Chapter 34. Apologies, Quiet and Night Alone

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"How dare you call Noah a liar. He's been up front and honest with the both of you. If you do remember I was the one who told you that story. Not him. So, where do you get the balls to take it out on him?" I blatantly ask them. They know that they are in shit because they both immediately feel guilty. They look at each other and then at Noah for help. I stay behind them at the couch.

"Don't look at me. Logan you're the one who blamed me and called me a liar. So, fess up and explain why. Jo don't hurt Pat. I think he knew the truth." Noah says trying to help. Logan swallows nervously. He looks so scared right now.

"Why Noah? I thought we were friends." Logan says trying to get help.

"We are friends. But I can truthfully say that if I had the choice, I would be honest and not hide anything from Joanne." Noah advises him. He knows me well.

"What are you talking about? Why does there have to be a reason why I accused him?" Logan asks me as he sits on the table, so he wouldn't be in arms reach. He forgets that I don't need to hit him to hurt him. I raise my eyebrow at him and cross my arms. I look at him with a straight face so he knows that I'm not playing around. "I blamed him because I'm not afraid of him." Logan says scared that I will hurt him.

"You don't need to be afraid of me. You just have to respect me and the fact that if you do that again I will not tolerate it." I say flat out to him. Logan nods his head really fast multiple times. Now if you don't mind, I am going to take a walk." I say as I grab my keys and leave.

I go outside and look around. I see a poster for the Halloween dance this Friday after school. That should be fun. I go to the roof. Once I sit down in the lawn chair, I can finally just relax. I take a few deep breaths and let my mind empty. At least for the time being. I look around and see that its really nice now. What a crazy ass morning. I can't believe that they thought he would hurt me and the fact they didn't think I could stand up for myself is appalling. But when you don't know what's going on, I guess sometimes its okay to think that. But one shouldn't automatically accuse it without knowing the facts first.

I wonder what time the dance starts on Friday. I will find out later when I see the poster again. I notice the stairs appear. I guess someone is coming to visit. It didn't take long before Noah got up here. A chair appears next to mine and he sits down in it as the stairs disappear. He didn't say anything to me. He lets me have some quiet time. He didn't look upset or unhappy at all, which is a good thing. I thought he would be annoyed at me or something to let Vivian think those things. I feel bad that she shit a brick and too it out on him. We look out towards the beach.

"I am sorry that Vivian exploded on you." I say to him as I pick at my nails.

"I'm pretty sure that Vivian is just trying to protect you. I think your toilet took a worse explosion then I did." Noah says jokingly. I smile. He knows that I can't stay blank for long. We laugh at that.

"Oh, shut up. Its not my fault that my main power is fire. Sometimes it has its drawbacks." I say turning red. We smile knowing that it might not go back to normal colour.

"I know its not your fault. None of this is. Something was blocked in you and the toilet took the brunt of it." He says understanding and trying not to make fun of what happened.

"I know. I am sorry for this morning none the less." I tell him with a warm smile. He looks at me and smiles back. I'm sure the toilet jokes are not going to leave anytime soon.

"I know. I know you saw the poster downstairs. Are you going to the school dance or party?" Noah asks.

"Well it is a school party and I know someone on the committee who will make it pretty awesome." I say with an innocent smile, hinting that he is good at planning the dances.

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