,  my body was. But I really just wanted a relaxing day.
Jungkook and Taehyung made my body addicted to sex and I did not know how to fix it.
And to be honest, it started to become tiring to be affected my every... sexual action.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. What should I do?

The next second, someone opened the door.
"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry! I-i didnt know that you-"
I gasped and tired to cover my chest with my hands.
"I-its okay"
He turned around and I quickly put on the bathrobe.

I walked pass him and cleared my throat, signaling him to start.
He led me to another room. In the middle of it, there was something to lay down. Many flowers decorated the walls, just like pretty pictures and soft music was playing in the background.
I smiled to myself before the man pointed to the place for me to lay down.

"Of course" i said and handed him the bathrobe. I got a little shy and covered my chest again until I laid down, my back facing him.

He placed his body next to me and said softly: "Okay, we will start with a casual massage. I want you to relax. Forget about everything that has been stressing you because our body can't relax when our mind isn't." And then I felt him touching my back.

His words, his soft deep voice and his hands were...magical. Never had someone touched me like this before. He added pressure where it had to be added and went softer where it had to be soft.
I was starting to drift off until I heard him say

"Do you like this?"

I am wearing a maid's costume with kitty ears and a kitty tail as a buttplug.
I felt uncomfortable at first but I got used to it.
My master walks in with his new whip. I think he wants to punish me because I asked to many questions at his party.
"S-sir, it was my first time. I-i didn't know how to behave" I try to explain myself.
But everything he says is "I want you to moan everytime it hurts"
I swallow but nod.
He grabs me by my hair and drags me to his desk before he makes me bend over it. I bite my lip, in fear and arousment.
He doesn't have to pull my skirt up because it's short enough to already show my ass. And I'm not wearing panties so-
"Ach-!" I moan as the whip hits my sensitive skin. Taehyung smirks and keeps going, making me moan everytime.
At some point, he starts to rub my clit and I become a moaning mess.
"Do you like this, kitten? Tell daddy,  do you like this?"

My eyes shot open. The memory.
I sat up and covered my breasts. "Excuse me. I think I need to go to the restroom."
I stood up, grabbes my back and left to the restroom.
I locked myself in it and opened the small window do get some fresh air before I sat down on the toilet.
My gaze went down my body; my nipples were hard and my panties were visibly wet.
Fuck, Lisa, stop being such a slut.

But I couldn't resist. I grabbed into my handbag and took out a tiny vibrator.
Taking off my panties, I spread my legs and started to please myself at the toilet. It felt amazing. My mind remembered all the dirty things I've done which made my orgasm even more great. And the second one, and the third one.... And the- wait! What was that?

I heard a click. I definitly heard a camera clicking. Is someone taking pictures?
I stopped and got on my tiptoes to take a look out of the small window. And indeed, a man was running away and he had a camera. He turned around for a second and he...he looked like Taehyung.

I gasped, quickly closed the window and sat down on the floor.
Was he following me? Why does he take pictures of me? Fuck, he has pictures of me masturbating!?


I went home, as fast as I could. After I got home, I closed every curtain and calles Hoseok and now we were sitting on my couch and drank tea. Well, he was drinking tea because I walked from left to right.

"But my he has pictures of my most private parts! Of my face while I- I don't want to imagine what he could do with this! My life is over" I said desperately because I really didn't know what to do.
"I know this is bad. But you should calm down because-"
"Calm down!?" I cut him off "How calm would you be when the possibility existed that your dick would be available for the whole world!?"
He sighed.

"I know" he repeated "but what will stressing out change? Nothing, right? So let's try to calm down. Take deep breaths and-"

Ding dong.

We turned our heads to my door. "I will go"
I walked over and opened the door of my apartment. But...
There was no one. I looked around "Hello?... Hello?!... Wow, this is not funny!"
When I was about to close the door, I saw a paper folder in front of my feet.
I frowned and picked it up.

"Hobie?" I closed the door and walkes over to the couch "I think I know...whats inside"

I bit my lip and Hobie opened folder...

"Oh my gosh!"

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