Chapter 45. Meeting my Parents

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"How did you do on the exams." He asks me after I've woken up from a good sleep.

I scroll through my grades again. He also looks at his as I make sure I see it right.

"I passed everything with A's. What about you?" I ask him, closing my computer.

"Same. A's as well." He says putting his phone away.

I hug him. He kisses the top of my head. I'm so happy that we both passed and did so well. I knew I had no reason to be nervous about it. But anxiety does that and exams add to it. I go to the closet and get dressed for my day.

I think we need to go get something to eat for doing such a good job this term. It's been a long term. Dramatic at times. But we came out the other side with one term left to go. We also have each other now.

Vivian and Ami left to go home yesterday after exams. They offered me to come visit any time I want. They are great friends because they know I won't have anything to do alone. I told them I will visit when I can. Though I'd rather visit at Noah's the whole time but I know that isn't going to be happening. The names on their doors vanished. Mine hasn't since I won't be leaving until tomorrow, Sunday.

I take Noah's hand and we go towards the mall. Since we don't have to leave yet I do want to spend time with him as much as I can until we leave. We go to the food court and even though its not fancy I pay for us. For our good work.

"I did call and ask my parents about Christmas. They said its ok if I come visit and meet your parents." I tell him.

"I'm glad to hear that." He says smiling. I smile back. I'm nervous to meet his parents but I know that there isn't anything to worry about. He has a gleam in his eye and I don't know what to expect from it.

After eating we walk around the mall. We meander to pass the time. We go into random places, alone or together. I get a few nice things for myself. I find something I think Noah would enjoy. I hope he likes it anyways. I get it. By the time we leave the mall we each have gotten a few different things. When we get back, he goes into his dorm as I go into mine. Logan and Patrick left yesterday as well. I put what I bought into the bag I packed so I have it on hand. I hope Noah likes the book I got him, as well as the art supplies. He hasn't been drawing as much lately so I hope he gets back into it.

Not long after I put my stuff away Noah comes into my room with his own bag. I'm guessing his stuff is slowly going back to his home while he is in here now. Tomorrow my stuff will go.

I kiss Noah. I feel the charge right away. Its been a while since we were physical. I give him a hug as I put a movie on for us to watch. I enjoy cuddling up next to him and watching a movie. I playfully wiggle against him and he hums when I do that. I giggle.

"Maybe another day ok. I'm tired Noah." I tell him as I face him and cuddle close to him.

"Ok baby." He says with a smile. As much as I really want to have fun with him that way, I don't think right now is the time.

We go to bed. The hours pass by. The sun shines as we wake up. Day to go home for the holidays. Only reason I stayed behind and didn't go with Viv was because Noah had his own car and promised to drive me home. I was lucky to be able to spend the few added days with him.

I get dressed. There will be a lot of boredom this holiday but nothing wrong with that. Maybe I can do some reading and what not. Noah comes out of my bathroom dressed and has a smile.

Some of my stuff starts to disappear as it goes to my parents before next semester starts. Noah gets his bag and I get mine before we leave the dorm. I put the key into the mailbox for the next people to use. I put my bag onto the back seat of Noahs car. I sit in the passenger seat as Noah starts the car.

I run a hand along his jaw. He drives us down the hill and I direct him to where I live. It doesn't take too long. I get my bag and head to the door. Noah stands with me. I don't want to be away from him until Christmas and then away the rest of the time.

"Do you want to come in. I'm sure my parents would like to meet you." I say to him casually.

"Sure." He says with a smile and nervous. I open the door and put my bag by the stairs. I hear some music in the back. I know my place isnt fancy but its home. I open the back door and my parents are there.

"Hey mom and dad. I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Noah." I say to them as I give each of them a hug. They hug me back and smile at Noah.

"Hello Noah and welcome to our home." My mom says standing up and shaking his hand.

"Hello Noah. So, are you treating our daughter properly?" My dad asks shaking his hand as well. He isn't exactly giving him the stink eye but he isnt smiling either. What have I done? I bring a hand to my face. This wasn't the time to introduce them.

"It's nice to meet you both. Thank you for welcoming me Mrs. Winters. Yes, I am treating her with respect and with care Mr. Winters." Noah says respectfully to them both shaking their hands back. My dad lightens his face and smiles softly.

"Good." My dad says to him as he offers Noah a seat.

The rest of the day goes by fairly smoothly. My parents ask about Noah and what his interests are, how we started to date, where he grew up and other personal stuff. In the end they were smiling a lot and warmed up to him. That in itself made me smile a lot.

It's hard for them to warm up this easily but I am glad they have now. Noah is important to me and I am so glad they like him. The sun has set now and its a bit chilly. I don't want Noah to leave but I know he will have to and go home.

I can see by the look on my moms face that she is going to do something. I just can't pin point what it is that she's going to do.

"Noah it has gotten late and I don't want you to drive home this late. Will you please stay the night?" My mom asks him. I don't know whos more shocked, my dad, Noah or me.

Noah composes himself quickly though.

"I appreciate that Mrs. Winters. Thank you." He says with a warm smile and a slight head nod. Noah quickly gets his bag from the car and puts it by the stairs next to mine. We all came into the house then. I get a water bottle from the fridge as my mom shows Noah where he will be sleeping tonight.

They come back down and I give Noah something to drink as well. Without another word my mom and dad go to their room. They do have work tomorrow and have to get up early. I hope its a good day for them. I'm surprised to have had them home today. I am glad they got to meet Noah.

"It is late. Lets go get some sleep and then tomorrow at some point I guess you will have to leave." I say with a slightly sad smile.

"Yeah I know. But at least we can have a good night and eat something tomorrow together." He says smiling. We go upstairs and I go into my room. Noah follows in behind me.

"This is my room Noah." I say to him unsure why he followed me in here.

"Well this is where your mom showed me that I will be sleeping." He says back as I blush. Well thats something.

I put on some pajamas and so does Noah. We get into my bed, which thankfully is big enough for us. I give him a kiss goodnight, snuggle close to him and fall asleep.

~~I do hope you all enjoyed this chapter as well. I'd enjoy your feedback and comments. If you liked it please vote~~

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