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I just needed to sign and I would be his.
But that sounded...scary. Time passed by and I still hadn't make a decision. Jungkook slowly got impatient and started to ask if I finally decided...

I was sitting in my chair, doing the work I had to do on my computer.
Everything was peaceful until I heard a knock in the door.
"Come in" was all I needed to say to make the door getting pushed open,only to reveal my boss.
"Oh, Mister Jeon. Did something happen?"

He seductively chuckled and closed the door behind him.
A 'click' signalled me that he locked the door.
Jungkook slowly made his way over to me and eyed me while I stood up.

"Tell me. Have you finally made a decision?"

He kept coming closer until he even leaned in, whispering even though we were alone in this room.

"I really need to know. I can't wait any longer" He sounded almost desperated.

"Jungkook, I need time. This is a huge thing and much youre asking for-"

"Let me show it to you"

"What?" I tilted my head as I didn't really understand what he meant.

"Let me show you how it would be to be my sub. From now, till tomorrow. Then you can make your final decision" he stared into my eyes.

It intimidated me.

"A-and if I didn't want to be your sub, would it be the end-"

"I can't be in a normal relationship. I need this" he explained.

"Are you a sadist?"

"I'm dominant" he quickly corrected me and I just nodded.
I looked down and bit my lip to think but I earned an aroused growl.

"Gosh, please. Don't bite your lip. It..affects me in some kind of way."

I raised my eyebrows and looked back up at him but it didn't take long for my gaze to land on his crotch. His already tight pants got only tighter in that area as I kept biting my lip.

I don't know what I was thinking in that moment but what I said then seemed like the most casual thing I could have done...

"Be my dom"

It didn't take long till I found myself bent over my own desk, my cheek pressing against the wood since Jungkook's hand were pushing it down by my hair.
He soon let go of it and used both hands to pull my skirt down, the red strings from his belt still being there.
I whined as the pictures of him using it on my sensetive skin shot through my mind.

But Jungkook only let his hand run over it "Dont worry, baby. This time I'll take the right hole" he said raspily.
His voice making me leak immedialty.

I was wet.

I felt him kneel down and gasped as I felt his lips on my panties, on my core.
Jungkook soflty left kisses all around my clit "How does it feel?"


I felt him smirk against my underwear before he removed it slowly but completely.
His face was so close to my heat, I felt his breath hit it.

Fuck, this tease. I wanted him to play with me so bad.

It just needed his lips touch my folds to make me moan, my arousment dripping out of my pussy.

Jungkook's tongue slowly got pushed into me and I tried to hold onto something as I let out a breathy moan.

"S-sir..p-please-" I tried to say but only earned a "Don't talk, only moan, princess"

I nodded in response and continued moaning once in a while while my boss nibbled on my clit and folds but as he bit it, I gasped and whined afterwards.
"Fuck-!" I tried to squirm away as it hurt but at the same time, I loved it.

Jungkook's hand started to roam over my ass as he slowly removed his head from my heat to stand up.
"Give me your hands"

I bit my lip and put my hands on my back, and waited.
I heard something being opened, probably Jungkook's tie because soon, I felt it being wrapped around my wrists, my hands now being tied up.

A long finger got pushed inside of me and I whimpered since I was still biting my lip which I soon parted to gasp for air. "Sir!"
His hand moved fast but soon was replaced by his hard, erect dick.

"My fucking dick is hurting from being all erect. It's swollen and thick" whispered Jungkook in my ear while his dick was just resting inside of me, me just cockwarming him. But already his words made me moan out and drip wet more.

"M-move" I whimpered but Jungkook raised his eyebrows "What did babygirl just do? Did she tell her daddy what to do?" he asked and I mentally slapped myself for that.
But still, I nodded since I needed to be honest "I'm sorry, s-sir" I added quielty and Jungkook actually did thrust one time into me, immediatly hitting my g-spot. I loudly moaned out but whined as I felt his huge friend being removed.

"Sir?" I asked quietly and tried to look back at Jungkook who made his way to my head,  his tip in front of my eyes.
I gulped.

"You should get punished for that"

I gulped again...but nodded.

"Y-yes, sir"
Jungkook chuckled and smirked "I know how desperated you are" he grabbed my hair and made me look up at him by pulling it. I moaned.
"That's why I'm gonna leave the room for now. You won't cum until I come back, understood?" he growled and I nodded again.

Jungkook then roughly let go of my hair and I moaned once more. He quickly fixed himself and left the room, leaving me tied up and bent over my desk. But wait... the tie wasn't really tight.
I easily could remove it and thats what I did. I sat up slowly, feeling the unpleased wetness and heat between my legs.
I sat down on my chair and spread my legs,

rubbing my clit slowly.

Fifty Shades of Jeon|| Lizkook ff|| Where stories live. Discover now