Kim Taehyung

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I woke up in a car, handcuffed, again.
And i looked around. This car looked more luxury than Jungkook's.

I blinked a few times until my vision became more clear so I could actually see something. I looked to my right where I could see a handsome man driving the car. He had a smirk on his face, his eyes locked to the road.

"W-who are you?" I managed to asked.
"Jungkook hadn't talked about me?" the man asked and I immedialty recognised his voice, again.
He was the one in Jungkook's apartment!
The guy with the gun!

But let me be honest for a second, the stranger was a really handsome man and I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung. But for you it's daddy, sir or master"

I gulped.

"What do you want from me?" my voice was timid.
A chuckle left his lips.
"I promise you, babygirl, I will explain everything to you later. Everything you want to ask will be answered, but for now let daddy drive. You don't want daddy to make a mistake, do you?" he said.
I don't know why but his way of talking did something to me.

I felt small, even tiny, and I obeyed and just nodded.

The rest of the drive, we both stayed quiet. And also as we entered his house, no one said anything.

Taehyung bought me to a room which surprisingly was supposed to be my room.
We went inside and on my huge bed were laying some clothes I should put on, Taehyung said so.

He removed the handcuffs and I slowly went over to the bed to take the clothes. After I had taken the first piece, I turned around to the man with a look that asked if he would go out.
"No babygirl. Now change, we don't have time"

I sighed. But since I already had been a hoe for Jungkook, it didn't bother me anymore.
I slowly took off my clothes. Under his stare I felt so... different. He was much more intimidating and I felt myself getting goosebumps.
I bit my lip as nasty thoughts crossed my mind.
'How big is he?'
'What could he do to me?'
'How does his deep voice sound when he moans?'

But then I realized what I was thinking and quickly looked away, putting the clothes on.

"You don't have to blush, baby. You have to get used to it. You're mine now" he smirked.
I didn't even notice that I was blushing.. And what did he mean by his? I thought I was Jungkook's- oh right. No I'm not...

"Take a look into the mirror, princess"
I quietly nodded and placed my body in front of the mirror.
I was wearing a short skirt, you already could see my ass- and a tight blouse, my bra visible through it and knee-high socks.
I kinda felt...cute and sexy at the same time.

"Now let me show you my playroom"

Before you ask why I did everything he told me... I don't know, I honestly don't know.

So I followed him to his playroom, also hidden of course.
It looked similar to Jungkook's, it just looked more...painful?
Taehyung suddenly grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me to a wall he handcuffed me to.

I gasped and whined as I was trapped again.
"Stop that! What do you even want!?" I finally managed to raise my voice.
But Taehyung chuckled again.

"You thought Jungkook loved you?"
I turned silent immedialty and looked down while my head gave him a nod.
"Guess what, he doesn't. He never has. He even used you as a win for a bet!"

I looked back up at the handsome man, tears forming in my eyes. I realized that he used me for sex, but also for...bets?


"Simple. We met at a bar, he was drunk and we played cards. And I said, if I win i would get his bitch, which was you. He agreed and I won. So you are mine now"he explained and my tears started falling.

I shook my head. I couldn't believe him. I didn't want to believe him.
"That's not true! He loved me-!"
As soon as I said that, I felt a grip on my face, Taehyungs hand.

"He didn't! And never will! Because you are nothing!"
He yelled at me and I sobbed.
Which made him add
"You are nothing to him. But for me"
He bit his lip and let his hand run over my collarbone "for me you are a princess" his second hand got placed on my thigh before it made its way up, slowly, closer to my heat.
"You are sexy" his finger tips ran over my panties and i let out a breathy breath "You are hot" his fingers started to unbutton my blouse before he ripped it open.
I blushed.

My mind screamed No! No! No!
I can't let him win. I can't let him use my body! I can't be used again!

But my body wanted him. My body wanted to be touched and fucked.
It wanted to be used.

It just felt so good.

The light touch on my clit had woken up a tingly feeling inside of my stomach and I knew very well what that meant.
"M-master" I played along, even though the word sounded more passionate as it was supposed to be.

I saw him smirk and get hard. Wow, that's a thing...
The things he did to me, his touches, his dirty talk made me more and more wet, my panties soaking.

"Your pretty lips, your soft fingers and...your wet pussy" he said the last thing while pushing his fingers inside my entrace which made me gasp loudly "I want it wrapped up around my hard dick" he whispered in my ear and I groaned, nodded.

"Yes master"

There I was. I've lost control about my life. Excpet for working normally for a nice company, I am here jobless and a sex-addict.

Taehyung started undoing his pants while eyeing me.

"We will have lots of fun together"

Heyo, it's the author! First of all, thank you for staying here and enjoying the book till now.
I'm very sorry for my late uploads and my for inactivity. But I've got a life as well haha.
Anyways, in the next chapters, I want to answer some of your questions if you have some, as a tiny excuse for letting you wait. So, if you have any questions, just ask me here in the comments!
Thank you again and I love you! Have fun reading❤

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