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Dom:                                 Sub:
Jeon Jungkook                 Lalisa Manoban
25 years old                     24 years old
Singerstreet 1, Seoul      Sunstreet 4, Seoul

The fundamental purpose of this contract is to allow the submissive to explore her sensuality and her limits safely.

The dominant and submissive agree and acknowledge that all the occurs under the terms of this contract will be consensual, confidential, and subject to the agreed limits and safety procedures set out in this contract.

The submissive will agree to any sexual activity deemed fit and pleasurable by the dominant excepting those activities outlined in Hard Limits.

The submissive agrees to procure oral contraception from a physician of the dominants choosing.

The submissive will not enter into sexual relations with anyone other than the dominant.

The submissive will eat regularly to maintain her health and well-being from a prescribed list of foods.

The submissive will not drink into excess,
smoke or take recreational drugs.

The submissive shall always conduct herself in a respectfully manner to the dominant, and she'll only address him as "Sir", "Mister Jeon" or such other title as the dominant may direct. 

The submissive may not touch the dominant without his express permission to do so.

The safeword "Yellow" will be used to bring the attention of the dominant that the submissive is close to her limit.
When the safeword "Red" is spoken, the dominant's action will cease completely and immediately.

Does the submissive consent to being restrained with hands bound in front?
Does the submissive consent go being blindfolded?
Does the submissive consent to being gagged?
How much pain is the submissive willing to experience?

and more

Sign:       𝓙𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷     

Yes, these are original quotes from the movie "Fifty Shades of Grey" I thought i would just take the same rules as they since it would make sense lol. Keep enjoying the book and thank you :)

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