Chapter 13. Mall

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"Yes. I want to know about the kiss he gave you. That and what you're planning on doing today." Vivian says as thy stand in my doorway.

"No kiss. I told you that and we haven't figured out what we are doing yet." I inform her nosey little ass.

"So, what's going to happen between you two now? Are you dating or what?" Aimsely asks a little clueless. Devon and I look at each other for a few seconds.

"Ummm. We haven't really talked about that yet Aimsely. Its something that we don't want to rush." Devon plainly says to her. That's exactly what I would have said.

"Okay." She replies as they leave. We sit under the window for a little bit, listening to music. Should we talk about it now? I think I will let Devon make the first move. Its not like them coming in here wasn't annoying or anything.

Should I perhaps dress for the beach....or go to the mall? I could always use some new clothes. Halloween is right around the corner....well a few months away but still its never to early to find pieces to a costume. I guess the mall sounds good. It will at least take my mind off certain things. I'm sure thats what I told them we were doing anyways. I do love a good shopping trip.

"I'm thinking that the mall sounds like fun right now. If you would like to join me." I ask him with a smile.

"It sounds good. When would you like to go?" Devon asks as he leans forward in the chair.

"Let me get my purse and we can go now if you'd like." I ask him as I get up and go to my closet. I take off the sweater, hang it up and get my purse with what I need. I go to my desk, turn the music off and grab my sunglasses. I look at Devon who is smiling at me.

"Sounds like a good idea to me Joanne. Eventually we will have to talk about us. You know that right?" Devon says as he walks over to me. I smile and nod so he knows I heard him. I do like him, but I'm afraid to get hurt. Or worse, hurt him and I don't want to do that.

We left my apartment, without seeing the girls. I will see how today goes and then let them know what's going on. The mall is a 10 minute walk in the opposite direction of the beach. Its nice that it's so close. We silently walk to the mall, not really knowing what to say. Devon didn't walk to the door when we got to the mall, he just sat on the bench beside it, looking puzzled.

"What's going on Devon?" I ask him, concerned that something is wrong. I sit beside him so we can speak privately.

"A few things. One in particular is Noah wanting to be a better person. The other is if you want him more than me and if that's true then what are we doing?" He asks me, feeling confused.

"If Noah does have a miraculous change, then I might reconsider how I feel about him. But not any sooner. I do like you Devon and I would like to see this become something. Lets jut see what happens." I say to him as I hold one of his hands.

"Okay. I don't want to get hurt and I know you won't do that to me on purpose. That sounds good. Lets take it slow and see how it goes." Devon replies with a smile. He blushes a little as he looks at our hands.

"Good. " I agree. We go into the mall.

The directory is right there and I look at it to see where all the stores are. Devon goes into the store that's on the left. I let him go as I look at the directory. There are several stores I'd like to go into. Victoria Secret and La Senza for one thing I'd like to check out. Victoria Secret has such nice things but can be pricey at times. Looks like theres a lot on sale though today and on a very good sale.

Glad I came to the mall today with this sale going on. I grab a bag and look around for things I'd like to try on. I casually look around the store grabbing things I'd like to try on or buy. I put many things into the bag to try on. I look out of the store but don't see Devon. Oh well, I guess he found something he likes.

I go into the change room, locking the door behind me. I slowly go through all the stuff I put into the bag. I got a bunch of stuff. I put the stuff I don't like on the bench so I can make sure it gets put away. The stuff I want to get I try on to see if it fits well. Some things I don't need to try on but others I do. Hmm of the stuff I like, I think I will get them all. Once I know what I'm getting I leave the change room, put the stuff I don't want on the cart and walk out to the rest of the store. I see Devon's sitting on the bench outside and he gets up when he sees me in here.

"Hey you, I thought you might have come in here." He says as I get to the register. I give the cashier the bag of stuff I want and she rings it through.

"Yes I did and I'm glad you waited outside." I say to him keeping his eyes off of what I'm buying. I didn't need to try hard he kept looking around the store.

"Yeah don't generally like coming in here and I never had a need to yeah know." He days smiling awkwardly as he fidgets a little.

"Yes I know Devon." I say to him. The cashier put it all through and I pay for my things. I thank her and we leave the store. I smile to him as I get the bag and we leave the store. We walk around the mall, in no real hurry because we have al day to just relax. We pop in to other stores to look around and occasionally get something. Devon got a few things as well. It didn't take us long to go through the mall. We didn't get to many things but we got what we wanted or needed at least. Its good to stretch the legs like this. I look at my cell and its already 3 in the afternoon. I put it away. I can't believe how fast time went by.

"I'm hungry. Are you hungry at all?" I ask him as my stomach growls.

"Yes." He says right away. We walk to the food court. I look around at what they have for us to eat. As we walk around the food court, we both stop at the same place, looking at the selection they have. We look at each other smiling and knew we both wanted to eat at the same place.

"What do you want Joanne. I'll pay for you." Devon offers. That's very sweet of him.

"Thank you so much Devon, I appreciate it." I tell him sweetly. We go up to the cashier and we both order what we want to eat. Mmmm love burgers and fries. Devon pays for the food and I get our bags and bring it with me to the closest table that we can sit at. That way we don't have to walk across the food court for a seat. I sit down and put the bags on the empty seats. I check my cell again and notice I have a missed text. I open it and see that its from Vivian. Of course, she wants to know what I'm doing right now. I message back saying I am with Devon at the mall and getting ready to eat. I send it and put my phone in my pocket as Devon comes with the food. He sits across from me.

"Here you go Joanne, enjoy. " Devon says as he places my order in front of me. It looks and smells so good.

"Thank you, Devon. I will enjoy it and I hope you enjoy it as well." I say to him. I put some ketchup on the side for my fries and then take my burger out of the package. I take a sip of pop and then we both eat. Mmmm its so good. Devon is smiling too.

We ate in silence mostly. I eat the last of my fries tauntingly as Devon watches me eat it. The way he watches me do it though turns me on a bit. Damn its been way to long since Ive had fun. I haven't even been on any dates with him and all I can think of is sex. What is wrong with my body? I got out of the daze just as Devon sits down from putting the trays away.

"I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did." Devon says with a smile.

"Yes I did. Thanks again for getting it and for being such good company." I tell him with my own smile. "Its been a long day, if you don't mind, I would like to go home now."

"That's alright. There's another time we will hang out." Devon says as we get up and grab out bags. We slowly walk out of the mall and back towards him.

~~Hope you enjoyed :)~~

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