A sub's life

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Some time had passed after the incident and Jungkook had organized some personal bodyguards for me. Eun and Yoongi. They are really kind and im thankful for their work. Even though nothing like that happened again till now.

I was told that i would be Jungkook's sub for one day but after that day, I asked to get more time to decide.
So now, I've been Jungkook's sub for three days.
And I really liked it, the rules, the punishments when I break them. His dominance had been so hot.

I was laying in my room in Jungkook's apartment, my own room. Yesterday night, he went rough on me but I loved it. So I was sleeping softly, me biting my lip while I held onto the pillow...

"Be a good girl and come to my play room in fifteen minutes" Jungkooks words make tingles run through my body and I nodded.
I leave to my room to take off my clothes, only leaving my panties on. I braid my hair and sneakily walk to the door.
After sitting down on the floor, my back facing the door and my hands resting on my thighs, I hear the door getting opened.
A tight grip on my hair is the next thing i feel.

"Stand up" I stand up.

"Follow me, backwards" I bite my lip and walk inside the room, backwards.
I am facing the closed door while Jungkook blindfolded me. I have to chuckle.
"I don't want to hear anything" Jungkook whispers in my ear and I nod

"Yes, sir."

Jungkook turns me around by my shoulders so that he is facing me now.
"You are so sexy. Don't be ashamed when you're naked. It should become casual"

I feel his hand run over my cheek to my neck, over my shoulders to my breasts. His fingers draw over them until they pinches my nipples.
A muffled gasp leaving my lips before I bite them.

"Let's play"

"Kitten, wake up" my eyes slowly fluttered open and the first thing I saw was Jungkook. I rubbed my eyes and smiled softly, his spectacular body hiding the sun.
"How are you feeling?" his ass found its place on the edge of my bed before his hand moved a strand of my hair aside.


He raised an eyebrow.


I smiled a little and moved to find a more comfortable position.
"We have plans for today"

"Oh really?" I sat up a little, my white over sized shirt falling from my shoulder, it being revealed.

"Yes, kitten. I have another business meeting. And you will come with me" he moved another strand of my hair aside.
"Okay, sir. Should I dress nicely?"

"Oh yes, kitten. You need to"

He left my room and i stood up.

Jungkook opened the door for me and I stepped out of the car to link my arm with his. I was wearing a tight, long dress, shining like a starry night sky. My hair was opened and had light waves, my makeup natural.

I felt people's eyes being on me and it made me feel a little uncomfortable.
Until Jungkook leaned to my ear "Dont worry, you need to get used to the attention, kitten"

I bit my lip and nodded and in the next second, I found myself walking inside the building with my boss.

We entered the dining room, the same men and women sitting there. My cheek went red. I hope they dont remember what happened last time...

Surprisingly, they all greeted us friendly, well, at least the men. The women just sat there, quielty, not even talking with each other.
I frowned a little at the sight but hey, i couldn't do anything anyways.

We sat down. The food came and the men started to talk, including Jungkook.
I thought it would be rude if I didn't say something as well but it didn't seem as important that i would need to say something.

So I was just silent, just like every other woman.

This time, Jungkook did not started to play with me, put some toys inside of me or fucked me under the table.
I kinda was glad he didn't, but on the other side, I really wanted him.

I hear an aroused growl and I know what I've done wrong. "Stop biting your lip. You know what it does to me"

I know I have to stay quiet but I can't help it to say "Isn't that what you want?" I smirk and keep biting my lip.
But immedialty, Jungkook grabs me by my braids and pulls my head back, making me let out a surprised moan.
"Did I allow kitten to talk?"

I stay quiet.
He pulls harder.
I whine.

"I think I asked you a question, babygirl"

I stay quiet.
He starts to pull me further into the room until we get to a kinda wall. On that wall are handcuffs.
It doesn't take Jungkook long to cuff my hands to that wall before he leaves.
He leaves to get something and I feel tingles run over my back.

He comes back with a whip.
He goes behind me, slowly, I feel his eyes on me until I feel thr whip slowly go over my ass and then, suddenly


He slaps me with it, and it makes me wet.
Again, he walks around me, the whip running over my skin, until he gets to my waist,

again, a slap,
again, a moan,
further to my hip,
to my stomach,

He then walks down to my pussy. I feel the scared feeling building up in my stomach. Would it hurt? Or would I like it?

He looks at me with dark eyes and a beautiful smirk on his lips, the whip between my legs.
Jungkook then, whips my clit.

I arch my back and moan loudly.
Ah fuck, it hurts but it feels so good.
He repeats it. And I repeat my actions.
He does it again, harder this time.
My moans get louder. He continues.
Oh fuck. I'm in heaven, the pain, the pleasure!

He stops...

"Kitten? Are you okay?"

I heard Jungkook's voice waking me up from my thoughts, his hand resting on my thigh.
I looked at him and quickly smiled before nodding. "Y-yes, of course. Everything alright."
He nodded and continued talking to the men.
I have to admit, the thoughts of the last nights, me being his sub, made me wet over and over again.

Such great orgasms are unreal! I swear!

Anyways, after around an hour, the women stood up and probably expected me to do the same. I looked at Jungkook and he nodded. So I stood up as well. They started walking, leaving the room and I followed.

We all ended up in a room with a huge lounge and the women sat down as we had left the men alone.

"I swear, last night was amazing. He had used his new whip on me" I heard a woman say.

"Oh really? Mine used a new vibrator and edged me till I couldn't even come" I heard another say.

I frowned after I had sitten down as well.

Yes, I felt uncomfortable as I listened to their talking.

Here I was, sitting in a luxury room with starnger women who talked about their sex experiences while I was aroused myself.
My thighs pressed together while I bit my lip, listening.

But while I was sitting there and just listening, I got one question.
And I feel so stupid for asking it.

"Are y'all...subs?"

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