Bad choices

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*A few days ago*

Work was hard and also Jungkook needed a break from time to time. Sure, he had Lalisa who helped her to release stress and tension by sex but believe it or not,  this was not everything a man needed.
Jungkook was meeting his worker and good friend Jimin at a restaurant. They ate some proper meal before heading to a bar.
They sat down, had some drinks and laughed.

"So, tell me" started Jimin "How is this Lalisa? Is she loud? Needy?" he started laughing but Jungkook brolike hit his shoulder "Shut up"

Still, Jungkook chuckled and leaned his elbows on the counter, his forehead in his hand.
Jimin frowned as he hadn't seen Jungkook like this for a while now.
"Hey, are you okay?"

"Let's have some fun" Jungkook suddenly stood up, his hand banging on the counter. He looked around. Of course he saw some women and girls stare at him. Hoes and bitches who didn't want anything else but to get in his pants. But Jungkook was looking for something else, someone else; a man.
A man who was so handsome that it would be a pity if he wasn't taken.

And there he was, sitting on a round table with other men, drinking and playing games.
"Show me your cards" he said to one of the males and loudly laughed as he hit his cards onto the table "Go home bitch!"

His gaze fell on Jungkook, and he smirked.

"Ah, Jeon. Long time no seen. How have you been?" the handsome man walked over to Jungkook and looked in his eyes.
"Got a new toy?"
The stare between the men was mysterious and intense.

"Let's play" were the words that left Jungkook's lips.
But he only gained a chuckle.
"You haven't answered my question"

"When you win" Jungkook hadn't even blinked "I will tell you"
And what, if you win?" asked the other man.
"Then I will go home, and have fun. Deal, Kim Taehyung?"

The men played their games, everytime when the other won, they wanted a revenge. More and more drinks, more and more alcohol got into their system.

Taehyung was gulping down hus whiskey and hit the glass onto the table, one last time.
"One last round, my friend" the alcohol was clearly taking over him.
"If I win, I'll get your girl"
Jungkook's mind was foggy, he couldn't think clearly.
"If you win, I'll be yours!"
Okay, both weren't thinking clearly.



Lisa's P. O.V

I gasped, freezing immediately while I felt pearls of sweat forming on my forehead and tears in my eyes.
"J-Jungkook" I whimpered and he turned around. The second he did, he turned around with wide eyes.

"She is really beautiful. Good choice, Jeon" said the stranger as he traced my jawline with his finger.

"What do you want?" Jungkook's voice had something in it I've never heard before.
His finger moved to my lips, he ran over them until he pushed it in.
The man leaned to my ear and whispered dirty "Suck"

I looked over at Jungkook, my eyes full of fear and disgus.
I didn't know what to do.
On the one hand side, I didn't want to die. On the other hand side, I wasn't allowed to suck a strangers finger.

It sounds weird? I know. But for today, I was Jungkook's sub and I didn't want to betray myself by breaking the rules.

"Suck!" his raspy voice and the pressure coming from the gun on my head made me whine and close my eyes.
I didn't give a fuck about the rules in that moment, I didn't want to die.
So I wrapped my lips around the stranger's finger and sucked.

Jungkook's hate towards my move was an understanding. But i hoped he would understand why I'd done this.

Jungkook was mad, for sure. I could see how his eyes turned darker and darker by every second.
"Let her go" he growled.
I don't know what the stranger man did but his words were "Hm, I don't want to yet."

I then felt him leaning to my ear again and he whispered "You know I wouldn't kill you, baby"

I gulped. I couldnt speak. I tried. I wanted to scream, to kick and slap him. But i couldnt move. Not one note left my mouth. I was like paralyzed.
The only thing i was able to do, was to look at Jungkook with tears in my eyes and somehow mumble "Help"

But as I heard his finger on the trigger, my whole body tensed up even more. I didn't even know that this was possible.
Tears ran down my cheeks and I was shaking.

"Hey hey, stop! What do you want?" asked Jungkook's voice, now I could hear a little bit of panic in his voice.

"You know exactly what I want, Jungkook"

Wait, they knew each other?

"No way. Choose something else. Money! I can give you money!"

The man who was holding me just growled "On Monday, I want my treasure"
He removed his gun but held me closer again before he whispered "I hope he fucks you good, so dirty and raw" a shiver ran down my spine.

He then roughly let go and I immedialty stumbled into Jungkook's arms.
His embrace was so safe and comforting.

"Now leave" he commanded and the stranger actually left.

I broke down crying and Jungkook just stroked the back of my hair. He seemed to be thinking about something until I heard him whisper something

"This is my fault"

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