Chapter 44. Study

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As I thought, the days seemed to have bleed together in a blur of assignments, and review in class of what is expected to be reviewed for the exam. Some of the classes as long as you kept notes you should be fine. Others, most if not all the information is already in the textbooks so it isn't hard to find the information to go over. Its the odd one that if you don't have a certain example or explanation it's in the notes if you took it. If not then your going to be screwed.

Its the week before exams and all next week is booked for exams. Yes, I know its like one exam for each day. That isn't bad. But for a few of the classes instead of an exam it is a paper that is due on the same day as some of the exams. Its only about 3 papers we have to do. So, the last few days I've been working on the papers non-stop so that I can focus on studying for the exams.

I feel as though I've become a hermit though. Go to class and once I'm home I am basically in my room door locked and working on the papers as long as I can before I fall asleep at my desk. Then I wake up and do it all again. I've been doing that for days. But thankfully I have all the papers finished now. Its Wednesday and I need to get going on studying. Class is going by as it normally does. Once next week is over it will all be ok.

Vivian, Ami and I spend hours studying together after school for a couple days. We quiz each other on what we have in our notes and stuff from the textbooks as well. We go back and forth for hours. Once we've done that for a while we eat and go to our rooms. I'm exhausted. I text Noah when I can and he's been studying as well. He's come to study with us once but it got of topic. Vivian instead found it more fun to talk about me and him together instead of focusing on getting through next week.

The weekend is already here and our first exam is in a few days. I know I am ready for it but I am nervous none the less. The weekend goes fast as well as I continue to go through my notes and books. I spend this time studying with Noah as well. Its easier to study this way too. It isn't always on the spot and easier to explain some things then when your given question after question from Viv.

I close my book and look at Noah who is sitting on the couch across form me. This weekend we are in my dorm for once. Its not often we stay here but I like it. I put my things away as he looks at his stuff still.

"You doing alright Noah." I ask as I go into the kitchen. I grab a drink and sit next to him.

"Yes, I am fine. I think we are ready for our exams. What do you think?" He asks closing the books on his lap. He looks at me after placing his stuff onto the table. He leans back into the corner and places his arms along the couch, getting comfortable.

I snuggle up close into his side. He runs his fingers through my hair as I place my arm around his mid section.

"Yes, I think we are. Just can't wait until this week is over. Then we can get our grades back and then its Christmas holidays." I say softly. I'm glad its almost the holidays. But with my parents work its hard for them to get the time off so Im most likely going to be alone most the time and be doing nothing.

Its never fun to spend Christmas alone. Even if theres nothing I can do about it. Maybe I will visit friends or Noah. If I'm lucky that is.

"Yeah. Got any plans for your holidays babe?" He asks me.

"No, its going to be quiet. My parents work so I will be alone. What about you dear?" I tell him with a soft sigh. Its life. I want expecting anything anyway. He twirls some of my hair around his finger as he places a finger under my chin to get me to look up at him.

"Not a lot just seeing my parents and some family might visit. Not sure though. Hey Jo, would you like to come over for Christmas and meet my parents." He asks as I look up at him. I blush.

"I'd have to ask my parents first if its ok and only if your parents are ok with it." I say as my heart beats behind my ear.

"They are fine with it dear I had already asked. Don't get nervous I can feel your heart beating faster. They are excited to meet you ok." He says with a reassuring smile.

"Ok I will let you know once I talk to my parents dear. I love you." I say. I freeze. That's the first time I've said it like that.

"I know you will and I love you too." He says kissing the top of my head, melting me.

We move to my room and cuddle there as we watch some movies on Netflix on my computer. We don't study the rest of the weekend because we are ready and know we got this.

Monday comes. Exam to do. Hours of torture and then it is done. It wasn't as bad as I had thought it was. Finished it just under an hour. We are able to leave after an hour. I hand my exam in and leave. One done 4 four to go.

Tuesday comes. Exam to do and finished it. 3 more to go.

Wednesday. Exam. 2 more to go.

Thursday. 1 more day and then exams are done.

Friday. Exams are done now. Only have to wait for the results online. I hope I did well. I know I got this but still. Now just got to wait for the answers.

I go to my dorm and pack a bag for the holidays. I don't need to bring much since I still have stuff at my parents house. I put the bag by my door. I don't need to go until after the weekend. I lay on my bed relaxing now that this semester is over.

Before the new semester I will need to get the course schedule. My door opens and Noah walks in with a smile.

"Hi dear." I say to him.

"Hey baby. Now its the holidays." He says laying beside me on the bed.

~~What do you think of this chapter? Hope its enjoyed. Have a great weekend all.~~

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