First Date

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Jungkook P.O.V

Since I finally knew for sure that Lisa would be perfect for my games, I now could ask her out to get to know her and to make her heart melt.

I fixed myself and made sure I looked good. My shirt was tight, just like my pants.
A little more collogne and every woman would chase me.

I left my huge office and made my way down to the floor with Lisa's tiny office.
Some women smiled at me and giggled as I passed by but I just winked at them.

Not wanting to he rude, I knocked onto the door and heard a nervous "Come in"

I pushed the door open and spotted Lisa how she was cleaning the floor, probably removing her cum.

"One second please. I will be there in a sec-"

I clearned my throat which made her look up immedialty.

She blushed a little and I needed to hold back a smile as she actually looked really cute.

"O-oh, Mister Jeon. I didn't see you"

She sounded nervous, making me chuckle through my closed teeth.

"Don't worry, miss Manoban"

I could see that she was clearly suprised by me calling her that. Her eyes were telling me that she was insecure.

I loved that, this game.

"I will have a dinner with important buisness partners today"

She nodded but didnt say anything.
My gaze went down to her chest since it still was a little revealed but quickly looked back up.

"And I don't think it would impress them when I get there without a woman"

She nodded again.

"Miss Manoban. I want you to come with me"

Her eyes widened.
"S-sir, I don't think that I a-am made for such e-events"
She stuttered which was actually really cute.

"I know you will do great. You're the right person for something like this. And please dress nicely"

I said and eye her body with a smirk, this time not hiding it to push her hopes up.
She blushed again.

My assistant nodded and bowed while I left the room.

Let the games begin.

Lisa's P.O.V.

"I don't know what I should wear. It's a fucking dinner with my boss and important business partners!"

I was almost screaming while I looked for a dress i could wear this evening.

My best friend Hoseok was on the phone and watched me. We were friends forever and him telling me he was gay, made our bond even stronger.

I was low-key panicking while he just chuckled.

"Don't worry. You could wear anything and still look great" he said with his sunshine voice.

I smiled and leaned down to my phone "Thank you, so much. But I think I will hang up now so I can get ready.
Love you. Bye bye"

We smiled at each other before we waved until I hung up.

I ended up taking a shower and putting on a tight, short red dress, sleeveless. My hair were open but a little curled.
My high heels on.

Now I only waited for Mister Jeon to pick me up.

And soon, I heard his car horn in front of the house. So I left my apartment and made my way downstairs.

I spotted his car and walked over before getting into the passenger seat, giving him a light smile.

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