I'm not alone

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Every person in that room turned around. So many eyes at me.

"You're Jungkook's, right?" a woman asked.
"So you're new, hm? Welcome" he smiled.

"O- oh, no no. This is just a test, h-how it feels to be a ..s-sub" I answered "but thank you"

The woman, that seemed to be the eldest from all of us, but not really old, chuckled a bit "Oh believe me, you'll love it. Dont you already do?" she smirked and eyed me.

"W-what, what do you mean?"

"I mean, your body clearly screams 'aroused'. I bet you had a great night, didn't you?"

I began to blush. Everyone was looking for me and I didn't want to reveal my whole sex life. But it seemed like everyone does this here.
So I nodded...

He puts the whip away and, allow me to be honest, I pout.
Yet, he smirks "Kitten seems to like that?" leaves his lips and I can't do anything else but nod.
"Don't worry, babygirl will have lots more fun" are his words before he removes the handcuffs from my wrists.
I stand there, without any introductions.

I watch Jungkook walk away from me while I'm still just wearing my soaked panties. And I'm still not allowed to speak.

He comes back with something that looks like a tail. I tilt my head and Jungkook chuckles raspily.

"Turn around" he orders and I obey.
I think he kneeled down because his hands now wrap around the hem of my panties before he starts to pull them down slowly.

I bite my lip.

Jungkook manages to pull my last piece of clothes down and I can feel his breath on my ass.

"Ah~!" I let out a soft moan when his tongue runs around my ass, coming closer to my hole.

That feels weird. I don't want him on my asshole. This feels disgusting. How can he...like licking a hole that usually releases someone's shit?

I bite my lip, this time in worry what it would feel like.
He then, pushes something in.
I whine "Mm-" and close my eyes shut.
The tail, i saw before is now hanging down from my ass. So it is a butt-plug. Okay.

It takes me a while to get used to the feeling but...it actually doesn't feel that bad.

"My bad kitten" whispers Jungkook and slaps my ass again. This slap feels more intense and I moan but try to hold back by biting my lip.

"Don't hold back your moans, babygirl" he repeats his actions and I bite my lip with a smirk, not making any noise.

"Babygirl" he says with a kinda warning in his voice.
Oh Jesus, you can't imagine how sexy his voice sounds in this moment.

I feel his hand wander between my legs from behind until he reaches my clit.
It really is a challenge to keep my mouth shut but I manage to stay quiet while he rubs his long fingers against my clit.

"Kitten, daddy wants to hear you"
His voice, oh gosh.
But I stay quiet.

Until I hear an angry growl.

I gasp as Jungkook grabs me by my waist and literally throws me onto the king-sized red bed.

"Oh look! She's blushing!" another woman giggled. She seemed to be pretty young, younger than me for sure.
"Excuse me, I don't want to be mean but...what is this?" I asked.

The eldest lowly chuckled. "Well, yes, we are all subs. And we met our men through different ways. Some at school, some while shopping, some...at work" she smirked.
"And all men you see sitting outside are doms. They know that society wouldn't accept their needs and so they made this kinda...club"

I frowned. Wait, stop, repeat.

"So they made this kinda...club"

This sounds crazy, doesn't it.

So they all do things to these woman that Jungkook does to me?
This thing...is actually a really thing?

I nodded slowly, trying to understand.
"Okay and um, may I ask how old you are?" I asked politely.
And the woman chuckled.
"I am the oldest here, 35. And our Sarah is the youngest, she's only 17"

I nearly choked on air. 17? Such a young girl literally belonging to an adult man?! And she enjoys it?

I looked at the young girl in disbelief and she seemed to read my thoughts because she replied with a chuckle.
"Don't worry, ma'am. I want it. And I love it"

I gave her a quick smile and nodded.
Of course I knew it was illegal. She was only 17. But...i didn't want to ruin her fun, in case it was. But for now, I believed her words.
And today i wonder, if I shouldnt have acted differently...

The drive home was quiet. No one said something.
I didn't want to because I was thinking about what had happened that evening.
And Jungkook probably knew that I didn't want to talk.
Until he did open his mouth
"I want to show you something"
He said and started taking another direction.

"But your home is the other way-"
He placed his hand on my thigh "shh"
is all he made so I stayed quiet.
I looked outside the slightly opened window.
It was already dark so you could see the stars clearly. The cold yet fresh wind hit my face and I could smell the fresh air. The atmosphere made me dream.

It made me dream myself into another world, a peaceful world. With no guilt, judgment, fights or war. Every individual got accepted, even the ones that seems to be different. But isn't that what makes us to be us. That we are all different?
Imagine everyone and everything being the same. Boring.
Differences. A great creation...

"Are you coming?"

"Are you coming?"

I opened my eyes, finding myself back in the reality. Jungkook had already opened my door and was waiting for me to get out.
"Oh yes, I'm coming"

"Y-yes! I'm coming!" I nearly scream.
"Don't come yet!" he demands.

After I left the car, I took a second to scan the surroundings. It was beautiful.
We were at a lake which was shining from the moonlight hitting it. The clear starry night sky, the bright moon. I think it was full moon.
My eyes sparkled as I looked around full of joy and amaznes.

"We have to talk".

Fifty Shades of Jeon|| Lizkook ff|| Where stories live. Discover now