Chapter 27. Bus Ride Home

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"What's wrong with you two?" I ask as I go onto the bus and put my bag down. They did the same and we leave the bus. Ami told the coach we are going to the bathroom and to be quick. We get to the bathroom quickly and just stand there.

"Well you had the most playing time so you weren't able to notice it, but Noah couldn't keep his eyes off of you." Ami says beaming.

"And your happy about that because?" I ask confused. I thought they didn't approve.

"I thought you guys didn't like the idea of me being interested in him?" I ask them curious.

"You have it all wrong. We never thought he was wrong for you. We just wanted to make sure he changed. Anyways with everything that has happened we agreed that he has changed for the better and we approve." Vivian tells me.

"Well I'm glad you feel that way. I didn't notice, but I was playing so didn't have the time to watch the crowd." I say blushing.

"You really like him don't you." Ami asks. She hasn't noticed.

"Yes I really like him and thought you already knew that. I like how things are going even with only having one date." I tell them as I put lip balm on. I take the elastic band out of my hair. That's more comfortable for sure. We exit the bathroom and leave the school.

"I'm glad your happy." Ami says as we head towards the bus. Some of the guys are rough housing by the other bus. Noah is pushed out of the group. It didn't seem like they were hurting each other because they all are smiling, even Noah. I guess they're just having fun. Vivian and Aimsely look over at them as well. One of the guys whistles as they see us approach the bus. With that all the guys look over at us. I look at us and our uniforms are thick trap tank tops with short shorts. They are very comfortable when were playing the game but I guess its revealing for that reaction.

Noah is the last to look and his smile isn't like the rest. His is pure and it said I'm not picturing you naked. Its nice. We didn't pay too much attention to the whistles and stares. We just get onto the bus. One of the other teachers got the men on the bus. This time I am sitting next to Ami and I have the window seat. Noah flashes a toothy grin and waves before he got on the bus. I smile back before the doors close behind him. Vivian is sitting at the front talking to some of the other girls.

"You know she means well right. I don't think she ever really disapproved. You know her, when she wants something she goes after it. But surprisingly this time she doesn't seem to be trying as hard to get Noah. I am happy for you Jo. Remember if Viv gets out of hand char her outfit or something." Ami says half-joking. She smiles.

"Thanks Ami. I can count on you for the truth. Yeah, I mean one date doesnt always set the tone for everything. But with him things are different. I only notice him when there's other people around. My heart races, I can't get him out of my head, he gives me butterflies, and I read his texts a couple of times over. When he kisses me its like were the only people in the world. I feel alive when I'm with him and that nothing else matters." I tell her not afraid anymore of how I feel about him. I smile as I look at her. She smiles as well. She is overjoyed. She turns in her seat to face me.

"Joanne. My dear friend Joanne. I think youre in love with Noah Harrison." Ami simply tells me with the biggest smile ever.

"Pardon me. I like him yes but I wouldn't go that far." I tell her as my stomach drops a little bit.

"Joanne Winters you are in love with him. Everything you described is what everyone I have ever known said when they described their true love." Ami says. My eyes widen and my jaw hangs open a little. I kind of smile but I shiver at the thought of it as well. I can't be in love.

"I can't be. We only had one date for goodness sake. How can this be?" I murmur in shock.

"Oh, its happened. Try not to freak out alright. Remember your second date is tomorrow." Ami says trying not to scare me. I am mumbling random things about not being ready to be in love. About how could this happen, I never thought I would find love. I shake my head no, a little in shock.

"What happened to her?" Vivian asks as she sits behind us.

"Its finally happened. One of us has fallen in love." Ami simply tells her. I lay my head on the seat in front of me trying to figure this out. When could this have happened? Yeah, I have liked him for a while but that doesn't mean anything.

"Seriously. How do you know?" Vivian asks surprised, happy and confused all at once.

Ami fills her in on what I had said. She tells Viv how I described it and how she knows that means I'm in love. Now they are filling up with a different type of joy now instead of from the win.

"I can't believe it. Give me her phone." Vivian asks. Ami got it from my bag and hands it to her. I sit up and lean my back against the window not really paying too much attention to them.

"What are you going to do?" Ami asks, curiously.

"I'm going to get his number and text him to see how he feels. I may be jealous but I put it to good use." Vivian tells her. Ami put my phone back before she moves to sit beside Vivian. I stretch my legs out. Why did I let this happen so early? I can't believe it. But if I admit anything to myself and this isn't real then I will get hurt.

They are giggling about something. Maybe Vivian is going to say something that is immature. I am not going to bother them. If they are having fun with this, then why should I stop them? I close my eyes and smile. I lean my head back and just picture his smiling face. I really do love his smile. Its so warm and caring. The ride back to school seems to be taking longer. I hear the girls go awe over something. I sort of came to and look at them. They are smiling profusely.

"What happened?" I ask them as I sit at the end of the seat to look around at them. They are looking at the cell phone and are definitely in awe of something. Ami has a hand covering her mouth. Its going to be something sickly sweet. They didn't answer me or look up at all. "What's going on Vivian?" I ask more directly. She scrolls to something on her phone.

"Start where I ask the question and then read the response." Vivian says showing me where to start from.

"Okay." I say nervous and curious at the same time. They are radiant bout what it says. I read what Vivian wrote. It reads:

Hi Noah its Vivian. I will explain how I got your number later. I have something serious I have to ask you because I really don't want to see my best friend get heart broken. I will tell you why later. But I need an honest answer or I will beat it out of you. Noah what are your feelings towards Jo? Are you serious or are you just playing her?

I read what she said a few times. Thats okay for her. At least there isn't to many threats. I scroll down to his answer.

I'm guessing you took Jo's phone to get my number. I don't mind because I knew this would eventually happen. I will only be honest as long as you don't tell her. I know thats a lot to ask of you. Alright where to start. I can't even tell her to her face right now, but I am trusting you with this, so don't tell her.

I can't get her out of my head. I am always nervous I am going to screw something up and lose her forever. My heart races whenever I see her. I have knots in my stomach when were together because of how much I enjoy being in her company. I don't ever notice anyone else around us because to me she is the only person I see. She is the only person I will ever see. She is always stuck in my head, that when I close my eyes I see her face. I always picture her beautiful smile and eyes. I can always pin point her voice in a crowded room. I can't sleep most night because I'm thinking of what I could say to her the next day. Even if I don't say any of it. I know we have only been on one date but I can honestly say that she has my heart. She has had it since the first time I ever laid eyes on her. I get flustered, tongue tied and shy away from her. Pease don't tell her.

~~I had so much fun writing this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it just as much as I did. I will be updating another chapter soon enough. Would love to hear your feedback. :)~~

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