I loved you, too.

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Lisa's P.O.V.

He looked at me confused, even shocked.
"What?" he asked quietly.
"Do you want to break up?" I repeated.
I could feel that he wanted to say something but it looked like he wouldn't manage to do so.
"Jungkook, I'm not stupid. I heard you both. You have fucked Miss Park in your first therapy hour while I was sitting in front of the door. I heard her gasps, her moans, her saying your name. I heard the noises the table made, things getting pushed around. I know you've cheated."
I starightly said it. There was no point in hiding it.

"Lisa, I... I am sorry."

Usually, i would scream at him, asking if this was all he had to say. But... I didn't want to.

"You know, I would have appreciated if you had told me. You should have told me about your feelings, or your non-existent feelings."

"I... I am sorry."

"Don't. Don't apologise for not loving me anymore. I can't be mad at you for that since... that's not your fault. Things like that happen. But I'm mad at you for not telling me and fucking around behind my back. But I am not blind. I see the marks, the scratches, I smell the pafum and notice you being sexually satisfied even though we haven't touched in weeks. You just should have told me."

I crossed my arms. I really wasn't mad at him for moving on. But that fact that he didn't tell me, made me furious.
I waited for him to say something.

"So...thats it?" he looked at me with teary eyes.

"That's it. I'm breaking up. For God's sakes, that's the end."
I walked pass him to go to the shared bedroom to pack my things. And that's what I did. I packed everything I needed for a few weeks in my suitcase. Hobie would let me live with him. I'd already asked him since I've been planning to break up for a while now.
I couldn't stand the feeling and the knowledge that constantly cheats on me.

When I finished packing, I went back to the living room. Jungkook was not trying to stop me. He just sat at a chair, looking at me. He wasnt begging like the other times, he wasn't threading like the other times, he wasn't crying, he wasn't trying to make me stay. So I knew it would be the best desicion.
I knew, when I leave this apartment, I would leave a very special time of my life behind me.

I knew no one would ever make me feel the way he did.
I knew no one would give me the same experience.
I knew no one would make me feel so special and loved but hurt at the same time like he did.
I knew these memories will remain as a part of me.
Something will always connect us. The love we had, was real. And the ending we have is just as real.
As soon as the front door would close behind me, a door in my life will close as well. Everything we experienced, everything he did to me, everything he made me feel will be behind this door. And I will just need to wait for a new door to open.
But I also knew that someone new will make the wounds heal he had left.

"Lets go our ways like adults, some normal adults."

"I am not normal, Lisa."

"I know... That's what I love about you."
I sighed. So, that's it, the final goodbye.
How many goodbyes did we have?
How many times were we separated?
How often did I think that this was the end? And now it is actually here.
I'm not mad, I'm not disappointed, I'm not jealous, not even hurt- just sad. Just sad.

I walked to the front door, Jungkook followed.

He leaned against the wall. The door was already opened and I just needed to take a step. One step forward separated me from an unknown life with strangers- behind me, my life with Jungkook, my life with the love of my life.

I turned around to take a last look at the man who made me feel the strongest emotions and feelings I've ever had.

"I love you." I said.

"I loved you, too."

Fifty Shades of Jeon|| Lizkook ff|| Where stories live. Discover now