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Lisa's P.O.V.

Two weeks. Jungkook and I had been together again for two weeks now and it had been a great time.
I loved being dominant from time to time and I loved that Jungkook let me.
This made our sex even more exciting.

It was a normal sunday. I was sleeping next to Jungkook in Jungkook's bedroom.
And yes, this is also new. She hadn't done this with his subs before so I felt a bit special everytime we slept there.
It was around 6 o'clock and I was already awake. I didn't know why, I just woke up.
Jungkook was still asleep, so I decided to watch him.
His beautiful, relaxed face when he sleeps. I love it, I love him.

I didn't touch him because I was scared he would wake up. Looking at him was enough.
Until his lips parted and his eyebrows lowered. Oh no, was he having a nightmare?
But then...he moaned?
I frowned. Wait, what? He grabbed onto the blanket and licked his lips, softly moaning again.
I decided to take a look under the blanket so I lifted it up a bit.

Oh lord, his dick was twitching. He was becoming hard!
He was having a wet dream!
I know, men get a boner around 6 times at night and that's normal, but he was for sure dreaming.
And I don't know why, but this thought turned me on.
I felt the familiar feeling down there and bit my lip.
I couldn't help it. I needed to be touched.
So...i touched myself.

My hand moved down to my panties and I rubbed my clit through them. I held back my moans but I felt great. I imagined what he could be dreaming about and it drove me crazy. I wanted to cum but then...

"Babygirl? What are you doing?"
A sleepy Jungkook had sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"Oh I... I was just horny" I chuckled.
Jungkook rose a brow but then looked away. "I need to go to the bathroom. I'll punish you later."

Now I rose a brow and smirked. My hand landed on his shoulders to keep him on the bed. "Oh really?" I said, sitting behind him. "I think you are the one who needs a punishment." I whispered in his ear and pulled the blanket off his crotch.
I could feel the heat coming from his cheeks.
"I-im sorry." he said. Oh god, he is so cute when he becomes submissive. I love that.
"Don't worry, babyboy. Sit in front of the mirror."
Jungkook sat down on another edge of the bed. In front of this edge, there was his wardrobe but it has a huge mirror front.
I sat behind him. "I want you to watch." I whispered again and let my finger travel over his back.
I felt that he was nervous. Especially when my palm pressed against his crotch.
I made sure that his eyes kept looking at himself while I jerked him off.
His boxers were pulled down by now and my hand was going up and down pretty fast. He was trying to cover his moans which made me add more pressure to make it harder for him not to moan.
And soon, he realeased on my hand.

I got down on my knees, right between his legs. "Oh babyboy had a upsi." I smirked and cleaned my hand with my tongue while I stared into his eyes. Then I did the same with his cock. My fingers wrapped around it and I took it in my mouth. I immedialty felt how he was hardening again.


After a few more orgasms, we were in his kitchen. I was making some pancakes while he sat there and read the newspaper. I've dreamt of such a perfect life for ages.
Suddenly, the bell rang.
"I will open the door." Jungkook smiled, gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and left to the door.
I smiled at this cute gesture and continued cooking.

"What are you doing here?" I heard my boyfriend say, sounding surprised.
"That's not what I expected to be greeted. We haven't seen each other for so long and that's how you say hello to me?" a woman's voice answered.
I frowned.
Then I could not understand but they were saying until the two of them came back.
Next to Jungkook, a middle-aged woman.
"Lisa! Lisa, I want you to get to know someone. This is my mother!" he said and seemed a little nervous. I smiled, turned the cooker down and cleaned my hands to shake hers. "What a pleasure. Hello, I'm Lisa, Jungkook's girlfriend." The woman shook my hand and took a closer look at me. "Ah yeah, I'm so happy that Jungkook finally got a new woman by his side. But what happened to your old girlfriend, honey?" She turned to Jungkook.

I felt embarrassed and looked down, so I wouldn't disturb them.
"O-oh, mother, please. I don't think it's the right time to talk about her now."
"Wasn't she beautiful enough? I though you like elder women? Lisa, sweetheart, how old are you?"

I gulped. She was embarrassing me right in front of Jungkook. But well, he seemed to be embarressed as well. It was just awkward and I wanted to disappear now!

"I'm 23, miss" I said and she raised a brow. "Kookie, darling. Your last girlfriend was at least 10 years older than you. What happened to your-"
"Pancakes! Lisa made some pancakes, mother! Do you want some? Im sure we have enough!"

"Oh yes of course. I'll just serve some!" I smiled quickly and went back to the cooker.

10 years older? So she must be talking about Jungkook's teacher he was deeply in love with. The woman that opened Jungkook's mind for this sex thing. But that also means that she does not know about his games...

I watched them as Jungkook showed his mother his appartment and I prepared three plates with pancakes for all of us.
I placed them on the table and told them the pancakes would be ready.

Guess what? The breakfast was the most awkward breakfast I've ever had. The mother always tried to talk about Jungkook's old girlfriend and about elder woman. I really don't like this woman.
"My children, in this evening, me and your stepfather are going to give a little dinner. We would like you two to come. I haven't spend time with my son in ages and I really would like you to be with him." she smiled at me. I needed to force a smile and nodded. "Oh, thank you for the invitation. We would like to come." I said since Jungkook seemed to be muted.

His mother stayed for a bit more before she finally left.

"I am SO sorry" Jungkoom groaned and ran his hand through his hair.
"Hey, don't worry" I smiled and placed my hands on his shoulders. "Its just a dinner,  right? We gonna make it" I smiled again and kissed him.

But if I knew who I was going to met,

I never would have said yes.

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