Chapter 25. Belated Birthday Party

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The day seemed to go by fast and soon it is Monday. The day to present our first project. I can't worry about the project for this afternoon, so I did my best to push it out of my head. It isn't worth that much but still. I can't believe that Noah wanted to be my partner. Then again, his friends were probably having a feud with him or something. But the presentation went by without any glitches. My friends of course were shocked that we had paired up for it. I guess I have some explaining to do. But I'm glad the presentation is over and school is out. I can't believe how fast the days seem to be going.

"Why didn't you tell us he was your partner?" Aimsely asks happy.

"I didn't tell you because I wanted it to be a surprised. Why do you sound so happy about it?" I explain to her. I raise my eyebrow at her happy tone.

"I'm happy because sooner rather than later you're going to start dating. He did say by Halloween you will be steady." She reminds me.

"Yeah right." I say to her.

"What did you do for your birthday? Sorry we forgot about it." Vivian says as we went to the bulletin board to see who made the final cut for volleyball. The three of use made it. Awesome. They only missed it because they thought it was today. Glad she remembered after the fact.

"Oh you know I relaxed and did my own thing. Then I went on a date. When you mentioned my birthday on Friday for some reason you thought it was today. I'm glad you remembered it has passed now though." I tell them with a laugh as we leave the school. We didn't talk about volleyball because its not exciting right now.

"Cool. Sounds like you had fun. Sorry about that, for some reason I always think its a little later. Who was the date with?" Ami asks with a nice smile.

"Thanks Ami. I did have a good time. Its okay it happens." I say as we get to our building. Thankfully its close. I didn't answer her question at all and I know they will be asking me again later. We go inside and before they can ask me any more questions I go into my room and lock the door. I put my things away and go right to bed. I am exhausted. I wake up with a start as my alarm goes off. I can't believe I fell asleep so fast last night and its already Tuesday.

I get ready for the day and head out the door with my headphones in my ears. Today we have some drills to run in volleyball. Thankfully we're just practicing and just warming up today instead of just playing. So, I am allowed to listen to music. When practice was done, we hit the shower and dress for class. I can't stop smiling as I listen to the songs. My friends didn't seem to notice.

Not that they really paid attention because for some reason they were doing their own thing. But I don't mind. We always hang out during these practices in the beginning anyways. First period went by fast. We get to second and I am in the middle this time. The teacher gives us something to read for the whole class.

"Who did you have the date with on your birthday? Don't leave it out or I will go searching your mind Jo." Vivian asks as she looks at me above her paper. I lean back in my seat. Thankfully the three of us are in the back and the teacher can't see us. Ami is looking at me in wonder. Of course, she would bring this up again, since I didn't tell them yesterday. Why couldn't she wait until we are home?

"If you must know it was with Noah." I tell them honestly. Why hide it, they will find out eventually anyways. Though I hid it from them for at least 24 hours.

"How did it go Joanne?" Aimsely asks.

"It went really well. Nothing bad happened and it seems like he has changed for the better. Its not a front or anything." I tell them. I really don't think he is trying anything and I want them to see that as well.

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