Chapter 10. Forgivness

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"Thank you, Vivian. I don't feel bad about myself and see myself clearer now. I am happier and don't feel as empty anymore." Aimsely says breaking the silence with her smile.

"I am glad you're feeling better Ami." Vivian replies with her own smile.

"Where did the day go?" Ami asks noticing that the night has taken over.

"It disappeared as we all were thinking over what had been said earlier this afternoon." Vivian conveys to her kindly.

"Should we talk about what had been said now or at a later date?" Devon wonders shyly, afraid to speak at all. We all look at each other not knowing how to really answer that, will it open a can worms.

"I think the longer we sit on it the worse we may feel." I say truthfully. They seem to silently agree. I shiver a little as the cool breeze came by. Ami and Vivian put a sweater or something like that on. That was smart of them to bring something. I didn't think I would need it because I thought we were going to be in bed by now. Where to start I wonder?

"I know I've done a lot of stupid shit to all of you. I don't mean to do it, I just want to know if everything is alright with you, that's all. I don't mean to hurt any of you in particular, it just happens when I get jealous or cornered. I hope you all can forgive me. Jo, I only feel like that towards you I guess because you're just so kind hearted and caring towards everyone that I wish I was like that. I am just unhappy with myself sometimes and I didn't mean to take it out on you like I did this afternoon. Can you forgive me?" Vivian sincerely asks. The others nod to show they forgive her. I can tell she is really sorry and means what she is saying.

"Yes, Vivian I forgive you. I always will. I can relate because no matter how much I want to despise Noah with all my heart, certain things always change that. Just slightly. I don't like it because he isn't the right guy. Devon I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, even if it was unintentional. I know you've been hurting about stuff, so please if you want to talk about anything, I am here ok. Can you forgive me if I gave you the wrong impression?" I forgive Vivian, giving her a hug. I can tell she feels better after getting it off her chest. As I addressed Devon, I look at him and sit closer so he doesn't feel like I'm trying to withdraw or feel uncomfortable with what he said.

"Joanne, I always forgive you no matter what happens. I guess its my handicap. We can work on being more open with each other. It will take some time but its doable. You never gave me the wrong impression and I know you never led me on. I just built it up in my head, please forgive me." Devon asks with a faint smile. I give him an encouraging smile back.

"Yes, I forgive you. Aimsely, my dear sweet friend. You don't ever need to compare yourself with anyone because your beauty is more unique and special. You are petite but your strong and beautiful, you stand up for what you believe in and you don't let anyone push you down. Trust me you can be your own worst nightmare. Please believe me when I say this but you don't need a man to make you feel good about who you are. You are my hero because you are yourself all the time." I say complimenting her. She smiles and I can tell her confidence grew a little. She will get there in time. All she need is us to help her along the way.

"Thank you, Joanne. You are a very dear friend and you know exactly what to say. Is it possible to pretend that this never happened?" Ami asks a little uncomfortable from the growing cold and being so honest.

"We can put it in the past. It may never be forgotten though." Vivian says knowing that to be so true. We all nod to that. With that they stood up with their things in hand and head towards home. Devon and I didn't move at all. I don't think Ami or Vivian even noticed we stayed behind. I lay on the towel just looking up at the stars. Devon lays beside me. I shiver a little as the wind blows again. His arm is nice and warm against mine. He sits up, grabs something and then he puts it onto my stomach. I sit up and feel what he gave me. It feels like clothing, maybe a sweater. I give him a hug.

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