Chapter 41. Uneasy

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Some Bacardi drinks roll to our feet. The kind in the plastic bottle with orange liquid in it. I had no idea they had this one here. I was just hoping they did because I like this one. I pick up mine and open it. Noah looks at me.

"I've been trying to learn a new ability okay. Its harder than you think. Again, happy birthday Noah, even though it was yesterday." I tell him taking a sip of my drink. He smiles kindly. I wish the weirdness wasn't here this afternoon or the feeling of worrying from the misunderstanding we had. But it happens and we have to learn from it.

"It's okay things happen and its only 3. What I wanted to happen did and I enjoyed every minute of it." Noah says trying not to say too much. Patrick tried not to think about it as he slightly shudders. They both pick up their drink and have some. I'm glad the feeling in here is nice. I have a few abilities already and yet I am trying to learn one more. I wonder if anyone else tried to learn more?

Patrick turns the TV on and the move Meet The Fockers in on. It's such a funny movie. The volume is turned up a bit. I can feel eyes on me every once in a while. I ignore it best I can. I go invisible and move to the armchair instead so that I can be comfortable in my boyfriends apartment. I wish the staring stop. I shouldn't have to hide just because he has an issue. I walk over to Noah and bed over.

"Noah please talk to him about staring at me. It's making me uncomfortable. I'm going to change." I whisper in his ear. He gives me a slight head nod. Maybe I this was normal people wouldn't stare. Glad he is going to talk to him. I go right into Noahs bathroom. That way I don't have to worry about being seen. I did however close his bathroom door. I become visible as I was my face to get the mascara and eye shadow off. The lipstick came off as well, I dont mind. A pair of jean shorts appear, as well as a tank top for me to change into.

I leave on the undergarments and put on the friendlier clothes. Hopefully this doesn't make certain people stare. I can only hope. I open the bathroom door very quietly and go invisible. I leave those clothes on the sink counter and I walk over to the men. I sit on Noah's lap carefully so Patrick wouldn't notice. He seems to be interested in just the TV now.

"I talked to him. He apologizes and will stop." He whispers in my ear.

"Good. I'm going to want a back massage later." I whisper back acknowledging what he told me. I'm glad they talked.

"I may not be able to see you Joanne but I am sorry if I freaked you out." He says causally. I didn't reply to him. The TV comes to an end and the TV is turned off. The apartment door opens and Ami comes in. She sits down in the arm chair. Something's wrong.

"Vivian and Logan are making out once again and it is very awkward sitting there alone." She informs us all. That is understandable, I would feel uncomfortable as well if someone started to make out and I was the only one there with them. Being a third wheel isn't fun at all.

"Awe honey its okay. I'm sure they are just celebrating her birthday as well." Patrick says as he leans forward in his chair.

"Who else is celebrating a birthday?" Ami questioningly asks. Patrick pointed towards Noah and me. But I don't think he knows I'm here at the moment. Right. "Happy belated birthday Noah. Where's Joanne?" She asks.

"She's invisible and a little upset with me. Well maybe upset isn't exactly the right word. It's a long story. I will tell you another time." He says noticing she was going to ask. I'm not upset with him; he just has to make it up to me. There's a difference, but he knows that and its been clarified. I carefully get up and walk behind the couch to where Patrick is sitting. I kiss his ear once and he got a boner. He got embarrassed and left the apartment without a word. Ami follows soon after, giving Noah a questioning look. He just shrugs before she left. I stay invisible.

"Do you want that massage now or later?" Noah asks not sure of where I am. I nod my head but he wouldn't have seen it. I go into his room at that moment and lay on his bed. I become visible so he won't hurt me if he decides to just fall on it. Noah stays out there for a while before coming into his room. He sees me then with a look of pure tiredness all over him.

He walks over to the bed and he sits by my feet. He didn't say anything to me he just sits there as he gets things to float around his room. I guess he is rearranging again or is just cleaning up. I'm not quite sure. Music starts to play. I guess he wants something to listen to.

"I'm guessing you did that to Patrick just to get them to leave?" He asks as the flicker floats to me. I nod my head. "Alright. I can tell you're tired. I do apologize from the bottom of my heart about earlier. I really hope you can forgive me." He says as he gets up. He walks to the door and left, closing the door behind me. He didn't need to leave the room. I feel bad that he feels like he can't even in in his own room right now. I feel as though I have eaten cement.

Thats how far my stomach has dropped. My heart feels heavy now too. Why do I feel like crying? What did I do now? Is it my fault that he feels like this? He did make the comment about being caught. But I said it would be fun. I didn't mean that I wanted to get caught though. I just meant that feeling of getting caught. That's always exciting. Just miscommunication I guess, with his little head working harder, it happens. I'm not upset at him or annoyed really, I just wanted to have some fun.

A few tears run down my face from all the stress of this afternoon. Soon enough we will be cramming for our finals and I won't see much of Noah. Unless we study together, but I don't know if he will. I lay here as tears come down my cheeks. I didn't bother turning the music off or turning the TV on. Is there something wrong with me for not going after him? Why did he leave me now? Does he think I'm pushing him away or something?

But I don't see how I could be pushing him away. What have I done to him to leave? What did I do wrong? The tears just come down my cheeks. Why am I making this into something it isn't? I am my own worst enemy for sure.

I feel as though I might explode with all thats going on. I feel like I'm radiating heat all over my body. I notice the door open and Noah walks in. I didn't look at him. Noah hurries over to me and places his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Noah asks frantic with worry as he sees me on his bed crying.

"I'm okay. Just thinking about things." I tell him. Its true, thats all I have been doing.

"You're over-heating. What has you all stressed out?" He asks sitting on the bed facing me. He looks concerned.

"You. Our disagreement. I don't know who is at fault for it. Everything is so confusing. I know its a misunderstanding, but it bugs me for some reason." I tell him trying to get it off my chest. He half smiles as he rubs the back of my hand. He smiles, trying to help.

"I apologize for earlier. Its my fault okay. I had misunderstood what you were saying alright. I am really sorry for what I said. Please try to cheer up. I don't want you to get sick or have another fire explosion. I will make it up to you. How does a massage sound?" He informs me. He's taking responsibility for what happened, thats nice. I half smile at him as I nod my head. A massage sounds very nice right now. He stands up so I can get comfortable on the bed. I take my tank top and shorts off before I lay on my stomach in the middle of his bed. I am facing his TV so that we can watch something, if we decided to. I fold my arms and rest my forehead on my hands. I turn my head to look at him. His eyebrow is raised a little and he has a half blank half curious look on his face.

"Don't give me that look Noah. I could easily go back to my place if thats what you want." I ask him. He makes a funny face and walks over to the bed, trying to keep his face as neutral as possible. I don't really want to go back to my place.

"I apologize. I just didn't know you prefer to be like this for a massage. That's all." He informs me. He turns the music off and the TV comes to life. Friends re-runs are on. Its been a while since I have seen this show. Its the one in England where Rose is going to get married to Emily. What a nice episode. Its just starting.

~~ I hope you all like this chapter as well. Hope all's day/evening/afternoon's are going well. :)~~

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