New plans

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Third person P.O.V

"That's was unbelievable! How could you leave me alone two times?! I do not know any of these people and I did not know what to talk about! But they were talking and talking and talking the whole time and I was so embarrassed!"
Lisa was a little screamed when the two drove back home. She was stressed because of the meeting she had with Jungkook's old teacher and because of the whole situation.
Jungkook tried to focus on driving. Lisa's screams and his feelings did not make it easier though. He tried to order them and tried to understand what just had happened.
He had cheated on his girlfriend at his old parents house with his old teacher. And he knew it wasn't completely his fault. His mother and Jisoo had tricked him. He triggered him so hard that he had no other choice. In the end of the day, he is still a little hurt boy.

"Could you PLEASE stop screaming at me!? I need to concentrate or do you want me to kill us both?!"
Jungkook was just confused and overwhelmed.
"Yeah maybe" Lisa mumbled but luckily Jungkook wasn't able to hear her anymore.

At home, they both went to bed without talking. And life went on.
Jungkook was really nervous all the time. He hid his phone from Lalisa since she could find the texts he and Jisoo exchanged sometimes. She mostly sent him some erotic texts while he tried to make clear that he was taken and not interested. But Jisoo knew better. At the same time, Jungkook made sure that Lalisa was not meeting guys he didnt know nor texted weird strangers. This is the typical behavior of someone who had cheated and Jungkook knew it and he felt bad for it.
Yes,  he liked meeting Jisoo but he also regretted it immedialty. He knew that he was his sick self when he met her and he needed to get rid of this trauma to get rid of Jisoo.

And he needed to convince himself and Lisa that he loved her. He loved her more than anything and he somehow needed to prove this. He needed something spectacular, something romantic, something huge!

Jungkook's P.O.V.

"I love you... you want to marry me?"
"Oh my gosh! Jungkook! Of course I want to! You're the love of my life and I would do anything for you!... Does this sound authentic?" Jennie asked.
"I don't know...what if she says no?" I asked and got back up, my finger running through my hair.
Every time I practice, I make a mistake. Nothing wants to be perfect "but it has to be perfect!"

Jennie sighed and shook her head, putting the lollipop out of her mouth. "Jungkook, it will be perfect. You love each other and that's all you need for it to be perfect. You even could ask her when the ring was a noodle and she would say yes." the lollipop found its way back in her mouth.

Maybe she was right. I'm sure Lisa loves me so I do not need to stress myself so much. She will say yes, I'm sure. I just need to be a good boyfriend till then.
"You're right. I'll take it easy. She loves me...and I love her. It will be perfect no matter how I'm gonna do it."
"Yeah, that's my boss! You have gotten every girl you've wanted. Where's your courage!" she chuckled and hit my shoulder jokingly. And I had to chuckle as well a bit. "You even got me, and that's not easy." she said and I looked at her eyes, our eyes locked. Our time together shot through my mind and I felt the urge to kiss her.
Don't, Jungkook, don't do it, do not kiss her!

Her lips were soft. We moved them in perfect rhythm. I told myself to stop but there was this voice in my head "You've done it already. Cheating a second time wouldn't be a thing. You're allowed to do it."
I pulled away. "No." I said more to the voice inside my head than to Jennie.
"What?" she asked but I barely couldnt hear her because the voice got so loud, and it didn't want to stop screaming at me. "Please be quiet!" I tried to scream back but it didn't stop.
In the next second, I grabbed Jennies waste and pulled her close to me, pressing my lips against hers. And the voice shut up...

I was laying in my bed, next to my beloved girlfriend. She was reading a book and I just stared at the ceiling.
"Baby?" I said.
"I think I need a therapist"
I heard her turn around and then she snuggled herself up to me.
"Oh babe, I know. I've been trying to tell you that the whole time now. And I'm proud of you for accepting help. How about we call one tomorrow?"
I nodded and curled up in her arms.
I knew I wasn't the same person and the voice inside my head was louder than ever.

So what are the plans for the next moths?
Starting a therapy and...

marrying Lisa!

Sorry, it's a shorter chapter this time. And I just wanna drop that I adore yall little "wtf-" Yes, it's a wtf-story 😂❤

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