Chapter 17. Rumors

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"I am on the party committee for the year Joanne. I am getting more involved with our student body and learning more about people. The people seem to like the fact that I am not being a jerk anymore and am using my talents for good." He says sincerely. It starts now, I guess.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Noah." I say as we write our names down on the sign-up sheet. It seems like everyone around the school is buzzing with the anticipation of the dance. We also hear rumors that Noah changed because he is in love with someone and speculate who it might be. Seems like a lot of people like Noah. Why does that bother me so much? I mean I am the one who told him he had to change and prove it to me.

But I never thought he actually would be more involved with the community here. Vivian, Aimsely and I go down to the beach to tan. We pick the spot we always do now. We put our towels down and lay on them in our swim suits. I can feel Vivian thinking. What is she concentrating so hard on?

"Who is making Noah change so drastically? Whoever it is should get a medal because he is actually a very decent human being." Vivian says unable to truly believe it.

"Yeah the same person is said to be making him change or else she won't even consider giving him a chance for one date. I cant' believe that he is willing to go through that for someone. Whoever it is must be pretty damn special." Aimsely says wondering as well. Maybe I should tell them. I mean it has been more then a week since that note in the sky and I did say I would explain it. I wonder how they will take it. I still can't believe how many people seem to like him. I don't like it. But I am the one he wants so it doesn't matter who else likes him, I guess.

"I know and the fact that he has changed so much in the past two weeks is also very, very shocking. But its kind of nice not having to worry about him or his friends hating on people anymore. Plus, its been so peaceful since he has changed. It's nice." Vivian says relaxed and comfortable. I'm glad my influence on him is benefiting everyone. Over the past couple weeks Devon's even surprised that he changed so quickly. He thinks it's all a show. But I somehow doubt that or else it wouldn't have lasted even a week.

"Do you girls remember that note in the sky more then a week ago?" I ask them as I sit up to look at them.

"Yes why?" Vivian asks propping herself up onto her elbows. Aimsely turns her head to face me.

"If I tell you who wrote it then the rumors will become easy to figure out. Do you want to know who wrote it?" I ask them, kind of excited to tell them because I can't really talk to Devon about this. I mean its been only a few hours since I found out that Noah is going to do what he said. It does change things for sure. Not only that, but Devon is very skeptical so I worry about him when it comes to this issue.

"For sure." They say together very excited that I am finally letting them in the loop.

"Noah wrote that note." I tell them with a smile.

"Oh my god seriously. Then the rumors are about you?" Aimsely says sitting up completely now. She is very surprised that I would have that kind of effect on someone. I'm surprised she got it so fast. I thought it would take them a few minutes to figure it out.

"Seriously the rumors are about you? How the hell did you get him to change so much in so little time?" Vivian asks sitting up as well. I can't tell if she's hurt, angry or upset.

"You remember the second night we were here how we told our secrets and how Devon and I stayed out very late right. Remember how I told you Noah came and we fought. Well we actually didn't fight. He wanted to apologize for everything he had done and wanted to say that he changed. He wanted to help out with the school to make it a better place like we supposedly do. He had been watching us the whole time that day too, so he heard my confession. That wasn't good, but he wants to make it up to me. He wants to change to get to know me and try to win my heart. Since that night he said he would try and do anything to win me over." I tell them honestly. They look very shocked and I feel shocked.

"Of all the people at this school why is it that Noah want's you?" Vivian asks sourly.

"Are you jealous Vivian that someone wants me even though I am kind of with someone?" I ask her plainly.

"Yes, I am jealous because, despite me trying, I want Noah. But he is the one who always got away." Vivian says negatively. I can't understand why, I never wanted this kind of attention. Sure, I have always thought about what it would be like if two people liked me at the same time. But now that it's here its a little weird.

"What do you mean kind of with someone? You and Devon have been spending a lot of time together. You both have been spending nights together doing who knows what. So how does Devon feel about Noah?" Aimsely asks with her eyebrow raised.

"Vivian its not my fault. I never asked for this. Devon and I have talked about it and he knows that I won't do anything until Noah does change for good. I told him only then would I re-assess things. But he also knows that I have liked Noah in that way longer then I have him. He isn't upset about any of this." I tell them both.

"I don't believe this. From what I can tell he has changed for good and he isn't going back. So, tell me if that day was today what would you do?" Vivian asks me as she turns to me. She isn't going to let up until I tell her.

"I would agree to one date and one date only to see how he acts with just me. That way I can asses things. To see if he is genuine or if he is full of crap." I inform her. Nothing is going to change my opinion until after that one date.

"Vivian drop it. There isn't anything funny going on here for you to worry about. Devon wont' get hurt because he obviously knows how Joanne feels. You're just trying to stir the pot and cause havoc. It's not you so please drop it. Joanne will let us now when something changes." Aimsely says as she sits between us.

"I know that. I just don't get why he chose her. I mean there's so many other people here at school. Yes, I am jealous because I want him. I'm sorry that I am taking it out on you again Jo." Vivian says letting Ami sit between us.

"It's okay Viv. I understand. I honestly don't know why he chose me either alright. But I will find out." I tell her as I grab all my things. I brush all the sand off of my body and swimsuit. I shook my towel out before putting it in my bag and wait to see if they will get up but they didnt.

"You going to go to bed?" Ami asks kindly.

"Its not that late Ami. I just want some alone time now and get my outfit ready for tomorrow. I won't wait up for you." I say as I walk away. I really do hope that Devon understand everything that is going on. I don't want to hurt him. I get home pretty fast. It's happening way to fast; I don't think I can take all of this. I open the door since we don't lock it. There isn't a need right now because we know our rooms are safe. I grab a coke from the fridge and go into my room. When I close the door, I see Devon sitting on my bed.

"Hey Devon what are you doing?" I ask him. I wonder why he didn't text to ask if he could come in.

"I'm waiting for you. I know you really do want Noah because he has changed a lot. I don't mind because I knew from the beginning that he was going to do well on his promise. So, no hard feelings alright. I swear to you that there aren't any hard feelings. We may have gone on several dates, but we aren't dating. As much as we tried, the sparks just aren't there." Devon informs me. I'm glad there is no hard feeling between us. I hate that he is doing this now of all times.

"Thank you for understanding. I noticed the lack of sparks too. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to hurt you. But he hasn't changed completely yet. You sure you want to stop whatever it is we have?" I ask as I put my bag in my closet. I sit on my bed beside him. We do have fun when we hang out, but there isnt anymore.

"No not yet, because if I do that then he might think I made it easy for him." He says with an evil grin and giggle. Awesome. My stomach sinks with dread.

~~Hope you enjoy this chapter. Enjoyed letting her wait to tell that info. I hope you all enjoyed and love to hear feedback and comments. :)~~

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