10 years later

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Lisa's P.O.V.

"Jackson! Jackson, be careful with the ducks!" I say while I watch my three years old little baby watching ducks.
He is a beautiful, strong, very talented and happy boy.
"Mommy! Mommy! Look!" the little man runs up to me and points to a butterfly. A white one. A pure, white butterfly.
"That's a butterfly" I say and lift him up.
"How about we go back inside, to daddy?"
He squeals. "Yes! To daddy!"
I carry my son into our house, my husband Jin standing in the kitchen. He is a great cook, I tell you.
I quit my job as a barista as soon as our prince saw the world's life for the first time. Yes, I will start to work again but only when Jackson does not need too much of our time anymore.

Jin is a friend of Hobie and we met when Hobie wanted to cheer me up. We became friends quickly and sooner than I thought, we fell in love. He is really a great husband, he loves and respects me and our son, he supports me and my desicions and is just the greatest.
It took me a while to open up to men again but I managed to do it with his help and yes, I can finally say, I am happy. I am finally, truly happy. The shadows that haunted me in the past, gone. My husband and son brought the light back to my life and I am so thankful for them.

"Mommy will visit her old café after lunch, does anyone want to come with me?" I ask and Jackson happily claps his hands. "Jacki! Jacki!" he giggles and my husband and I smile. "Okay, then eat up and we can go."
I earn an excited nod.
Some delicious sushi later, I get myself dressed and help Jackson where help is needed. Actually, he doesn't need that much help anymore but you know, sometimes mommy and daddy are still needed.

"Bye, please be careful." Jin says after he gives me a quick kiss on my cheek. "I will. I love you." I smile and leave the house, Jackson following while he holds my hand.
We walk and listen to our surroundings.
"Look, mommy, look!"
My eyes look in the direction my son pointed in and land on a butterfly.
"That's a butterfly, honey.
"A butterfly? But butter can't fly!"
He pouts and I need to laugh a little bit.
"That's correct. But this is an animal."
We watch the butterfly for a little longer before we continue our walk to the café.

"Hey, Christa" I greet my old colleague "the same as always please." She nods and Jackson and I sit down on the chairs next to the window.
The atmosphere is peaceful and filled with joy and laughter.
And in the next second, our waiting has come to an end. Christa brings us a hot chocolate and a cold cocoa- our favorite drinks.

The tiny bell rings that signals that the door has been gotten opened. This is nothing usual because this always happens when someone enters or leaves the café. That's why I do not pay much attention to it.

"A hot chocolate please."
I hear the voice say. Usually, I am able to ignore every voice that says something. I just focus on my drink, my son and myself.
But this voice, this voice pushes itself though my ear that it almost hurts.
"That makes 5.56, please."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't have enough money with me right now."
I look up. I am shocked. I can't believe what my eyes are seeing right now. How...how is this possible. This cannot be true.

"Can I pay it next time?"
"No, you already have too many open bills. Pay now, or leave."
I hear the very familiar voice sigh.
I stand up and walk over to the counter.
"I will pay for him."
I take out my wallet and pay his drink. But without looking at him.
I then quickly walk back to my seat and sit down next to Jackson.

"Thank you." the familiar voice has followed me to our table.
"Its okay."
"How are you?" Jungkook asks as he sits down on the free chair.
Finally, I look up and our eyes meet, no, our eyes lock.
I honestly don't know what to say. It...it feels so strange to see him like this, him, the one and only Jeon Jungkook.
"I'm fine, you?" I ask briefly.
"Well, life goes on, hm?"
Silence, awkward silence. No one says anything and even Jackson just sips his cocoa.
"So, how is your company going?" I break the silence.

"I lost it." He simply says. "And to be exact, I've lost everything. My job, my friends, my apartment, my cars, you..."
I look at him in disbelief. I mean, it would explain why he looks like he does but I did not expect that.
"I... couldnt pay for it anymore. Work didn't go like it used to and I had been keeping losing more and more money. I had to sell everything. I just couldn't concentrate anymore." he admits
"I..." Jungkook pauses. "I met a woman. She tricked me and took everything that was important to me."

I just nod. I would ve lying if I say, that it wouldn't have happened if he stayed with me and that I would have been better for him, but I am happily taken now.
So I just say: "I'm sorry."

The man, who looks kind of poor, in ripped pants, wearing an oversized old shirt and looking like he hasn't taken a shower in a few weeks now, looks at my son. "And who is he?" I can see I friendly but sad smile on Jungkook's lips.
"That's Jackson, my son."
"So you're married?"
I nod and sip my hot chocolate that isnt that hot anymore.
Awkward silence again.
"And...how do you live now?"
I can see that this question makes Jungkook feel uncomfortable.
"I um... I am homeless. Sometimes I can stay at Jennies but thats it."
For sure, he fucks her every time.

I have so many questions to ask but I can't ask them in front of a child.
And even though I hate him for ruining a part of my life, I feel sorry for him. No one deserves such a life he has. He must be starving, must be thirsty, he must want to take a shower.
I can't just let him stay here.
I sigh.
"How about you come with us and have dinner with me and my family? I'm sure a hot meal with be good for you."
Jungkook looks at me and I can see something lika a sparkle in his eyes.
"Are you...actually for real?" His smile is so pure and real that I really have to do my best not to smile.
He stands up. "Oh my gosh! Thank you! I... I will never forget that, you're the best."
I am impressed how people can change as soon as they don't have money anymore.

After we finish our drinks, my child, my ex and I walk to our house. I'm sure Jin will be okay with him staying over for a night. I mean, he's just my ex, what could possibly happen?
He trusts me anyways, I know that.

Well, he isnt too happy about it but he also feels sorry for him and allowed Jungkook to stay.
During dinner, no one says anything. Jin asks a few questions and Jungkook answers them but in the end, it is a very awkward dinner.
Jin decides to bring Jackson to bed, so I have enough time to prepare the couch for Jungkook.
"You have a really nice house." he says, looking around.
"You can take a shower first. The bathroom is left, the first door."
Jungkook nods and leaves to the bathroom.
As soon as I have finished the couch, I sit down and sigh.

This is so not fair. My life is perfect. I would genially call it perfect. Nothing I would want to change.
And then he, especially he has to come back and turn my word upside down. He rips an old,  very old wound open that actually had been healed.
I am so confused, and tired.
I hate him for coming back. I hate destiny for letting me meet him.

But the fact I hate the most is that...

I hate him because I can't hate him.


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