Chapter 7. Beach

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"How about we go now and scope out hot guys." Ami says enthusiastically. Of course that's what she wants to do. But I won't argue with it, sounds kind of fun. Hope there are at least some hot guys there. Vivian is wearing jean shorts and a strapless purple top. Ami is wearing jean shorts and a blue tank top. They look good as they walk over to me with there things. Ami opens the door so we can leave the dorm and then the building. The three of us head towards the beach, which thankfully isn't far from our building. Not many students are walking around the main area of campus. Oh well, at least it is a beautiful day out for tanning and playing games.

Everyday can bring something new, so I wonder what today brings after this horrid morning. I take a look at my cell, its 11:30, not bad. Once we got to the sandy beach, we take off our flip flops and walk towards the volleyball court. There are people already playing and people waiting to use it. So, we most likely wont be playing for a while.

Oh well we can always tan. I look at them and motion for them to head towards the rocky shoreline that has beach going all around the cliffs. They serve as private beach space and the opening to the ocean. There aren't many people down this way which is nice. We can stretch out and be comfortable instead of crammed between people we don't know.

As we get to an area with very little people, I see Devon laying in the sand looking up at the sky. He knows that we are approaching him because his head turned a little bit and quickly back to the sky. He is feeling guilty for something. I stop a bit away from him, because something is bugging him to be this far out without anyone with him. Its none of my business though.

The girls stop with me and start taking their towels out, placing them on the ground as I was looking around. I take my towel out as well and put it on the sand, trying to keep the sand off of it. Its a hard thing to accomplish on a beach. I place a water bottle at the top of the towel, with my shoes and bag at the bottom to keep it form flying around.

I take my shirt and pants off to reveal my blue swim top that goes around my neck and my very small blue swim bottoms that are a V shape. I saw a model wearing it in a commercial once and I liked it. The girls watched me as I did this and I put my clothes in my bag.

"What's the matter with you two?" I ask tucking some hair behind my ear as I sit down.

"I never noticed before but you have a really nice hourglass shape and above average breasts. Please don't take that the wrong way." Vivian says shaking her head a bit, concentrating. She commented on my figure earlier, I guess she forgot.

"I never knew you had such a good figure. I wish I was so curvy." Ami says as she gets a bit shy. Why on earth did this have to happen again?

"Thank you guys. Ami don't worry I was just born this way like Viv was born to have big boobs. But you Ami were born to be clever and you have just as nice a body as we do. Don't ever doubt that. If someone tells you otherwise tell me and I will defend you. Aimsely you're small, beautiful and you have it all in your favour. People assume things about Viv and me based on our looks. Or worse they judge use for how we look instead of getting to know us. You have a subtle beauty that sneaks up on a person." I tell her confidently. I hope she understands what I'm trying to tell her. She smiles shyly.

"Thanks Jo, that means a lot." Aimsely says blushing a little bit. My back got a few goose bumps. I guess he is looking over here. I look over to where Devon is and his light brown hair seems to blend in with the sand as he looks over at us. I smile towards him.

"Joanne what are you looking at?" Vivian asks as she looks at me.

"One of our friends is over there." I inform her pointing it out as I look out at the ocean. She sits up and looks in that direction. She sees him and waves. He waves back as he stretches after standing up. He is a couple inches taller than me, with blue eyes, a built body and stunning abs. He looks good this year. Something has changed with him because he seems more confidant now and much more handsome then I remember. He walks over to us with his towel that he scooped up. He lays it beside me and sits down. He stretched his legs out and had his arms behind him holding up his torso. Its weird how toned muscles stand out more when his arms are like that.

"Hey Devon how has your summer been treating you?" Vivian asks him as she lays her head on her knees. Nice Viv, hide your body by folding it in half. Like that could ever work. Ami softly said hello in the background. She does look really good; she just lacks self-esteem.

"Hey ladies. My summer has been good considering I am sitting next to the three hottest girls at school." Devon smiles widely, as he lightly flirts. I look at him with a hello smile.

"Awe thats sweet. Looks like you haven't changed a bit. How do you do you do it?" Aimsely asks him coolly. He does look way better then last year; how doesn't she see it? Or maybe she does and doesn't want to say it out loud.

"Oh you know, went to the gym, ate and slept." He says with a laugh as we all smile.

"Can you out some sunscreen on my back please?" I ask him with the sunscreen in my hand. His blue eyes sparkled a little bit.

"Sure I don't mind." He says taking the sunscreen from my hand. I turn my back to him as he puts sunscreen on me. He massaged it in just so it wouldn't be goopy, which is very nice of him to do.

"Thank you so much Devon." I say to him as he hands me the sunscreen back. He smiles.

"No problem." He says smiling widely. I put the lotion over the rest of my bare skin so I won't burn. I lay on my back with my hands behind my head. Vivian and Aimsely are whispering and giggling about something again. I want to ask but knowing them its probably not very important or its inappropriate.

"How's Heidi doing?" I ask politely, ignoring the girls.

"We broke up the last day of school last year. There wasn't any way around it because we just lost interest in one another. I miss being with her but it wasn't meant to be so I'm glad it happened." Devon explains with a smile. It is bothering him a bit but he isn't hurting from it anymore.

"Well if its not meant to be then its not meant to be. I'm glad you both found out now before anything serious happened. I'm sure the right person will show up soon enough." I say supportively.

"I know. You seeing anyone these days?" He curiously asks leaning back on his hands again. Got to love the muscles that stand out but aren't too obnoxious.

"No she isn't but she wishes she was just like the two of us." Aimsely tells him quickly. Smooth, try to make me sound more like a loser.

~~ Sun and beach. Something I'm sure most of us want now with the weather getting cold and now appearing. :) ~~

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