Old friends

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Hey everyone, here's the author. Thank you for sticking with me and this story. It means a lot to me. I just wanted to drop that I hope that yall are healthy and your loved ones and you come through this hard time dominated by corona. Please stay home and keep distance for everyone's sake. Lets how that humanity hasn't died yet and that together we can make through it. I love y'all ❤ and now have fun reading 😊

Jungkook's P.O.V.

My angel and I were dressing up for the tiny dinner my mother had invited us to. I put on my white shirt, black pants and black shose- kind of my every day outfit. But my baby had put on a tight black dress with some lace and she looked so beautiful. She put on a bit lipstick and put her hair up. She looked sexy and beautiful.

Lisa walked over to me and kissed me softly. "I love you" I whispered and made her smile before she said "I love you, too. Lets go then? You look great." I nodded and led her to my car. After we both got inside, I started the engine and we drove to my mother's maison.
It was a longer ride since she lives somewhere near the outback.

As we got there, the huge building was decorated with lights and many cars were parking in front of it. Lisa was visibly impressed.
"Woah! That's how your mother lives!? That's huge!" she said and I chuckled. "Yeah it is. She has more rooms than she needs. I think it's useless."

We stepped outside and I offered my baby an arm. She linked hers with mine and I led her upstairs. Some men opened the door for us and we got inside.
'A tiny dinner' was a lie. There were so many people that you could not even see the wall on the other side of the room.
"I should have told you that when my mother says tiny it's always something huge." Lisa chuckled nervously. "Yeah, haha." I felt her palms becoming sweaty.  But being nervous is okay.
The next second, my mother appeared. "Ah! My lovely son and his woman! Welcome! Welcome! I'm so glad that you made it!"
She hugged both of us and kissed our cheeks. She had had already a few glasses.
"Mother, please." I just tried to change the topic before she would start talking about my old love again. That was my past and it should stay my past, and it would!

"Everyone, please pay attention!" My mother almost screamed as she stood on the steps so everyone could see her.
"I want to introduce someone to you! Look over there! This is my lovely son, Jungkook! CEO of the Jeon Company! And next to him, his girlfriend and I'm sure soon to be wife!" I blushed. Lisa gulped.
The people started clapping and we both had to shake many hands and say hello.
I stopped counting but at some point, I had lost Lisa.
In this chaos of people, I tried to find her. "Excuse me please" I said here and there but I couldnt find her.
I looked everywhere until I heard a familiar voice. A ver familiar voice. A too familiar voice.
"Jungkook! Is this really you?" the woman said and I turned around
"Jisoo! Hello. What are you doing here?" I asked nervously.
"Your mother invited me." The woman took a sip of her red wine, her lips touched the glass and left a light lipstick strain on it.

I made myself look back at her eyes. "You have not changed at all." Forcefully, I smiled and tried to be friendly. I mean, it was not a lie, during this years, she had not changed at all. She even got prettier.
Jisoo chuckled. "Oh thank you. But you have! You became a real man, I see. I remember you when I first entered your class, a shy tiny boy. But now, hallelujah!" she smiled and let her eyes wander over me.
A man with a tray full of glasses passed us but Jisoo quickly took one and handed it to me "Old enough to drink?" she smirked and I took the glass. "Of course" I had to smirk back and took a sip of my glass.

"Tell me something about you. This 6 years feel like a whole entirety." Jisoo placed her hand on my back and led my out of the crowd to the garden.
"Well um, I'm the CEO of the company now and have a girlfriend." I said.
"I know this already. Your mother just said that. Tell me something I don't know yet."
Jisoo leaned against a railing in the garden. A tiny river was making some sounds in the back and the moon was shining at Jisoos body.

"I um..." I stood next to her.
"Tell me, are you still..." she leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear "into toys...pain...sex?" I gulped as I felt her hand on my crotch, her fingers grabbing my balls.
"P-please stop.." I said breathy. But she continued massaging my crotch and I felt how blood shot in my cock.

No this was wrong, this was so wrong.
A moan escaped my mouth.
No, I can't do this. Lisa is somewhere here.

I grabbed her wrist and pushed it off me. "I can't do this." I said and hurried away.

I felt so bad. I almost allowed another woman, my first and old love to pleasure me. I promised Lisa to now hurt her and I will keep this promise.
Finally, I found her, talking to group of people.
I came up from behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Baby, there you are! I've been looking for you the whole time." I said.
Lisa turned around and smiled "Oh Jungkook. Sorry, I've been talking to Mrs and Mr Park." I bowed and smiled. "That's great. But I need to talk to you, alone."
I apologized to the Parks and pulled Lisa away by jer wrist. Away from the crowd and away from this room.

I brought her upstairs to my old room.
Once I looked the door,  I pressed her against it.
"J-Jungkook, what's wrong?" she said and I just whispered. "I need you, now."

Everyone was sitting at a huge-like huuge- table and ate their meal. Lisa and I had a few rounds before I was ready to go back downstrais.
The problem was, that every time I realised... I saw Jisoos face in front of me, the younger me lying underneath her and she, my teacher pleasuring me.
I know I should not have these thoughts, I am happily taken and Jisoo does not mean anything to me anymore.
I really tried to push these thoughts away but...

While eating, I felt her gaze on me. She sat right across of me. Sometimes her shoe touched my leg and I had to bite my lip. She teased me and I hated her for that since the love of my life was sitting just next to me.

I know what youre thinking. How can he do this, right? But my body reacts different than my mind and I felt so terrible for getting aroused.
Lisa must have noticed the bulge in my pants because she placed her hand on my thigh.
"Baby" she whispered in my ear but it sounded like Jisoos voice.
"What are you thinking about? Should we go to the bathroom?"
I had closed my eyes "Yes" I whispered breathy. Fuck. Then I realised that Lisa said this "No! No, it's fine" I quickly said.
My mind was tricking me.
I quickly gazed at Jisoo and saw her smirking, pretending not to know anything.

"Oh, okay." Lisa's voice was somewhere in the background as Jisoos laughter were audible.
Who was making her laugh?!

I wanted to be the one!

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