The truth

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Taehyung was holding Lisa and covered her mouth. She was crying fear. He didn't touch her sexually. I was relieved. But at the same time, I could beat his fucking ass off.

Lisa looked at me with tears and fear in her eyes.
"Lisa, baby, don't worry. It will be all fine" I said calmly without thinking about my words.
Then I looked at Taehyung.
"What do you want?"
He smirked "Oh, Kookie, you should know what I want."

"Let her go. She has nothing you need! She is not part of this!" I said and bolded my fists.
"Oh, she does have something I want. She does something I want so desperatly. Oh Kookie, can't you see? We are made for each other."

I frowned. I did not know what to say.
"Wait, you, what?"

"Kookie, I love you. I love you since high school. But you never gave me any attention because you like girls!" while saying this, he shook Lisa which made her cry out.

"Hey! Stop it! Let go of her and we can talk about this."

"I wont let her go. Because then she will take you away from me and you won't listen to me, you won't love me!"
He held Lisa closer to his body.

"Taehyung, please. Don't hurt her. It's not her fault that I'm not gay."

"But you should be! You are supposed to like me! We are supposed to be together! Since I've fallen in love with you, I've tried to be your best friend, always being close to you. Once I heard you've gotten into this sex thing, I joined to have better control of you and to make every girl leave you. It has worked so well but now you found out."

Lisa was visibly shocked and so was I.
What he said made sense. He always was a little different than my other friends.
"But you also slept with women!" was the only thing I could say in this moment.
"Just to cover up my real sexuality!"

"Tae, please calm down. Let Lisa go and I promise you, we will talk about this" I slowly tried to get closer to them but he only held Lisa tighter, making her whine.
"You haven't called me that in ages!"
I sighed "I know and I'm sorry. Please, I didn't know about your feelings but you should have told me."

"That wouldn't have changed your feelings anyways!"
"Maybe. But we could have figured it out and stayed friends. Let her go" I held my hands out for him to take them. I waited a bit and gave him a soft look until he put his hands in mine.
Immedialty, I pulled him in my embrace and hugged him and so did he. He started to cry.
"I'm sorry I hurt your feelings like this. I really had no clue you liked me. But I cant change the fact that I don't like men. Tae, you should try to move on."

I heard him cry and glanced at Lisa who was trying to calm herself down.
In the next second, the door got pushed open and three police men entered the room.
"No one moves!" they screamed while holding their guns. "Who is Kim Taehyung?"
Taehyung looked up and quietly said "I am Kim Taehyung, surprised you don't know me." he sobbed and let go of me. The officers handcuffed him while no one said anything.
"I love you, Jeon Jungkook" was the last thing I heard from him.

The next second, Lisa's friend stormed in and hugged her tightly. "Lisa, my little angel, are you okay?"
She just cried in his arms and I let them be.

It was when I was about to leave when I heard her say "Jungkook, wait."
She let go of her best friend and walked over to me.
She stood in front of me, not much space between our bodies.

I looked at her, she looked at me and the next thing I felt were her lips on mine.
Her soft lips touched mine and they moved in perfect rhythm. She tasted like cherry.
I wrapped my arms around her waist while here arms moved around my neck.
The kiss didn't speed up, we didn't get hungry. We just enjoyed the kiss we had been waiting for for so long.
It felt amazing,  like I've never kissed before. All tension, every fear, gone. It felt relieving to finally have her back, even though I don't deserve her.

"J-Jungkook, are you crying?" her soft voice asked.
I broke the kiss and touched my cheeks. Oh fuck, I was crying.
I quickly dryed them.
"N-no, my eyes are just sweating."
She chuckled. Oh gosh, how I missed her voice, her giggles, her laughs and...her moans. I hoped to get them to hear soon.

My glance felt at her friend who was watching with a smile. "I will let you two alone then. Enjoy yourself" he said before he left the apartment.

Then, silence. We both just looked at each other.

"Lisa, I'm... I'm so sorry. I know I've done many, many things wrong and I know you were right with everything you ever said to me. I know I'm a jerk and don't deserve a second chance, I don't deserve you. But I realised something the past weeks. Please, Lisa, I need you. I need you so fucking bad. I need you to be a part of my life. Please come back to me. I... I love you..." my heart was racing.

Her eyes had something in them I couldnt identify.
"Jungkook, I..."

"Its okay if you need time but please don't ignore me!"

"Jungkook. I... I love you, too."

My heart skipped a beat. She...she said it! After everything I've done, after everything she went through because of me. She said it! I was the happiest man in the world in this moment.

I picked her up and connected our lips immediately. She wrapped her legs around my waist and we just kissed.
Lips moving, tongues fighting, hands roaming, moans escaping.
"One condition" she said between the kiss.
"You will go to a therapy."
I nodded "Fine."
I broke the kiss and looked at her in fear and curiosity.
"I also want to be the dominant from time to time" Lisa bit her lip.
"Deal" I smiled and pressed my lips onto hers.
My body started pressing hers against a wall while we didn't stop making out.

Lisa's lips stopped touching mine as she took off her shirt. "You know I've broken many rules, sir?"
Her lips found her way back on mine, her hands roamed over my body. And it did not bother me that she was touching my chest, I was just happy.

"Then babygirl should be punished" with an easy movement, I threw her onto her bed and I was so happy

That I was the one making her make these sounds.

Woah, what happened to me? Why am I so active?🙃

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