The first morning

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Lisa's P.O.V

The sun hit my face, I heard birds singing, the air was warm but nice to inhale. I smiled softly at the soft material underneath my head and covering my body, a pillow and a blanket. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked as they adjusted to the light.
My blurry sight slowly became more clear and-

"What the-"

I sat up and looked around, rubbing my eyes. This was not my room.
It was bigger than mine. And again, much black and white, some green coming from flowers. I was laying on a king sized bed.

What happened? I couldn't really remember anything. I just knew that I was on a dinner with Mister Jeon and that he had put something like a sex toy inside me. It waa a challenge but then....nothing. Just black.

I looked at myself, I was only wearing a over sized white shirt.
Then, my gaze fell on my wrists. They were bruised, even a little bloody. Just like my feet. Was I tied up or something?

I moved further to the edge of the bed to sit up but my head was spinning.
I closes my eyes and held my forehead so it could calm down.

After five more minutes, I finally stood up and slowly made my way out of this room, finding myself in a hallway.


I explored the house a little but didn't find anyone.
But I have to say, it looked really nice and comfortable.

As I got into the kitchen, I found a note.

Feel like home.
Am at work. You can stay here.
Eat something.

Okay, so I was alone at my boss' house while I was supposed to be working. What the hell had happened?

I sighed and sat down on a chair. Suddenly, I felt some pain in my lower stomach and lower parts. I whined quietly as I wrapped my arms around my stomach.

"Jesus, please" I mumbled to myself and the stinging pain disappeared soon. Luckily.

Jungkook said I should eat something, but I wasn't hungry. Actually I felt dirty.
So I decided to look for a bathroom, making me walk through the house again.

I had taken a shower and put my underwear on but kept Jungkook's shirt on since it was comfortable and the over sized was pretty cute.
In that moment I was eating a sandwich while food was cooking in the kitchen. I sat down on the counter and watched the water cook.
Humming softly, I swung my legs back and forth until I heard the front door getting unlocked.

"Yes, I know that this is a huge amount of money but I need to risk it... Please just do it" I heard Jungkook say while his keys fell on a counter in the hallway.

He sounded stressed.

I jumped off the counter and slowly walked to the door and opened it, leaning on the door frame while I looked at Jungkook who just had hung up.

Jungkook took off his shoes and jacket before his gaze fell at me. His smile grew.

"Hello beautiful lady" said my boss with a smile while he approached me.
Once he was close to me, he placed his hand on my waist, then a kiss on my lips.

I was a little taken aback. Correction, I was really confused. What had happened last night?

"I see. You're making dinner? I'm sorry for leaving. Work was calling"

Jungkook walked past me and entered the kitchen, smelling the cooking food. I turned around and kept my eyes on him.

"Jungkook?" I asked shyly. I was embarrassed about the fact that I couldn't remember anything. What if I said things...or did things I never wanted to say or do? Oh gosh.

"Yes angel?" he asked. The nickname releasing a weird feeling inside of me.

"What...what happened last night? I... can't remember anything" I admitted quielty and I saw Jungkook smirking.

"Really?" asked the brown haired man and slowly walked over to me.
He took my hands and wrapped my arms around his neck, his arms around my waist.

I only got more confused. What was this supposed to mean.

"You don't remember what we did? What you said to me?" he asked breathy and I just shook my head.
Jungkook moved a strand of my hair behind my ear "Oh baby, you've confessed your whole love and we promised each other to love each other forever"

I blushed. I did not expect that. Then the next thought shot in my mind and my eyes widened.

"Did we-"

"We did"

His smirk was still there.

Jungkook turned us around and gently pushed me against the wall.

I can't remember confessing my feelings. I didn't even know that I had some. But the more I looked at him, the more I felt something like a bond between him and me.
I think i should let myself fall and trust him. Why would he lie about something important like thisx

"How was it?" I asked quietly

"Amazing" he whispered and leaned closer to me, my eyes landing on his lips.
I bit mine and earned a chuckle from my boss.

"Like what you're seeing?"

I looked back up at him, smirked and nodded.

"Yes, sir" I said before I pressed my lips on Jungkook's, kissing him as he kissed back.

The kiss turned more passionate, more hungry and more intime. Jungkook turned off the stove, slowly leading me back to his bedroom.

And it really was amazing.

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