Chapter 2. Dorms

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Vivian continues the drive and it only take us a couple minutes to get up the steep hill to come to a flat plain where our school, residency, and everything else you can think of stands for the College years here. Once you get onto the plain you can see the College right away at the far end of the parking lot. On the right we can see the residency building that we can use while attending the school. Off to the left behind some wooded area you can see another big building that is the mall. Behind the residency buildings you can see the beach. Or at least see some sand and hear the water. I take a deep breath taking it all in again.

Since we had already gone to the office weeks ago to get our room allocations and timetables we already knew where to park out car. We are in the dorm building 1 room 3. We walked into the building once Vivian parked right outside of it. We see our room is the second closest to the front door with our keys waiting in the little mailbox by the door.

Each of us pick up a key and Vivian gets the honour to open our dorm room for the first time. We walk inside and this year our apartment is very spacious. Our bedroom doors aren't right beside each other thankfully. Theres a bathroom we can access in the main area, a nice big kitchen and a nice open floor plan. I can't believe how much space we have this year as we walk around the main area.

The first door has Ami's name on it so we let her go in and look around as her stuff floats in. The next door is Vivians, so I let her go in and get comfortable as her things come in as well. There's a door to outside, a terrace thats across from the front door. I step outside looking around. Why we would need a terrace or door to get outside when we are so close to the buildings front door, I'm not sure. I go back inside and cross the main area, on the other side of our dorm where the door to my room is.

The first thing I notice about my room is that it has nice emerald blue walls and a king size bed. My room is simple which I like, though idk why I have a bigger bed. There's a nice big window along the back wall of my room. Picture's of me and my friends, of my parents and even from some holidays start appearing around the room, making it feel homey. I look in the closet and its huge. It looks like I could fit everything from home in it. The bathroom in my room is also decent and very spacious. I have a nice walk in shower with a waterfall shower head. That will be nice to use. I go back into my room and all my furniture has arrived. A nice floor length mirror by my closet, my desk is opposite the window, my ladybug area rug and even my papasan chair is placed under the window with a nice antique tale for my books.

I sit down in my chair as my luggage carries itself into my room and put itself away. I smile as I get up. As I leave my room, I can see my clothing sorting itself away. I wonder if I can ever get used to this. For the size of my room, and guessing its the same for the girls, and how many rooms seem to be in this building, the building surprisingly looks normal. Got to love enchantments to help with the nicely sized rooms. I look around as I stand in my bedroom door and our dorm is now fully furnished with a wall unit, a TV, stereo system, furniture and an area rug. I don't think I could ever get used to this place no matter how many years I have been coming here.

I go and sit in the arm chair opposite the girls. They are giggling about something as they close the book they had on the couch. They don't look at me for a few minutes. With Vivian around its hard to think about things at certain times because of her mind reading ability. She only does it when she really wants to know hat someone is thinking at the time. Though I am pretty sure she does it anytime she wants too. It can be handy but also a pain if youre in a fight, her ability can be annoying. She gave me a side glance. As I thought, she is listening to me right now.

"What are you guys looking at?" I ask ignoring Vivians obvious smirk of eavesdropping.

"Last year's yearbook. We weren't able to read it last year." Aimsely said with an innocent look, as if they didn't have all summer to do that. If she just played it cool I wouldn't have thought it so unusual.

"Whose year book exactly Ami? Because I saw you both read every comment in yours once you got them back from each person." I say casually yet with a note of catching them in a lie.

"It's your year book Jo. We were interested because you had gotten it signed without us last year and wanted to see why. So, we read it and found why you disappeared on us last April." Vivian says straight forward because we all know that Aimsely is the queen of getting her way and stalling. Depending on what side of the conversation your on it can be useful or annoying. Great know that they know who signed my year book they will use it against me. Especially since we have a few weeks before term actually starts.

"I figured and what exactly did you find out that you couldn't already figure out?" I ask them as I lean against the back of the chair with my arms on either arm rest. Even though I'm a little annoyed that they didn't just ask me first I would have just handed it to them.

"We hadn't actually found anything interesting because you had gotten everyone in the school to sign it, which is amazing. You however didn't get 2 people. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal. But those 2 people have hearts drawn around them instead. So why didn't you get Noah and Devon to sign it Joanne?" Vivian asks point blank. She can't honestly be surprised that I didn't get them to sign. I don't like them like that. At least I don't think so. I just find them slightly attractive.

I know Vivian is listening to me because no matter what I tell her or think for that matter she won't believe me. Supposedly everything has a hidden meaning to her. At least thats what our Psych teacher says anyways. Aimsely is just watching Viv stare at me while she listens to me. I laid my head on the back of the chair in annoyance.

"What does she think about us invading her yearbook privacy?" Amie asks Viv, breaking her concentration. I swear there might be a slight pressure when she invades your mind like that.

~~I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay tuned for another chapter soon. Feedback and comments are always welcome. :) ~~

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